Elemental application


Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo



Contact Information


AFF Username: TheBestOfKpop

Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/115589 

Activeness on a scale of 1-10: 10 (im just about always online except when I'm sleeping =D)

Any other means of contact?: email is [email protected]


Your Character (1 of 3)


Name: Min, Akiko

Nickname(s): Kiki

Age: 20

Date of Birth: 13/06/1991

Height: 165 cm | 5 feet 5 inches

Weight: 50 kg | 110 pounds

Languages spoken: Korean (fluent) | Japanese (fluent) | English (conversational)

Nationality: 1/2 Korean 1/2 Japanese

History: Akiko can't remember her mother. Honestly, she can't remember anything past the time she was nine years old. According to her dad, the family (comprised of Akiko, her mother, her father, and her brother) was on a camping trip somewhere in the mountains. Akiko and her brother had gone wandering away from the camp site exploring the woods. There was a loud crashing sound in the distance and the siblings decided to find out what was happening. They ran toward the sound completely oblivious to the smoke that could be seen rising above the trees in the distance. They where caught totally unaware by the rising wall of intense heat and flame that engulfed the forest. No one was ever certain of what caused it: probably an unattended fire left by some campers. Akiko, being only nine, was confused and unsure of what to do. She stood there while her brother ran and escaped. He yelled at her to follow, but she ignored him being as defiant as ever. However, when the heat grew extreme and she was face to face with the wall of flame, she turned and began to run. Unfortunately, she tripped and hit her head on who-knows-what. It knocked her unconscious. The first memory she has is of waking up in the hospital with singed hair and burns all over her body. Her mother was no where to be found. No one talked about what happened to her mother and to this day not a word has been said about her. At first, Akiko believed her mother had left the family because she was so beat up. Later, Akiko put two and two together and concluded that she had died in the fire possibly even while rescuing Akiko.

After the incident, Akiko and her family have lived as normally as possible. With a little help from the doctors and a lot of scar cream, her skin went back to normal and her hair eventually grew back out. The only scar left is on her upper arm and is, according to her father, from a cooking accident when she was young. The family lives a middle-class, quiet life that is overlooked by society.

Family: Mother|| unknown name || Deceased and Akiko does not know her date of birth (but it's June 14th) || Akiko has no memories of her and has never been told about her or seen photographs of her.

Father || Min Seohyue || 45 years old, born May 5th || salesman for company that sells security systems || He is hard working and determined like Akiko, but he prefers to go with the flow than try to force his way upstream. || He is often busy with work and rarely sees Akiko and her brother though he encourages them in almost everything they do and he accepts who they are. He is a laid back parents and believes that kids should make their own mistakes and learn from them so he rarely says that they can't do something and he tends to stay out of their way.

Older Brother || Min Akihiro (Akiko calls him Aki) || 23 years old, born on June 12 || fashion designer/artist/poet || He is somewhat of a romantic and often times has his head stuck in the clouds. He dreams up the strangest things and expresses his thoughts on canvas, in his poems, or through his clothes lines. He is bubbly and happy always and never lets it show when he's frustrated or upset. || The two are closer than best friends. They share everything with each other. Aki opens up and spills his guts to Akiko since it often gets too much for him to hold in. Akiko tells him her thoughts and feelings and explains all of her problems. They listen to each other intently and give advice when they can. The pair has grown inseparable and they remain best friends to this day.



Your Character (2 of 3)


Personality: A fiery personality. She is a fighter and is not afraid to speak her mind. If she believes in a cause, she will fight for it until she's blue in the face. She won't give up on something she believes in no matter what. You could say that she is recklessly determined. In the past, she has organized rallies, modernized her old school district, and changed the lives of some people and their outlook on life. She is never afraid to speak her mind and put words to her thoughts and she always will whether you want her to or not. and brain seem to ignore each other and Akiko likes it that way. She doesn't want to censor what she says because she wants to show people the way she sees the world and she wants other people to agree with her. Obviously, she can't force others to see things her way, but she can try her hardest to at least give a clear picture of what she wants others to see.

