So...I was in the bathroom XD IT WAS SOOOO CRAZY XD Like….well, I think I was the crazy one XD

They started talking about stuff like…

“I didn’t really like the actor for Peeta…but his acting ACTUALLY wasn’t that bad.”

“I couldn’t look at him the right way. I keep seeing him in those kids shows and I think of that all the time.”

“He reminds me of that kid in Lord of the Rings.”

“He’s not even that handsome. I don’t get why girls drool over him. Gale is SOOO much hotter than him.”

And I was there in the next stall FUUUUUUUUUUU-ing XD

At the part about Lord of the Rings, I almost blurted out “Frodo?!” But luckily I covered my mouth with my sweatshirt like Katniss did



Those two ladies (they’re like…30+ XD) also shushed some teenagers in the front…LOUDLY. She also pointed at them and I felt like going “U MAD TEENAGERS?”


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I just thought I would write this for you....
Do you know that muffin man, the muffin man, the muffin man, do you know the muffin man that lives in district 12?

It's Peeta
b2stlyturkey #2
Oh God Gale, RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN! The cougars are after him