kpop made me .............



I’m from a northern country far away from anything nice and warm. I’ve been into kpop for 5 years now. I like many groups, I read all sorts of kpop news, gossip and secrets. I watch the shows. And I’ve become envious. Jelly. Koreans seem so nice and even childlike people (in a good way)! In my country there are no such things as acting “aegyo”, there’s no “couple clothing” or “couple rings” or anything like that! We don’t make funny faces or take pictures together (or if we do, we’re always super drunk… no-one has the guts to show their joy outside or acting friendly or kiddy with others when they are sober). We don’t have that kind of shows where idols come and tell about their lives or act silly. Actually there are hardly any idols in my country for teens and young adults to follow. There’s also no upbeat, fun music. Just sad, miserable songs about lost love and other problems. We don’t have those 20 episodes romance/action etc. dramas like you guys. Mostly we have to watch American dramas which are always similar with one another. Our food is plain and unhealthy. Our clothes are boring. Only thing I can find better is our school system - we don’t have to study like mad or stay in school for more than 8 hours a day, and being top in grades doesn’t mean we’re any better than others. Otherwise, I’m so jelly. I’m such a koreaboo nowadays. 




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sometimes I wish I live in Korea :(
AngelInHisHeart #2
This is exactly how it is where I live...
oooooh that's so sad... i guess i can relate to you sometimes^^'
well i guess that's the reason why aff exists^^