Endless Moment Comeback (AGAIN!)



Yeah, we sure make it a point to update the story every two months, lol XDD

Anyway, Chapter Six is on the process, my sister will update it maybe next week ^^ Here's the poster for it and a little teaser:


Endless Moment


“Just how can you deal with this?” Key said before gently closing the door of the hospital room. “How can you deal with something you can never escape from?”

A certain memory flashed in his mind and Key was wise enough to shrugged it off. He couldn't make himself recall those things all over again. He proceeded to walk away from the room, he’ll deal with Jonghyun later. “Luck,maybe.” He heard Minho said timidly as Key stopped walking. 

Yes, luck. Maybe Minho was lucky.

And he was not.


-Endless Moment, Chapter 6: The Aftermath


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AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! yipee!!! i'll wait i'll wait ^^

looking forward to it :)