Stop BLaming Hyoyeon unnie

have u guys watch the video where Taeyeon unnie got pulled off stage by an unknown male?? i was scared for taeyeon unnie...then when i read the commnts for this video, some of them are blaming Hyoyeon unnie for not doing anything... we can clearly see that, when Taeyeon unnie was pulled, Hyoyeon unnie was pushed off...and she clearly in shocked... even her dancing afterwards is not okay.... so stop blaming this one to see clearly hyoyeon unnie's face after that happened... clearly anyone who is in her shoes would feel the same too right??stop blaming unnie though`~~ and Sunny unnie was really brave...Yoona unnie too...walking from the other end quickly to Taeyeon unnie....thank goodness taeyeon unnie was okay... but seriously stop blaming hyoyeon unnie for not helping taeyeon unnie... imagine u were pushed before someone grab ur friend like that, u too will be in shock right??


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ForeverSooSicaLOVE #1
Zzzz seriously, i don't know why those people are so stupid enough to blame hyoyeon for..hmm... being scared and shocked?! Wow those people have never been scared for all their lives? Well, try me then, i will make you damn scared. And they are the reasons why there are chaos in every parts of the world... -.- If those people who blame hyoyeon are in hyoyeon's shoes and in that kind of situation, i bet they will definitely be more scared than hyoyeon was, they may even faint, so those who blame hyoyeon for being sefish and all the whatever stupid & useless negative comments, should try have an experience in that situation first before blaming everything on hyoyeon rather than that retarded bastard who went up on stage so god damn STUPIDLY, trying to kidnap taeyeon when there were like thousands of people down there watching snsd performing. So guys, how stupid is that huh?
chubbycheeksmochi14: true..yeah and that guy is really like wtf...poor unnies...
Who the hell was that guy?! He has the guts to go there and ruin the show? Aish. What the hell?!! And Hyoyeon was really startled, she didn't know what to do. I mean, she was shocked! Why would you blame her for that? I'm sure that f you were her, you would also be startled and panic!
ilovpocky93: that's why...some just blame her and one even said she dont deserved to be in SNSD...<br />
yuu014: yup stop saying she is selfish...
OMG! What the freak happened??? Hyoyeon tried her best to help even if she was in a state of shock! Some people are just soo selfish Q.Q
jeniscool100: yeah, but u should read some people saying hyoyeon unnie is selfish...<br />
placebograce : i don't know why just so sudden...<br />
daniela501: luckily, sunny unnie and the mc were quick enough to stop him before anything could happen to taeyeon unnie...but taeyeon unnie was really scared...she fell down too...
OMG.. What did the guy do to Taeyeon then?
Oh !!!!!!! who was that man????? what did he want??? why Taeyeon??
jeniscool100 #9
Oh my gosh I agree with you! If I was Hyoyeon, I would be scared out of my mind! Well, not as scared as Taeyeon would be, BUT STILL! I'D BE FREAKED THE HECK OUT! :O <br />
It's not fair to blame her like that. <br />
My gosh, she's only human! And all humans freeze up sometimes. <br />
But at least Taeyeon is okay. That's the most important thing, right? :3 <33333