I did it coz i was bored.

It's 1:10 am and I can't go to sleep so mmm...


Gender: Female.


Birthday: Ren from NU'EST and I share the same birthday.

Siblings: Older and younger siblings. Stuck in the middle.


Eye color: I don't stare at myself in a mirror unless I'm sugar deprived.


Shoe size: Still growing. And I don't care about shoes unless you can run in them.


Height: Don't care.


What are you wearing: Dance your heart out blue top and grey trackies. Sleeping requires no need to dress up.

Ooh and fluffy socks!*^^*


Where do you live: Stalker....


Righty or lefty: Lefty.

Who are your closest friends: Nadia,Zozo,Hoya,Bobbin,Me. (These are there nicknames)


Best place for a date?: In a sunshiney meadow with lots of sugar and yummy food!


Where is your fav place to shop: I don't shop unless it's for candy. Then it would probably be any candy shop!

Favorite kind of plant: Coriander. The seeds smell nice.


Fave Color(s): Green, black, black and fluoro pink, anything to fit my mood.


Fave Number: 3/7


Fave Boys Name: Aidan or Adrian


Fave Girls Name: Fern and Evie. (Everybody HAS to love there name,right?)


Fave Sport: Netball. Only sport I can play, thats why I'm a sub...

Fave Month: November. Spring days!

Movies:  I don't like picking favourites but the Anne of Green gables movies (theres 4 now i think) are up there.


Juice: Lychee


Finger: Pinky. Coz it's short like me. 


Breakfast food: Vietnamese rice noodles


Favorite cartoon character:Not sure... 


Given anyone a bath: Nope.


Smoked: Never, and never will, it's bad for you.


Made yourself throw-up: Nearly but it never quite made its way up. Trying to play sick...


Gone skinny dipping: NO.

Eaten a dog: What do you think I am? Dogs are cute, would I eat something cute? No. Unless it was candy.


Put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Sadly, yes.


Loved someone so much it made you cry?: My iPod? I don't love people. Just like that.


Broken a bone?:Fractured pinky.



Played truth or dare: I layed it once, but like being me I just lied my way through it.


Been in a physical fight: What are siblings for?


Been in a police car: No. Don't wanna be in one unless I can get out of it free.


Been on a plane: Once when i was five so no memories...


Come close to dying: Nearly hit by a car, neary drowned, couldn't breathe, panic attack, yeah not much.



Been in a sauna: No, not fond of those things,


Been in a hot tub: Once

Cried when someone died: Two tears count? I didn't know the person well.


Cried in school: Everybody has at least once.


Fell off your chair: I was laughing to hard...


Wait for someone's phone call all night: Yes. My dad's when he went to Perth to fix up one of our houses...


Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: No. Does it automatically.


Saved e-mails: Automatic.


Fallen for one of your best friends: I don't love. or like people in that way.

Made out with JUST a friend?: No. Who would?


Used someone: Yes.




What is ...


What's your good luck charm? Bracelet from my friend that looks like peas.


Best song you ever heard: Current favourite has got to be 'I'll back off so you can live better" by G.NA and Junhyung. Can't wait for BoA's comeback though..


What's your bedroom like:Plain, smells like blood from to many blood noses,stinky, needs to be cleaned, messy with school stuff and hiking stuff everywhere. STILL need to pack that up!


Last thing you said: 'Romeo, romeo, you said you were coming,

romeo, romeo, where did you go?

You said, no matter what you'd stay here by my side,

nothing could take apart or wash us out with the tide.'

Lyrics to the song I just wrote.

What is beside you? Blankets, B.A.P. Headphones, laptop in front, junk, food, stuff. I'm surprised I'm not fat with all the food surrounding me.


Last thing you ate:Seaweed crackers.

What kind of shampoo do you use?: Starts with P. Smells like .....


Best thing that has happened to you this year: I made a new best friend. First in two years.


Worst thing that has happened to you this year: B*tches keep attacking me.



Have you had ...


Chicken pox: Yeah.


Sore Throat: Yep.


Stitches: After running yes, real ones? no.


Broken nose: Nope...




Do You.


Believe in love at first sight: To lucky people.


Like school:  Are you serious? I'm in a class made up of b*tches, how can I?


What schools have you gone to: this is my 4th not including the across campus change.


Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: No. There cute.


If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: My Pathfinder leader and a helicopter and pilot.


Who was the last person that called you: My friends don't use phones. they use facebook. Which means I'm left out. Always.


Who was the last person you slow danced with: No one  #forevaalone


What makes you laugh the most?: My best friends and funny things that no one else seems to find funny.


What makes you smile? God, Pathfinders,Church, Food, Smiles, Happiness, Songs, Comebacks, LOL moments.




Last Person ...


You yelled at: My sister.


Who broke your heart: #forevaalone


Told you that they love you:My Best Friend.

Is your loudest friend: Can't tell but it's usually me and Bobbin when we see sugar and food combined equals chaos




Do You/Are You:


Do you like filling these out? I'm bored currently 1:41 am


Do you wear contacts or glasses:Glasses. Contacts too expensive.


Do you like yourself: Not all the time.


Do you get along with your family: no


Stolen anything over $50: No.


Obsessive Compulsive?: Obsessive? OH YEAH.


Anorexic?: Others say i am but I don't think so. How can you be anorexic and love sugar? Doesn't wor.


Suicidal?: Been. Sometimes still am.




Final questions:


What are you listening to right now? Oppa,Donseang by G.NA


What did you do yesterday: School.


Have you hated someone in your family: Yes.


Got any awards: Everyone has.


What car do you wish to have: For dTerritory or Falcon or Fiesta or anything that is Ford. Bobbin you and your dad have brainwashed me. Figures since your dad works for Ford.


Where do you want to get married: AT sunset on a beack wearing thongs XP


If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change?: How I look, and sometimes how I act. Many things basically.


Good driver:No. Not old enough but by how many times I crash in Mario Kart Wii, something tells me I should just stick to public transport.


Good Singer: no. I can write songs but singing no. Well I can't hear myself but I suspect no.


Have a lava lamp: No


How many remote controls are in your house: 3/4/5/6/7/8/9???


Are you double jointed: Nope.


What do you dream about: Anything..a lot of things xD


Last time you showered: Monday night. Showering tomorrow.


Last time you took a bath: When I was 7 or 8?


Scary or happy movies: Depends if I have someone to hug or squeeze to death.


Chocolate or white chocolate:Dark mint. Don't wanna answer the exact question.


Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: What's Dr.Pepper?


Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O +Jelly Australia, so maybe mud? Coz I got experience from floods and stuff.


Vanilla or chocolate: Choc-mint.


Summer or winter:Spring


Silver or Gold: Gold. Go for the best when you have the chance.


Diamond or pearl: Diamond.


Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset, NOT an early person


Sprite or 7up: They both contain sugar!!!


Cats or dogs:  Not an animal lover... Well if there mine.


Coffee or tea: Coconut juice.

Phone or in person: Person. Wait depends on the situation.


Indoor or outdoor:  Both.


ITS 1:54 am so I'm gonna sleep so I don't dir tomorrow.


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