the alpha | Park SungRin The Sisterhood Application

personal info
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username: TheBestOfKpop
profile link:  click!
real name: Michelle

basic information
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name: Park SungRin
nickname(s): Sung, Ri (Ree)
birthday: 94/03/01
birthplace: Busan
blood type: O

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height: 165 cm
weight: 45 kg
ulzzang/model name: Jang Hae Byeol 
ulzzang/model pictures:  1   2   3   4   5
backup ulzzang/model name: Park Sora

backup ulzzang/model pictures:  1   2   3   4   5 
style: Sungrin is always the one to follow the latest fashion trends and to create trends of her own. She loves feeling open and free so she has a reputation for wearing short skirts and loose camis even during the winter. When she is not in this outfit, she wears tight pants, boots, and a tight shirt. Anything lower than the most expensive designer is unexceptable. She loves wearing high heels because she feels short, and she can almost always be heard from a mile away due to the clicking. Hand-bags are a must at all times. She carries everything in her over-stuffed purses from creditcards to cash to id to a change of clothes. Jewlery such as bangles, diamond earrings, pearl necklaces, and more are a normal part of a school outfit.
anything else: She has a tatoo of yin and yang on the upper left of her back. She also has a large birthmark on her right hip.

about me
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personality: A control-freak is the best way to describe Sungrin. She always has to be in control of the situation and if she's not, she'll somehow gain control either through bribery, seduction (though she rarely uses this), or by verbally or physically harassing people (this is the most common way). She will go to whatever ends to get what she wants. This includes boys, money, friends, control, popularity, clothes, and plenty more. This is the reason she is the leader of the clique. If the remote is in somebody else's hand, it won't be for long and everyone knows it. Most people are willing to back down to her and grant her the power she desires because they are usually rewarded. No not with a necklace or hand-bag.... with their reputations. Once she has the power, she abuses it. She likes to think of herself as a pharoah and the rest of the school's population as slaves. They are simply property for her to command and use as she pleases. They have to do everything she tells them to without questioning or else their reputatoin in school is turned upsidedown (she LOVES starting rumors) and they will most likely have a few physical injuries (never from Sungrin herself, but from some of her other "slaves"). There are a few groups of students who absolutely despise her and call her Hitler and she refers to them as "the rebels". The sisterhood and the rebels usually stay away from each other, but every now and then the two groups' "followers" will have a violent brawl (usually a fist fight started by a boy in love with the sisterhood who overheard a whispered negative comment about the sisterhood). Sungrin loves when these fights occur because it just goes to show how absolute her control over her followers is.

Sungrin is not afraid to speak her mind and she always will, whether you want her to or not. If her beta's dress looks awful, she'll say so. If her mom looks like she's an old hag, she'll tell her. It doesn't matter who she's telling and it doesn't matter what she's talking about. It's always the harsh truth. Except when the truth would be a compliment to someone far below her (as in anyone outside of the sisterhood). In those cases, she simply puts on a disgusted face and walks away.

Sungrin also always has to be the best at everything. If someone's dress is prettier than her's, she'll "accidentally" spill a drink on it. It doesn't matter if it was her friend, a member of the sisterhood, or even her mom. There is no difference. They are challenging her superiority and it is her duty to keep control her position. If someone has a better hairdo than her, she'll "trip" and pull out the clip holding it in place. She always has to have the best outfit, the best make-up, the best hairdo, the best shoes, the best smile, and the best everything else. Everything else, except grades.

School seems to be the one thing Sungrin can live without being the best at. Her grades are awful because she's always too busy fixing her hair, filing her nails, and looking through magazines while she's in class. This, however, is a rare occassion because she barely ever shows up to class. She is often seen at school, but she spends the class periods roaming the halls with whoever was brave enough to skip class with her (usually the beta), driving around Seoul, clubbing, and fixing her appearance in the bathroom mirrors.

Sungrin's life is great more or less. She gets everything she wants, she rules the high school, she has a clique of loyal followers, and her boyfriend is the most perfect guy in school.... what could be bad? Everything. Sungrin takes how wonderful her life is for granted. She hasn't known any other way of living. She focuses more on what she doesn't have than what she does have. What she doesn't have is variety. Her days are too static: get up, get ready, go to school, hang out and get swooned over by the boys, cause a few nose-bleeds, go out partying, and go to sleep. What's so exciting about that? Sungrin wants something different to happen, she's bored with her life that never changes. She's bored of her boyfriend that never changes, she's bored of the sisterhood that never changes. If she could, she would hop on a plane and go live an entirely different life in England or Africa or anywhere but Korea. Why can't she? Because she's not as much of an idiot as it may seem. Even though she takes most of her life for granted, she knows that if she were to pack up and head off to who knows where, she wouldn't have slaves, she wouldn't get everything she wanted, she would have the sisterhood, and she wouldn't have a boyfriend. These are too precious to Sungrin to give up, even with the promise of adventure.

