I know it’s an actual word in the Korean language and not a fan-made one but…

It just annoys the hell out of me. Delusional fans going “Oppa this, oppa that” or “OPPAAAAAAAAA!!”

The word is really getting on my nerves… fangirls are abusing it so freaking much. Couldn’t you just talk about them using their ACTUAL NAME?!

Fans who read this will go, “Oh you’ve probably used it that word for your bias at least once in your fangirl life. Hypocrite.” 

I haven’t. I’ve never used that word when talking about any of my biases. I doubt that anyone will believe me though.

s!b: Fans will think I’m such a hypocrite for saying this and won’t believe me.


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Hey! Im agree with u. That 'oppa' words is not interesting/special to me again, it made me want to call them 'hyung' cause Im annoy by it already, eventhough Im a girl. But... To be honest, Im the same as you, I never never never called my bias oppa even Im younger than them. I called them by their actual name.