Application for SuGaR AND sPiCe

Name: Lee Hoshi


Nickname(s): Star, Starra, Starra-doll


Birthdate: March 14, 1992


Age: 20 years old


Birthplace: Paris, France


Where raised?: Paris


Nationality: Half Korean and Half French


Personality: She is a really sweet and caring girl even though can cause her trouble. She tends to speak her mind and can be brutality honest. But she knows when to keep her comments to herself. She often bites her lip to stop herself from saying anything rude. She's also really motherly. She can be random at times. And when she becomes hyper and overtired she becomes quite silly and can't stop giggling like a little girl. She's not a morning person.


Bio: She was raised in Paris and after she turned 13, she moved to Seoul, South Korea because her parents wanted her to become closer to her dad's side of the family. Her mother is full French and her father is full Korea. She loves to dance and sing and has a real talent for it. When she is upset or frustrated, Hoshi either goes for a ran or dances to relieve her stress. She's very serious about her dancing and singing. She has a real passion for fashion and loves to shop. She knows how to play piano and the flute. She tends to zone out at times. She is the cousin of Taemin from SHINee. The two are really close and love to practice dancing together. She's not that good of a rapper. She has to work at it twice as hard than her dancing and singing.


Position in Group: Main Dancer


Appearance: Has long wavy brown hair and brown eyes.


Key from SHINee: Crush


Taemin from SHINee: Cousin


Onew from SHINee: School Buddies


Jieun from Secret: Best Friends


G-Dragon from Big Bang: Enemy (likes to pick on her for her poor rapping skills)


Your Own Fan-base Name: Star Gazers


Fan-base Name: Girl Power


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