application thangy~

Name: Axellerose Keilani Santiago

Nickname: Ax, Ku'uaki (only by her family)

Age: 19

Birthday: 11/20

Height: 5' 7" (170.2 cm)

Weight: 58.98 kg (130 lbs)

Blood Type: AB


Ethnicity[be at least part asian]: American- born Filipino

Birthplace: Kalihi Valley, Hawaii, USA

Currently living in: San Jose, California, USA

Languages you speak [max. 5]:English, Korean, Spanish, Traditional Hawaiian


Family Members: Kinipela  (Mom)- 49 - alive - Nurse; First Lieutenant Diego (Dad)- 56 - deceased at age 50 - US Army Veteran; Micah Koa "Micah" - 14 - high school student


Background: Ax and her family lived in Hawaii for quite a while. Her father was rarely there, due to his active service on the front lines of the military. Nevertheless, the father-daughter bond was strong. One day when Ax was 13 years old, and her brother only 8, they recieved a letter saying that their father had died in battle. After her father's funeral a few weeks after receiving the letter, the family had decided to move to California. So they did.


Personality: headstrong, sarcastic, sturdy, a definite leader, but totally soft on the inside.

Likes[+3]: MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) , Animals, music (dur.), the color black

Dislikes[+3]: the color pink, haters, people who think the military doesn't do anything to help the country

Hobbies[+3]: Freerunning/Parkour, MMA, sleeping

Habits[+1]: curls and uncurls fists subconsciously, gnaws on her knuckle-skin when thinking



When did you start to like K-pop, and why?: When my friend showed it to me. I liked it because it was unique and nothing like music in the states

Who is your favourite Shinee Member?: Onew <3

What is your favourite song?: ...There's too many to decide just one

What do you like the most about Shinee?: I really don't know. There's just something that just draws me to them.

What don´t you like about them?: That they work themselves too hard

How would you react when first meeting them?: on the outside- cool, confident, and calm. on the inside- totally fangirling forever.


Other K-pop Bands you like [optional]: TVXQ, B2ST

K-pop Bands you hate [optional]:


What could happen while you are in Seoul?: Anything.

Would you start dating someone from Shinee?: Totally.

Would you date someone from another Band?: Maybe.



Ulzzang Name: yukihana30

Appearance [+3]:

School [+1]:

Casual [+3]:

At Home [+3]:

Date [+3]:


Anything else you want to say: Nope. :)


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Hey thanks for applying =)your charachter seems really interesting and I also hate that shinee often times seem to work themself to death =(
also your chara seems to have quiet the sad past,did something like that really happen to you???
ohh and how did your chara handle the situation? how does she react when someone brings it up?

well I will definetly get back to you, if you your chara made it or not =)
so till then
LG DreamingLight