A Nice Thing

Hey Guys!!!


I just wanted to tell everyone something I did today!!!

I didn't want to brag in school, and it's not bragging but I thought I should spread the kindness...


Well today, in my school they were having a fundraiser for some kids to go to Vanuatu and help out at a Seventh-Day-Adventist School over there (I go to a Seventh Day Adventist School and Church btw.) so they were selling CANDY.*Spaz*


And my friend said to me, "Do you have money? Will you come with me, coz I dont want to go by myself!!!!"

And so I said yes and got $10 from my locker.(Well my wallet inside my locker b=coz my locker doesn't hand out money!^^)


We went down and I saw sugar straws. Now, I don't know about you but I LOVE sugar straws, and so I asked the girl with the sugar straws, how much they were.

She told me they were only 50 cents. And in my head I was like BARGAIN!!!

And then another thought struck me, wouldn't it be nice to buy as much as I could and then give them to people for free??? So I asked the girl how many I could get with $10 and she said 20.


I immediately thought of the Gr 6 class that my sister and a lot of my friends were in. That's the year younger than me peeps.

So I said "Can you plz get me 20???" And she was like ok!

SHe eventually had to open another box to get the amountI wanted.

(LOL the guy next to her had thos face on that said *Is she a sugar maniac?*) So I grabbed the 20 and ran over to the primary school and handed them to my old Gr 6 teacher. She looked so surprised! And I felt so happy.....

Because it gives me more of a high to see other people happy than me actually eating tonnes of sugar. I had to go back and buy 6 more so that the whole class could have some but it was ok. I had to borrow $1 off my friend coz i ran out too... Well I didn't run out it's just they wouldn't have enought change for a $100 note....

 I thought after wards that maybe I should of bought one for every kid in the Primary school but I realised they probably wouldn't have enough sugar straws.....

So today I felt really happy and I hope if any of you get the chance make other people happy tooo!!!!!!


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