What's Writing Without Photography?


So, I took some pictures about and hour ago and just finished editing them since my camera is just a simple digital Samsung. Aigoo... I really need a new camera. But anyway, here are the pictures I took! Hope you likeeeee c:




These first two I actually took a week or two ago when the weather was actually nice >.< But I thought I'd stick em in with the others.


Guess what song I was listening to! *hint* It's by AA c: <3


Yes, the "I AM" poster is my background for my iPod xD



Sanso gateun neo<3


I'm performing this song in our school talent show with a friend of mine. He's going to play the piano while I sing^.^




F.T. Island :D


~And that is all. I hope you liked them! Constructive criticism is welcome, because I know I still have a long way to go with this photography business xD Haha; and my editing isn't the greatest. But I will learn and post better ones when I do ^.^ Thanks for viewingggg c:


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Shineegirl101 #1
omo they are so pretty/amazing!!!!! i love them! can't believe you took ALL of them!

You are so good! Your pics are daebak!!!!
You are really good at taking pictures! They are all so pretty! You seem to live in a very nice looking area. I am jealous that you have access to such beautiful flowers and fields. You know?
Good luck on the talent show~ SUCH PRETTY PICTURES^^ It looks so peaceful there. Wished I lived there! All the grass here are yellow and dying v.v