The Arashi 30-day Challenge for Interesting People {Day 6}

Day 6: You have the opportunity to give each of the members a birthday present. What do you get them?


Aiba: Mmmmm....either some manga he loves.

But if money weren't an option I'd find a way to let him spend a whole day in a laboratory to do some of his experiments. ^_^ 


Sakurai: A years supply of 'Frisk' peppermint candy! xD

This is only because I wouldn't know what else to get him. :3


Ohno:  I think I would get him something art related. For example: paints, an easel, paint brushes, pencils, sketch paper, etc.

However, if money were no option I'd get him a fishing yacht.


Nino: Maybe a new guitar, a piano, or tickets to his favorite baseball teams game.


Matsujun: A trip to L.A. or Las Vegas...I read somewhere that he wanted to go or something Harry Potter related.


Ending note: Geez this one made my brain itch... I wasn't sure what to put down.

Anyway, I threw the whole "if money weren't an option" thing out the window when it came to Nino and Matsujun....I figured you all could figure it out what I could afford and what I couldn't.

Thanks for reading!!!


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