Taken from ifallelsefails unni. I'm really bored... But these are fun, really makes me embrace who I love


  1. Hyukjae
  2. Jinki
  3. Kyuhyun
  4. Yoona
  5. Soohyun
  6. Seungho
  7. Donghae
  8. Doojoon
  9. Daesung
  10. Niel
  11. Seohyun
  12. Jonghyun


1) Have you ever read a six/eleven fanfic before?
Seungho and Seohyun? Goodness no, and they wouldn't fit..

2) Do you think four is hot? How hot?
LMAO Yoona is amazing ♥

3) What would happen if twelve and eight started going out?
Jonghyun and Doojoon... Nope because Doojoon is a bit too serious and Jonghyun has Key. 

4) Do you recall any fics about nine?
Ashamed T__T I don't read DaeDae

5) Would two and six make a good couple?
Onew and Seungho? LMAO probably. They're both leaders and both dorks >:D But Jinki belongs to me... 

6) Five/Nine or five/ten?
Soohyun and Daesung or Soohyun and Niel... Yeesh the first one because then they can sing together and bellow together

7) What would happen if seven walked in on two and eight kissing?
I think Donghae would be scarred to see Doojoon and Jinki...

8) Make up a summary of a three/ten fanfic.
Kyuhyun wants to train Niel so he can be an evil little child 

9) Is there any thing as one/eight fluff?
Please no...

10) Suggest a title for a seven/twelve hurt/comfort fic? 
Donghyun... LMAO JjongDong :D That's definitely going to be funny... How about Fishy and Dino? 

11) Does anyone on your friends list have the same name as three?
I wish 

12) Does anyone on your friends list draw or write eleven?
Not really... I like writing SeoSeo though!

13) Have you ever read any two/four/five?
Jinki, Yoona, Soohyun... no but I like Jinki being Yoona's sister! (thank you to Laurice unni) 

14) What might ten scream at a great moment of passion?
Girl you're making me crazy >:D 

15) If you wrote a songfic about eight, what song would you use?

Fiction because he starred in it 

16) If you wrote a one/six/twelve fic, what would the warning be?

Hyuk, Seungho, Jonghyun. Warning: Derps everywhere 

17) What would be a good pick up line for ten to use on two?

Hyung you sure look like a y piece of chicken 

18)  1 and 8 are in a happy relationship until 5 runs off with 9. After 8 dumps 1 for 12, 6 gets upset and retaliates by dating 12. Alone and broken-hearted, 1 travels in search of a friend. Finally, 1 meets 4 and 7. The three loners meet 10, who tells each of them to look for love. 4 finds 3, 7 gets 11, and 1 finds fellow loner 2 and both of them fall in love!

Hyukjae and Doojoon are in a relationship... until the bellowes Soohyun and Saesung run off together. Doojoon gets with Jjong and Seungho picks him up. Then Hyuk meets Yoona and Donghae. They meet Niel who tells them to fall in love. Yoona meets Kyuhyun and Donghae gets Seohyun. Hyuk and Jinki fall in love.

LMAO er no. Because once Hyuk meets Hae, he would be done and SeoSeo can be best friends with Jinki. Because Kyuna is a yes ♥ 


19) What would be a good title for this?
"I Should Have Stopped When I Met You"

20) What would the genre(s) be?
It would be romance, and lots and lots of derpy and comedic moments. Then I'm going to pair up my own OTPs. T__T 


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ariana #1
Hahahahaha hyung u look like a y piece if chicken XD
lol 18. when hyuk met hae, that's it XD
LMAO! no. 16 cracked me up!
i love no. 19...