Hate it

Ok so me and 6 of my friends have been planing to see the hunger games and have benn planning to go see it the day it comes out. So I had asked my parents and they said yes and everything and my dad promised to drop us off at pacific theaters cuz we got out early Friday. So we waited in the front of the school and they came and the seven of us went and my mom bought the tickets and we got inside we were all stoked to see it an I read all three books and I love catching fire the most. So any way we saw it . WHAT A BIG disappointment. I thought it would be just like the book in a way but NO they took out ALOT of stuff from it which is stupid because they don't want to pay the author. Well it's her in book ur makin a movie bout don't take so much our sheesh. For once I am clearly disappointed for those who saw it and liked it please don't judge me I'm just stating my opinion. *sigh* they messed up my fav book twilight is 2nd place hunger games is 1st and always will be. Why why hunger games this is what I've been waiting for and u ed up. Why T_T. * hides in corner*


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