Maybe Goodbye

I might be leaving.

KPop is annoying me, my bias is annoying me, everything is annoying me. 

I hate to bring this up again, but losing subscribers, not getting comments is really discouraging.

I write because I love to. But I don't want to post anything anymore. I post for feedback, and I'm losing that. I understand readers are busy, but it's hard.

I may delete all my stories simply because nobody reads them. I'll write them for me on my own I suppose.

I may leave AFF just because I'm really tired of this. I update and bam I lost 4 subscribers and it's like... well thanks a lot guys. I didn't do my homework so I can update for you. Thanks a lot. 

I know people say write for yourself, and I do. I just won't post if this keeps happening. 

I'm not writing this to be convinced not to leave. I'm writing this to say if I'm gone, I had fun. 


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nooooooooooo! dont leave! ;((
you're a great writer, you know that.
heybabylovecrash #2
It really makes me sad that you feel this way :(
However, I can't help but be a little nettled by your statements. I'm not sure if you're really writing for yourself if loss of subs is discouraging you so much. I lose subs all the time, and while originally it bothered me, you have to learn how to ignore it. Write because you like to write, not because you need to hear feedback. You also have to put those "unsubscribers" thoughts in mind. Maybe they just didn't like the direction your story was heading in. It's not a measure of how well you write, maybe they were just not liking the content at that point. You can't take it personally.
Also, you have a ton of subscribers that DO continuously support you. It's not as if EVERYONE has up and left you.
Lastly, a word of advice: I don't think a writer should ever update just to please their readers, because I don't believe that equals writing for yourself. That's just writing to latch onto any feedback they may give.
I know I can't tell you what to do, and I want you to make your own decisions, but I just wanted to give you advice/my honest opinion, because I will honestly be heartbroken if you leave. You're one of the nicest people I've met on this website and just the sight of the title of this post made me feel so so sad. I hope that if you do decide to stop posting, you won't delete your works and you'll at least keep in touch with your friends here, even if it's not to talk about KPop.
Please know that I don't mean any maliciousness by my former statements. I'm just a staunch believer in writing for yourself, not for reviews or subscribers or views or anything. Please don't give up writing. Loss of subs doesn't mean that you have no talent; in fact, you are very talented.
Please remember that <3 Love youu.
kpopsk8rgrl1 #3
NUUUUUUUU don't leave ;-;

there are alot of people who don;t want you to leave... </3
we DO love you.. the people that unsubscride are jsut jackasses. XP
kaicho #4
I have to say that the reason why I actually made an account here in AFF was because I want to click that subscribe button so the story that you cowrote gets one more subscriber so people could see you get more fans of your work. I have been a fan of your work and maybe I don't post comments a lot but it is because I'm working and I rarely on, only get a tiny amount time in my lunch break to read stories and bam suddenly its working time again T_T
Don't stop writing because you loss subscribers or because noone comment, silent readers definitely reading your stories, I was one when I don't have an account. Your eunhae story is the only one that I read (seriously, you can make it hot and steamy :D) whether you decide to stay or not we definitely support you to not stop writing, you're one damn good writer and I know that you know that ;) i'm wishing you all the best, whether you decide to leave or not (off course I would prefer you to not to hehe)
Hey dear, it happens. You know, losing subscribers or having someone who says your stories --trust me, it happens. Don't be sad because of that, be happy 'cause you have still those readers that read,enjoy and comment on your fics. (again, you do know that I rarely read fics on here. Your MLF2 is the only one EunHae I am reading--though, I have not read your update yet. I apologize for that... >w<)
I do really know what you mean with 'losing subscribers and not getting feedbacks is discouraging', but you love to write right dear? Maybe you can stop posting fics on here, but don't stop writing. Your good and you do know that I really enjoy your eunhae stories--I am becoming repetitive, duh. There are other sites such as LJ.
C'mon dear, smile :)
Unnie ah, I agree with all the comments below.

Your fanfics are great, just that I don't read .

Also, you have a lot of subscribers still, I'm only 70 something. I'm the one who is supposed to feel discouraged here ! >.<

Keep it up, and do what's best for you unnie :)
I feel for you ~ I feel a lot the same as you too !
Hope your decision is right, and I'll support you ! <3
don't lose hope just because you lost some subscribers.....keep going on and you'll see something great would happen
I love your story alot!! If u leave now it simply means that why should I even create an account just to read your story and subscribe to them in the first place. I hope you could make a wise decision. Just leaving because of 4 unsubscriber isn't worth it. It's just like an idol who got themselves 4 new anti-fan but they still have to move on. You can't let your dream or your subscriber.being dissapointed just because of them. You still got lots of supporter behind you :) Don't give up just yet!! I hope you would make a wise decision :)
You told me that I gave you the inspiration to write a story starring Eunhyuk, and now you're letting it go?

Well, "eonnie", you're kinda disappointing me you know?

I lost more subscribers than you did in MC, but did I let go? I didn't.

I lost 2 subscribers in First Gay Couple, but I didn't mind. Because I know there are those we call "Silent Readers", Those people who don't have an account here in AFF.

Do what you want.

All I'm gonna say to you now is: Quitters never win
don't do that!
don't write for the people who don't know how to read ^^
i have done that before and i went back because i realized that it was a stupid move.
i realized that i have friends here who wait for my update.
and also, writing is my passion, if not for aff, i'd be a frustrated writer.
why is even kpop and eunhyuk annoying you?
you should think about this again.
i'm one of your subscribers and i like your stories.
i even comment on them. ^^
i'm not much of a reader and a comment-poster and i have very few stories that i subscribe to but i subscribed and read yours because it passed my standards and i'm looking forward to reading more of it until it ends.
well again, think about it. ^^
ariana #12
please dont leave, i really like your stories, you are such a great writer and it would be a shame if you deleted them all :( xoxo
Nooooo~ Unnie don't leave~