FaXion Application :3

FaXion New Girl Group Application



AFF Name: TangNiYa

AFF profile link: 0.0



Name: Moon Na Sun

Nickname: Nayumi, Munkey (as in a Monkey way)

Age: 17

Birthday: February 6th

Blood Type: B

Place of birth: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Ethnicity: Korean | Japanese - Australian

Spoken languages: English [fluent], Korean [conversational], Japanese [conversational], German [basic]

Favourite music genre: Pop & Ballads

Appearance: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Nayumi has a childlike face with big chocolate eyes, small nose and a pair of think, pink lips. Her skin is baby soft and milky white. She's tall for her age but no too tall. She has slim body with curves just in right places. She often stylizes her hair but short or long, red, brownish or pink, she prefers it with bangs over her eyes.

Ulzzang name/s: Park Hyo Jin

Height and weight: 173cm / 48kg

Style: Formal | Party | Casual | Training | School | Dorm | Stage

Nayumi wears whatever she finds comfortable even if it's cheap. Somtimes she likes to attract attention and look y but doesn't like wearing heels. She likes to wear girly clothes combined with weary, street clothes (example ripped jeans) and prefers wearing Converse shoes, simple flats or boots. She doesn't mind wearing make up but prefers just a simple touch of eyeshadow and lipstick. She has rather simple style, jeans, some nicely looking shirt, leather jacket or hoodie and simple shoes. She doesn't like too much accessories but on her there's always enough room for headphones, beanies or cool looking bags.

Nayumi loves braiding her hair (and anyone else's that is). Braided hair is her recognisible hairstyle when on stage, often combined with All star shoes and some girly yet funky clothes with cool accesories.

When you first meet her, Nayumi seems like a rather quiet and shy person but her friends know better than that. Nayumi is in fact, quite loud, hyper and carefree. She likes joking and playing around but when she needs to be serious, she puts away her childishness and becomes a young adult she is. She can sometimes seem weird, as she has strange habits like stargazing, randomly snuggling up to someone or braiding someone's or her own hair. It's very hard to hurt her emotionally because she ignores most of other people's comments and is very tough. However, if hurt, she will never cry in front of someone and likes to keep her problems and personal life for herself.

Nayumi is really gentle and nice, very talkative but trustworthy. She's a good listener and a good friend to rely on. However, she can think very dirty and has very sharp tongue. She rarely thinks before saying something which sometimes gets her into trouble but she will take responsibility for her actions and apologize if she thinks she has to. Nayumi is very smart, hardowrking, talented and is a fast learner. She likes to be independent and respects everyone for who they really are, not for their money, background or what they're trying to be.



Nayumi was born in Melbourne, Australia from Korean father and Japanese mother as one of the triplets. She was the middle baby amongst her older brother JongUp and younger brother DongUp. Unoftunately, the younger brother died at the age of two from a brain tumor, leaving only Nayumi and JongUp as twins. The loss of DongUp, caused the two remaining twins to be really close and always look after each other. Most of her childhood, Nayumi has spent in Australia until her family moved to Seoul, South Korea due to her mother's business as she was a music producer.

Nayumi was always influenced by her mother to become a musician and since she was young she would go on dancing, singing and piano lessons as well as gymnastics. She showed a great interest and talent in music, especially singing and composing. She just knew how to put the notes together and express herself through music and lyrics. She has written several songs hat she sang on her auditions. When she was 15, she was encouraged by both her parents and her brother to audition for SM Academy as it seemed that it will provide the best future for her and her talents.

Family members:

Parents: Moon Myung Ho - Father - 50 - Restaurant Manager ; Moon (Yagami) Ryuka - Mother - 47 - Music Producer

Siblings: Moon Dong Up - Twin Brother - Deceased at young age ; Moon Jong Up - Twin Brother - 17 - Idol (B.A.P)




  • Stars
  • Boa; she's her idol
  • Braids
  • Singing
  • All Star shoes
  • Playing instruments
  • Composing
  • Books
  • her iPod; it's her baby
  • Listening to music
  • Fashion
  • Exotic fruits
  • Dancing
  • Rapping
  • Kids
  • Sports


  • Chocolate
  • Not being allowed to listen to music
  • Nuts
  • Arguing without a reason
  • Liars
  • Scary movies
  • Bad music
  • Reptiles
  • K-Dramas
  • Show offs
  • Bullies
  • Makeup
  • Heels


  • Composing
  • Writing lyrics, stories, raps, poems
  • Dancing
  • Gymnastics
  • Star gazing


  • Swears in German when angry or annoyed
  • When sitting next to someone she knows, Naymui likes to snuggle up to them
  • She will blow of her bangs if someone is ignoring her or simply bothering her
  • Braiding her hair when her hands are not occupied (or her hair already done :P)
  • Tapping her fingers or foot at a cretain rhythm when she has nothing better to do
  • Looks at the stars every night before going to bed


  • Singing
  • Rapping
  • Composing
  • Sports; mostly gymnastic or athletics
  • Stargazing


  • Suffers from insomia from time to time and is also alergic to nuts
  • She believes that her brother is looking after her and JongUp from the stars; hence why she likes stargazing
  • Has a scar on her lower stomach from her birth
  • Trained gymnastics since she was 9
  • Has a tattoo of a triangle in a circle under her collarbone symbolizing her closeness with her brother and reminds her of her early died other brother
  • Lived in Germany for few months with her mother when she went for a business trip to Berlin



Education: Korea Kent Foreign School

Why did you join the academy: Nayumi was discovered during one of her relugar concerts in her father's restaurant in Seoul. She was working there as an entertainer and would often sing and play piano or other instruments for the guests. One day, BoA herself came to the restaurant for a dinner and Nayumi was having a concert that evening. She was very nervous during her performance but she did very well and afterwards BoA talked to her and recommended her to audition for SM. Nayumi thought about it and soon figured she should give it a try. 

How long have you been a student in the academy: 2 years

School rank: Higher rank, Nayumi improved a lot since she started and is still improving with every song she composes

Instrument/s played: Clarinet [5 years], Violin [3 years], Piano [10 years]




Stage name: Nayumi

Personal fanclub name: Munkeys

Fanclub color: Chocolate Brown

Persona: Charismatic Child

Position: Main Rapper / Sub-Dancer | Lead Vocal / Sub-Rapper / Visual

Singing link: | 1 | 2 | 3 | - last link focus on JeA :)

Dancing link: | 1 | 2 | 3 |

Rapping link: | 1 | 2 | 3 |




Love interest: Minho | Key

Love triangle: BaekHo [NU'EST] - Nayumi's friend Aron tried to hook the two together but neither of the two were interested, however, Baekho has a thing for Nayumi and gets easily jealous or pissed off if he sees a guy get too close to her

Ex: none - she never dated before

(Best) Friend/s: Aron [NU'EST], Band mate [they clicked instantly the moment they met], Zelo [B.A.P], AJ [U-Kiss]

1) Yuri [SNSD] - Yuri and Nayumi used to be quite good friends until Nayumi told some of her secrets to Yuri who blabbered them out to her other friends, since then Nayumi couldn't
stand Yuri's constant teasing and hitting on Minho / Key becasue she knows Nayumi has a crush on him
2) DongHo [U-Kiss] - his arrogance towards Nayumi and her background annoys the hell out of Nayumi, some of his rude and shameless comments made Nayumi fire back at him few times which then resulted into big rivalship





Requests: Dramatic love triangle? Maybe....and *ahem* of course x)

Questions or Concerns: so far none ;P Good luck and I hope you like Nayumi ^^


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