The Awful Fate Of A Swedish ELF

We all know that feeling right? When we look at our idols and we have an internal love for them? Our hearts melt and we feel like they can protect us and care for us!
Well, If you are like me (the only kpop fan within a radie of 3000 miles), you know what its like when youre friends come over and they see that album cover or that poster on your wall. I hate it.

Okay, so the things this: I got the official super junior Mr. Simple B version poster for my B-Day and have framed it and hanged it on my wall. Its the first thing i see in the mornings and the last I see before falling asleep. I love it. But today I had two friends staying, Michelle and Julia, and we had a sleep over. When we had cried our way through all One Direction (Michelles favorite band) Member Harry Styles favourite movies(Love actully, The Notebook and Titanic) and hid behind our Big Bang, one direction or Taylor Swift pillows (depending on who you looked at) during Saw and It! and it was time for bed, it was also time to get humiliated for me.
On top of my poster, the ten members names are printed in a pretty big text, and Michelle emidiatly starts reading the names out loud. Behing the pretty racist girl she is(no offence) she starts laughing at how they look, how their names sounds and even repetadly calling Shindong a "Pig looking fatso"...
My heart was broken and I tried to make her realize her words were making me sad, but she kept on going!
At one point I must have said something about Shindong being engaged because she broke a pretty nasty comment about how ugly that fiance must be because Shindong was the best she could get.
And then she started with the names again! I mean, its really not that hard to say Ryeowook, Do you really have to kill the beuty of it and rename him "Rujvik".
And Donghae ended up being "Donghareare", almost pissing me off as much as her "Kjupking" for "Kyuhyun".

Doesnt she realize it hurts me when she says thos things, or does she simply not care? I mean I love them, shouldnt she be aware of the fact that I wount laugh when she call them stupid names and act stupid calling Yesung and Sungmin gay s?????


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lovesviolett #1
i understand you... it's the same with me and one of my friend.. she always says that kpop wouldn't be music at all. >.<
and today she said that korean sounds like .
and everytime she talks like that, being a kpop fan is getting embrassing for me.. :(
and because of that, it has to be my little secret.. but i don't mind :)
hmm although sometimes, i wish i had a friend next to me who is a sick bigbang and so on fan as much as me :D

but jenna, don't be sad.. if you don't have other kpop fans around you, you can always think that they all be yours one time; haha :D

jenna-ya, himne! :)
Yeah some friends do that all the time and they don't realize how it's ok she just doesn't know Kpop don't blame her.
U have no idea how upset i would be if my friends did that.. i would either curl up in a ball and cry, or tell them to get out.... lol but i don't think that would happen to me, since the only 2 of my friends that actually come to my house either love SuJu, and the other respects what i like and won't make fun.. though ya i probably would throw a huge tantrum.. that's why i always keep my kpop stuff in my drawer when ppl are at my house.. though at school, i embrace my kpop love since my friend is an ELF/kpop fan, and a lot of ppl know what kpop is soo...