She is also a big fan of arguing. If she doesn't agree with something someone says, she'll let them know and argue to the bitter end that she is right. She usually wins these arguments or the other person just gives up. If Akiko is proven beyond a doubt dead wrong, she will stomp out of the room, lock herself in her room (or any room with a lock that happens to be around), and never speak to that person again. It sounds rather spoiled of her, but she believes so strongly in what she thinks is right, that she is unwilling to accept any foreign ideas. Yes, she is extremely close minded when it comes to already standing ideas she has, but she is actually very willing to learn and explore new things. She loves to try new foods, go to foreign places, learn about new ideas. After she learns these new things, she goes out and makes her own hypothesis based on the new information and she adds it to the collection of her beliefs and fundamentals.

Akiko is also very defiant. She doesn't like to do things because other people told her to, she likes to do things of her own accord. However, when she knows you are just trying to help her and she really should do what you tell her to, she will (though not always right away) do what you ask. On the other hand, if she doesn't see the point in something or she believes that there is no reason for her to do it, then it won't get done. It's not that she's lazy, its just that she thinks that she knows best what is just and fair.

This brings us to the next point: she believes in justice, equality, and fairness above all else. She believes that everyone is equal in society and that everyone should be treated so. She thinks that the world is an unfair place and she believes that one of the reasons she was put on Earth was to help the world become more fair in any way she can. She does not agree with court systems even though they see everyone as equal because she thinks them to be unfair for many reasons such as not being allowed to be tried twice for the same crime. She understands that this can be considered fair, but she disagrees. She is currently in the middle of coming up with a court system that is more just and fair in her eyes.

Akiko couldn't care less what other people think of her. She knows she can't change their opinions so she doesn't bother trying to. She actually genuinely enjoys when people look at her funny as if to say "What's her deal?" She stays true to who she is and doesn't let others boss her around or change her. She is an independent spirit that loves to dance free of outside influence like a fire burning its course wherever it wants to go.

She is also extremely active and lively. She is always out doing something whether its spreading her ideas, going out partying, hanging out with friends, or practicing her dancing. She can rarely be seen relaxing doing nothing and when she is, you don't want to be around her. She is usually only inactive when she's either sulking, pissed, or grumpy. It's not a good time to be around her, so she is often ignored when she isn't doing anything.

Akiko is also known for her extreme yet rare temper. She can go off like an explosive if you push her buttons. When she gets angry, she screams and shouts and sometimes even resorts to violence (though not usually). This doesn't often happen since she honestly doesn't care what others think of her. The only times she does fly off the handle are when someone tries to hurt someone she cares about or when someone gets on her nerves repeatedly (and on purpose).

Akiko has two sides to her. One side is bright, cheerful and playful while the other side is serious, deep, and wild. It's a lot like a real fire. When it's under control and small, it radiates life and energy giving it a happy, playful air. However, when it grows too large and is no longer contained, the fire is a serious threat that becomes cynical. Akiko is usually the small flame: tame and reasonably safe. She smiles a lot and has an endless amount of energy. But when she turns dark, it's not a good thing. She grows quiet for a moment and seems to recede into a completely different person. She grows serious, never smiling or laughing when she's in this mood. At any second she could explode into a killing frenzy (not literally.... more like a shouting insulting words and throwing punches frenzy). When she is like this, Akiko knows no boundaries. She pays legitimately NO attention to what she is expected to do and what is considered acceptable behavior. She will break out into fist fights right in front of a cop or screams curse words at her parents. At times like this, only her brother and Jonghyun can bring her to her senses.


  • speaking her mind
  • people who don't care what others think
  • her brother and Jonghyun
  • people who see her point of view
  • arguing
  • winning arguments
  • martial arts
  • spicy food
  • traveling
  • learning
  • chocolate (especially dark)
  • justice, fairness, and equality
  • parties
  • friends
  • dancing
  • being active
  • laughing


  • fake people
  • cheerleaders
  • courts
  • people who bite their nails
  • people who don't stand up for themselves
  • doing nothing
  • ummas
  • people who invade her privacy
  • s
  • boredom
  • small children


  • dancing
  • speaking her mind at gatherings
  • collecting souvenirs from the places she travels
  • acting


  • sighing really loudly when frustrated or dealing with kids
  • going really wide eyed when learning something new that she's interested in
  • not covering when she coughs
  • talking with full


  • getting bronchitis, getting duct tape put over , and anything else that could stop her from talking since she sees her words as her only real weapon


  • She has a large birth mark on her side that is remotely shaped like a star.
  • She is a really good cook when it comes to flavorful foods, but if you try to get her to cook plain foods like pasta, she'll throw in all sorts of spices to try and give it more of a taste. It often doesn't turn out well.
  • She absolutely cannot stand high heels and refuses to wear them.
  • She has a small scar on her upper arm from a burn she got as a kid while baking a cake.