background: The sisterhood formed on it's own, in a way. They all met in an all-girls "rich people only" elementary school that cost a fortune every year. No one quite remembers how it all happened, but the five (there was no brain) began to invite each other over for playdates and draw pictures together. Of course, Sungrin was in the lead, so she gave herself the title of Alpha (she had seen in a movie the head of a group call himself the Alpha) and she gave her best friend out of the group the name Beta (she saw it as a huge honor for the girl because the beta in the movie was very funny). Even in kindergarten, the fashionista was still a fashionista. She came to class in the weirdest outfits and always bragged about them to her friends. Whenever anyone went over to her house, they were taken on a full tour of her seven walk-in closets and had to watch her try on her five favorite outfits. This is how she got her title. The athlete was incredible at sports. She was always the most active during gym class and during recess she was always trying her hardest to shoot hoops. It was obvious to everyone she was a true athlete. The charmer, well...... she always had a trail of boys following her. She claimed it was becuase they were all in love with her. The only problem, they were all grown men. The clique later discovered that they were really her body guards, but in kindergarten they didn't even suspect her of lying. This is how she got her name: she could even charm men five times her age into following her to school every day. Then there was the brain. She joined the sisterhood later in our school careers, around the time when they switched to middle school. This was when the girls started getting homework. Naturally, the five blew it off and spent their time as they had been for their entire lives. But their grades dropped severely and they were forbidden from going out until they picked the schoolwork back up. Instead of doing this, they found the brain. At first, they paid her to do their homework, but soon enough she was seen by everyone as one of the sisterhood. The girls decided it was acceptable so the brain became a true member. Of course, this meant she had to do their work for free and she had to hang out with them. On top of that, she had to solve any problems that arouse in the clique. Why she excepted is unknown, but in Sungrin's mind, the brain wanted to be part of the sisterhood so bad, she would do anything to get in.

likes: control


thriller movies


spicy food



the sisterhood



doing her hair and make-up





dislikes: school-work



bland food



raw fish

mini vans

long skirts


hobbies: partying

intimidating people

daydreaming about adventure (not fantasy adventures, adventures that could really happen like trecking though a jungle)

making up rumors


habits: twirling her hair around her finger

saying things without thinking first (not that it would make a difference if she did)

filing her nails when she's bored

in her stomach when she wants to look good

tripping people, nocking stuff over, spilling things (these are habits people think she has, but she really does them on purpose)

trivia: She claims to be 41 kg even though she's 45

When she was little, she said she wanted to be a lesbian when she grew up, and then she found out what it meant and immediately stopped saying it

She keeps all the remotes to the tvs, radios, and other appliances in a safe in her room that only she knows the combo to

When she was tested as a fetus, she was supposed to have schizophrenia and her parents were seriously considering aborting her, but she was born healthy.

does your character cuss?: [x] yes [ ] no
how often or when: She curses when threatening people and occassionally when she's frustrated, but its not too common.

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parents: Mom |  45 |  CEO of a make-up company called YeojaChingu (it means girlfriend)

Dad |  45 |  owner of a famous restaurant

siblings: --
cousins: none that matter

boyfriend: (the Prince Charming. underline your first choice & bold your second.)
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon
B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top
- Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun
personality: Jonghyun: Talk about the perfect guy. He is a total gentleman: he holds the door open for girls and he is always polite. He deals with Sungrin's y attitude like it isn't even there. He is unbelievably  hot and is constantly working out. He's basically the perfect guy, except he doesn't do anything out of the ordinary and every day with him seems to be the same.

Gikwang: He is the typical jock. He is the most popular boy in shcool, he plays all the sports and is the star foot-ball quarterback. He also is incredibly  hot. The only thing that seperates him from the stereotypical jock is his kindness. He is always there for his friends and for Sungrin. The only problem, he's a static character in the ever-changing world. He hasn't changed in a single way from the beginning of high school (when Sungrin met him). Boring.

relationship: Jonghyun: He loves flaunting Sungrin. And why shouldn't he? She's the most popular girl in school. He often comes up behind her and holds her around her waist and he loves kissing her. Especially in public in front of all of his friends. They don't talk much, its more of a skinship passion between them.

Gikwang: They hug and hold hands every now and then in school, but they seem more like friends to someone who doesn't know. They don't spend much time together: he's always busy with sports and his friends and she's always busy with parties and her friends. However, when they do talk and spend time together, they open up to each other. Still, it's always the same routine: his parents are bugging him, her friends are getting on her nerves, "I love you", they kiss and one or the other "has to go". Boring.

birthday: Jonghyun: 93/04/08

Gikwang: 93/03/30

transfer student: (the one you're eyeing; you'll end up with him. underline your first choice & bold your second.
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon

B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top - Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun
personality: Jonghyun: (yes I know that the boyfriend and transfer student have the same name but what can I say.... I like making things difficult I love changjo =D teehee) He is usually quiet and shy because of his lack of sef-confidence and friends at the new school. He came from England so he is not used to Korean culture though he speaks the language and he is often confused and unsure of how to act. This causes him to be ignored and mainly rejected by the school community.

Minwoo: He is the cutest boy in school and, even though he just moved here, he already has a fanclub of girls who love to swoon at the sight of his aegyo. His cool calm personality, his baby face, and his intense athletic abilities make him a rising star at Seoul High School. Soon enough, he'll be one of the most popular kids at school, but who can blame him? He's just too cute! Not to mention his spontaneous actions that make him appear to be almost a different person every day.

relationship: Jonghyun: SungRin observes him from a distance and somehow falls for his cute, shy persona. Being the determined person who always gets what she wants, she approached him (when no one was looking) and they became fast "friends" if you could call them that. Jonghyun is captivated by her self-confidence and outwardness and they occassionally talk though mainly in private. For the most part, they simply observe each other from a distance.

Minwoo: Being the rising star of Seoul High School, you have to know who the most popular girl in school is. Naturally, Sungrin and Minwoo approached eah other to find out more. Sungrin was drawn in by his aegyo and his crazy, always changing personality. They hang out every now and then, but there is nothing serious between them, at least not yet...

birthday: Jonghyun: 93/11/16

Minwoo: 94/07/31

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other: Nada
comments: UPDATE!!! and I mean it...... you already got me hooked and I can't wait any more for the fanfic to start!!!! PLEASE start soon =D
suggestions: nope..... its all up to you this time =D Good Luck!!!! =D


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