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Asianfanfics Name: TheBestOfKpop

Profile Link:  click!!!


Full Name: Miki Sae (pronounced Meekee)

Nicknames: Mik (pronounced Meek), or Mi

Age: 22

Birth Date: June 13

Birth Place: Fukuoka, Japan

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Korean

Languages Spoken: ~ Korean, Japanese, English (conversational)


Personality: She is a lose cannon. Once you get her started there is no stopping her. With anything. This includes talking, running, smiling, laughing, and everything else you can imagine. Her ramblings can go on and on forever and your lucky if you can get two words in during a "conversation" with her. She is like a ball rolling downhill, you can't stop her no matter what and she just gets faster and faster the farther along she goes. If you let her talk for long enough, her words will become so jumbled together you can't understand them no matter how carefully you listen.

Because of her tendency to never stop once she gets going, she is extremely hard working and determined. Just like anything else, once she starts working or practicing her dancing or singing, she doesn't stop until she collapses on the floor or someone literally pulls her away from what she is doing. If she sets out to complete a goal, she will not rest until her goal is complete, even if someone drags her away, she will find a way to finish what she set out to do.

Miki tends to be rather oblivious to the outside world when she is in the middle of something. If she is intently practicing or talking with her friends, you could scream awful things at her and she honestly wouldn't even notice. Likewise, if her best friend, Kiyomi, tried to talk to her while she was singing, Miki wouldn't even acknowledge Kiyomi's existence. It's not that she tries to ignore them, but she goes into her own little world when she is occupied that only contains herself and whatever she is doing at the current moment.

Miki also has a bad habit of letting get away from her. In other words, she doesn't think before she speaks. This has gotten her labeled as someone who is unable to keep a secret and it has gotten her into a lot of trouble with friends, family, and even strangers. She doesn't usually mean to insult them (key word: USUALLY), but it often comes out that way. moves faster than her mind does. And this brings us to her failing grades. Her mind doesn't work fast at all. Her grades are awful and always have been. It's not because she doesn't try (cause she works her off studying and doing homework), but something just doesn't seem to click in Miki's mind. She just doesn't get it. And by "it" I mean everything. She holds the record for the most failed classes at her old high school.

You would think that because of her extreme determination and work ethic she would be the person to ask to do chores and run errands, right? Wrong. Dead wrong. If Miki is given work to do that she finds unimportant, boring, or stupid she will forget about it the second after you ask her to do it. It seems kinda controversial on Miki's part, but that's how she operates. This combined with ignoring people, her bad grades, and constantly forgetting what other people say, Miki is seen as an airhead.

Kiyomi, Miki's best friend since forever, is a total umma to Miki. Miki looks to her for advice in tough situations and for comfort when she is upset. Miki tries her hardest to always listen to the advice that Kiyomi gives, but sometimes it's so bland Miki can't help but drift off into la la land.

Miki is known for her peppy persona and the smile that is forever planted on her face. You can often catch her skipping down the halls and laughing at even the corniest jokes. However, if Miki has nothing to do or is extremely bored, she will flip personalities. She can quickly become the meanest, grumpiest person on the face of the earth. She will yell and scream and all she seems to want to do is sulk in a corner and snap at anyone who passes by. When she's like this, not even Kiyomi or Taemin, her younger brother, can get through to her. For this reason, people often try their hardest to keep Miki busy.

Family History/Background: When Miki was young, her mother passed away from skin cancer. They hadn't had a close relationship and Miki barely remembers her since she died when Miki was 5 years old. In a way, Kiyomi has taken on the role of her mother. Her father is always busy with his work and they barely ever see each other, so there isn't much of a relationship between them. Still, he makes a lot of money, so the family lives in a mansion and has three other houses in different parts of the world, but Miki and Taemin are not spoiled. They get all the money they need, but they were never allowed any special privileges, so they are not bratty.

Family members: ~Father: Eunki Sae | age 45 | CEO of a pharmaceutical company

Mother: Heeki Sae | deceased | used to work at a jewelry store

Younger brother | Taemin | age: 18 | idol in SHINee

Likes: being active


loud music



hanging out with Kiyomi




doing hand-stands

loud music


doing her best


fulfilling her goals

traveling (especially with Kiyomi)

bubble tea




Dislikes: boredom






when people mess with her head



classical and country music

Hobbies: Dancing/singing




Collecting post cards from places she travels to.

Habits: Getting lost because she forgets directions.

Speaking without thinking first.

Dancing in place whenever she hears music (except classical and country).

Using weird hand motions while she talks.

Puffing out her cheeks when she's frustrated or confused.











Name of Chosen appearance: Kim Seuk Hye AKA Joo


Stage Name: Miki

Persona: The Hyper Airhead

Position: Lead or Main Dancer and sub vocalist

Trainee Years: 3

Trainee Experience: She has appeared as a minor role in some Korean dramas such as Boys over Flowers and Coffee Prince and has been a back up dancer for Boa, Girl's Generation, and f(x). She was also the love interest in Super Junior's No Other and was the mysterious girl in SHINee's Juliet.

Trainee Story: Being Taemin's sister, he goes to her for help. And so does the rest of SHINee. One day, they were having serious dancer's block, so they called Miki and Kiyomi to come and help them at the SM practice rooms. A manager just happened to check in on them right as Miki was being dipped by Taemin and Kiyomi was dipped by Minho. The manager automatically got the wrong idea, but who could blame him? Two unknown girls in the SM practice room in skimpy clothes (cause that's what they happened to be wearing to practice in) being dipped by two hot and famous SHINee members. After much explanation and a display of the girl's skills, the manager loosened up. Instead of throwing the girls out, he immediately set them up with an audition to join the company. Of course, they got in and they promised to debut together. During their trainee years, the two worked hard: often times practicing their dancing with Taemin. The three were seen so often together, some people in the company have taken to calling them the three musketeers.


Partner/Bias: Siwon

Relationship Status: ~have met | single

How did you meet?: During the filming of Super Junior's No Other. Miki was Siwon's love interest (technically she was seen with Sungmin and Yesung as well, but most of the time she spent with Siwon) and they became fast friends (though they aren't extremely close). Miki immediately developed feeling for him.

Bestfriends: Kiyomi Ono. Kiyomi and Miki met in Japan during elementary school and were fast friends. Their common love of dance brought them together and their opposite personalities helped each to offer help to the other. They have been best friends ever since.

Jonghyun. Through Taemin, Miki met Jonghyun and they grew close. The two dated for a while, but under a mutual agreement they split up. However, they are still as close as ever

Donghae. Miki met Donghae though Kiyomi and though she doesn't know they're dating, she knows that they are close. Because they spend so much time together, Miki has ended up spending time with Donghae as well. They have become close and Donghae has taken on, to some degree, an appa-like role for Miki.

Eunhyuk. The two both adore dancing and often give each other tips and show off their new dances and "moves" to each other.

Friends: Henry, Kyuhyun, Heechul, Key, Onew, Minho

(want ) Sure =D 


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under donghae and describing how you met him, you didn't change Henry into Donghae~srry unnie i was looking to see if you changed it!