Your Character (3 of 3)


Position: Lead Dancer

Public Persona: She acts like she always does. She hates people who act differently based on who they're talking to.

Persona: Extreme (this represents her determination, ferocity, loyalty, and how every aspect of her seems to be to the extreme)

Fanclub name: Sparks (for being the sparks that help light The Flame aka Akiko)

Fanclub color: Deep Red

Stage name: just Akiko


Time to be social!


Friends: Eunhyuk || The two met though their love of dance and often dance together. They give each other tips and have grown closer over Akiko's years as a trainee.

Dara || Neither one of them remembers exactly how they met, but hey started talking and magically became friends. They spend girl time together which Akiko doesn't mind though its not her favorite thing to do. Dara is about the only girl friend Akiko has.

Best Friend: Chunji || The two aren't opposites exactly, but they are definitely not the same. Chunji began flirting with Akiko right away and Akiko found it..... interesting. She told him that and he started cracking up. They have a humorous, spend time with me and forget about life for a while relationship.

Rival: Kyuhyun from Super Junior

Reason for rivalry: Something about that kid ticks Akiko off. Maybe it's his slight laziness. Maybe it's the fact that he sits around and plays star craft every moment of his free time. Maybe its that he acts like a cute, loving, mischievous person on camera, but he is in reality a conniving little brat. Akiko hates his guts and Kyuhyun has, on many occasions expressed the same feelings toward her. Another key factor in the rivalry is that the two are often compared to each other by coworkers. Kyuhyun is the incredible singer who is unafraid to do what he feels like and Akiko is the incredible dancer who is unafraid to say what she feels like. Being compared to that low down brat is enough to make Akiko explode. 

Love interest: Jonghyun

How do you two act around each other?: Jonghyun is known as the skinship king and he lives up to his name. He loves to kiss and hug Akiko in public and she doesn't mind. After all, who cares what they think? Jonghyun isn't one for cheesy romance, but he knows a good move when he sees one so he gives her chocolates and presents whenever he feels like it. In a way he spoils her. Despite being dating, they often act like best friends. They dare each other to do embarrassing things and they laugh at anything. They often act like immature middle schoolers when they're together and they love having fun together. They sometimes go on normal dates like to the movies or dinner, but they prefer more active, entertaining dates such as the amusement park or going to the circus.

Jonghyun can get easily jealous when Akiko flirts with another guy, but he usually doesn't over react. He simply walks up and puts his arm around her sometimes kissing her to send the message that she is his.

Do you keep in contact?: They try to make as much time for each other as they can, but Jonghyun being an idol and Akiko being a soon-to-debut trainee, it's hard. Sometimes they don't see each other for over a minute for a week, but they survive and text almost daily. Neither one is overly concerned about where the other is and they have learned to trust each other so they don't feel the need to be in constant contact. It would just make both of their lives more difficult.

Any scene requests?: some lovey dovey scenes would be nice but you don't have to go overboard =D


The BIG Questions


Does your character represent Earth, Water, Fire, or Air?: Fire

Password: Only the Avatar can save the World

Anything else?: I absolutely love how you're making this like Avatar =D best anime EVER!!! And now the sequel's out!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHH



your love interests(who may also be friends, rivals, and/or best friends):

Onew(Jinki) || Jonghyun || Key(Kibum) || Minho || Taemin


key- friend best friend rival



Taeyeon || Jessica || Sunny || Yuri || Yoona || Hyoyeon || Sooyoung || Seohyun || Tiffany


Super Junior:

list 'em as they are chosen





Bom || Minzy || CL || Dara



Changjo || Ricky || Niel || C.A.P || Chunji || L.Joe



Soa || Melanie || Juliane || Tia 


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