My accident - delay in fics

Like the title says, I had a little accident yesterday. With my finger, that's why it's harder to type.

I'll describe it, if you find it disgusting, don't read the italic part!!!

I went to university the morning liked always, but when I sat in my first class, and moved my chair, my left hand's ring finger slipped in between the sitting board and the framework which I didn't notice until I sat down... When I felt pain I lifted myself and pulled out my finger, to notice that my nail was broken, a bit bleeding. Not only cracked, for what girls (I'm included too) usually complain about, it was broken alongside, from the base to the white part. I immediately left the class to see a doctor, it's not a simple lesion or bruise, it's a wound of the nail and the finger beneath, I didn't know how to handle it. The doctor scared me telling that maybe the nail should be removed, I should see a surgeant. His assistant put a bandage on my finger, she was nice, blaming those horrible chairs. Then I was told where the hospial is and I went there myself. I'd never been there before, and I hadn't been to hospital alone either, so I was very nervous. Fortunately, the surgeant reassured me that my nail should remain where it is, they rebandaged it, but to make sure my bone waswn't cracked or anything, he sent me for an X-ray examination, which I had to take the result of back to the sergeant. He reassured me that I didn't have a fracture either (which I had been sure I didn't have before, but it was good to hear from him as well), and told me to come back on Monday.

So almost everything is okay, it's just an injury of my nail on my left hand's ring finger, and a bit the finger beneath, it's bandaged now, a bit hurt if I try to curve it, but it's okay if I doesn't move it. I have to go back for check-up on Monday, because today is a national holiday, so tomorrow is a day off too, so we can have a long weekend. (In return, we'll have to work/go to school next Saturday.) The bad thing is that the bandage can't be taken off until Monday, and it's a bit more difficult to type like this.

So despite the fact that I planned to update both of my multichaps and write two new stories (I already started them, but won't upload until I finish, I don't want to make readers go insane of waiting, and also myself of having four unfinished stories), and even correct my sister's story which she finished one and a half weeks ago so that she can finally upload it, I don't think I'll be able to accomplish all these because of my injury. :/ I'm very sorry about it, it's my bad luck. :S So I'll go for the multichaps first, and then I'll see what else I can do in these four days off.

Sorry for bothering you with my complaining and also for the delay of my fics.

Have a nice day (and better luck than me)! :)


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aRIssA #1
So... I just found out about the blogs today...
Hope you're hand is fine!
Ahhh, feel like a Pabo!!
Omigosh @_@ Get well soon. I wouldn't want my nail to be like that ever @_@ I still want to paint and let someone do nail art on my nails XD !!