I Think I Was On A Date Today...0_0

      Okay, so I went to the tennis courts at my school today to hang out with some of my guy friends just for the hell of it. We were talking. Volleying. Some of us on the side were playing with a frisbee. And then, it was time to leave. The other guys had to go to swim practice - so it was just me and my friend Kevin. *I am using his real name because I'm tired of using alias names* I didn't feel like going home or anything so we ended up going to the library. After that - we went to Ranch 99, a grocery store that had a bakery and a little restaurant in it. It was kinda funny how he just draped his shoulder on mine and while we walked in the aisles, we just talked about our families and our problems. And then I bought some food from the little restaurant - he didn't eat any of it. He just watched me eat as he talked to me more about his family. After that, I got ice cream. Again, he got nothing. During the car ride, I finally hear him sing - since he's told me he takes a vocal class in college. I gotta say - he sounds okay in Korean and even better in Viet.
     I mentioned that I thought I was on a date, right? Well, after the ice cream, we end up walking around Wal*Mart - just for the hell of it. He drapes his arm around my shoulders again, and I end up wrapping an arm around his back. We start walking around the aisles and we start talking about video games. Romantic, right? So as we were talking, he points to the PS3 and the game in it was Happy Feet 2, funnily. He leads me to it and puts the controller in my hands. I didn't want to play, but he wouldn't let go of my hands. So I played... as his hands stay on mine. As I'm playing, he starts talking to me about Senior Ball and dancing. He also kept saying I was warm. Kinda threw me off, but I just kept playing as we kept talking. I was starting to lose, so he started playing, his entire body behind me. I unexpectedly have my hands on his like he did to me earlier. He then makes me play again - and he wraps his arms around me, wanting me to finish a stage by myself. I at the prep part so I really didn't want to fight a boss - but he goes "act as if it is a relationship - you gotta put all your effort into it to make it work." I end up beating the boss and he squeezes me, gently, and goes "see? you can do it." Funny he says that when he's never been in a relationship. Lol - a random little girl asked if we were playing the game, so we stepped away so she could play, chuckling. Funny ha ha thing - his arms were still wrapped around my waist. Our hands were holding each others and we kept walking and talking. We ended up in the sports aisle - and he starts showing me how to hold a tennis racket properly. We put the racket back and we check the time. It was time to go home for the both of us, so he unwrapped himself from me, and we resumed the drape/wrap. We continue talking - he then told me that he was curious about relationships and kept asking me questions about today. It was kinda cute how he was curious. And then we started singing in the car LOL When he dropped me off, he asked me to rate how he'd be in a relationship based on today. After thinking about it - I told him "A-". I then implied he would have gotten an "A" if he kissed his girlfriend, whoever he decided to date. We then said our goodbyes. I'm not gonna lie that I thought he was gonna kiss me at some point while we were at Wal*Mart... and I wanted it to happen. Today... today made me miss being in a relationship. To trust someone. To allow myself to be vulnerable. I kinda wish that today was an official date or something. I would have liked that...


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