the brain | Kim Young-Ja The Sisterhood Application

Again, I apologize if she's too extreme but that's just how I write I guess, and (again) feel free to change anything.

personal info
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username: TheBestOfKpop
profile link: 
real name: Michelle

basic information
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name: Kim Young-Ja
nickname(s): Young
birthday: 95/06/13
birthplace: Busan, South Korea
blood type: AB

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height: 172 cm
weight: 49 kg
ulzzang/model name: Baek Jae Ah
ulzzang/model pictures:  1   2   3   4   5
backup ulzzang/model name:
Ban Nam Gyu
backup ulzzang/model pictures:   1   2   3   4   5

style: If it were up to Young, she would dress like the class she belonged to: in baggy puke-colored sweaters with hand-me-down jeans. They're comfortable, and that's really all she cares about. It makes study and working easier, plus no one really looked her direction anyway, so what did it matter how she looked? Still, the sisterhood forces her to at least look remotely like she could be a part of them. She wears designer jeans (usually baggy when the sisterhood allows it), and designer sweatshirts (who knew such a thing existed?). Her shoes are simply the comfiest ones she could find in the im-not-even-going-to-look-at-the-prices-because-I-know-they're-ridiculous stores the clique brought her to. Her hair long black hair is usually up in a pony-tail or bun to keep it out of her face.
anything else: She has a huge birthmark on her lower left-hand back that she is extremely embarrassed over. It's one of the reasons she refuses to wear two piece bathing suits and low-rise pants.

about me
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personality: Grades are the world and school is the universe. If grades drop, the world ends, if you miss school, you die. Young is completely and entirely dedicated to her work. Nothing can get in her way when she's doing homework or studying. If her friends walk into her room, blare music and dance like mad-men right in front of her face, Young won't even notice. She dedicates 99% of her effort to school work and 1% to surfing the web for one-of-a-kind collectable. If there's a test next week, she'll study every night for at least 3 hours and she can't hand in a homework assignment without it being edited 5 times by herself, once by her mom, and once by her dad. If it's not perfect, it's not finished. Yes, she has serious OCD, and she's proud of it. She secretly wishes to be more like her friends in the sisterhood: wild and fun and having a good time, but she simply can't change her ways. It's in her nature to do every bit of work without a single fault in it.

Obviously, Young doesn't attract many boys. This is just another motive for her to wish she could be more like the other girls of the sisterhood. She wises beyond imagination that she could become a bad-girl, but the image and her natural intelligence always get in the way of her dream. However, many people try to develop friendships with Young. Her calm and collective persona along with her record high scores cause envy to sweep over the rest of the students who at least try to get good grades. But it's not the kind of envy that drives people to hate her. It's the kind of envy that makes everyone want to be her friend.

Why is she a member of the sisterhood? It's the most common question she hears people whisper to each other in the hallways when they thinks she's out of ear-shot. It was simple, who else would resolve the many endless fights and problems the clique had? Her intellect and creative problem solving skills allow her to find a solution to just about anything. In other words, the clique used her, and she knew it. She doesn't mind. Helping others is one of her favorite things to do, and this was one way to help others. The only problem was when they distracted her from her work. Social life and school often clashed in Young's world meaning she has to constantly perform a balancing act that threatens to fall at any minute. How long will she he able to keep them both up? And which will fall first?
background: Young's mother is a very sickly women. She is bed ridden and has been for the past ten years. This creates a loss of income for the family. Her father lost an arm in a factory job before Young was born. It's difficult for him to find work and he's often stuck at the bottom of the barrel doing hard work for minimal pay. Luckily, due to her outstanding grades and incredible performance, she was able to land a full scholarship to Seoul High
likes: school, surfing the web for star wars, star trek, and lord of the rings collectable, helping people in the clique and others, peace and quiet, nature, taking long walks, eating at small sidewalk cafes, soft pillows
dislikes: distractions, trouble makers, large crowds, noisy parties, high heels,
hobbies: collecting geeky toys (her favorite  website), doing school work, staring at the bad boy in class, taking hikes in the woods, not much else
habits: making everything perfect, pushing her glasses up to the very top of her nose whenever they slide down
trivia: She secretly wished to be a bad girl. Has never kissed a guy.
does your character cuss?: [ ] yes [x] no
how often or when: More likely rarely, she sees cussing as an unnecessary way of expressing yourself and only uses it when she is unbelievably pissed. It's rare and very unexpected.

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parents: Mom: Kim Jun-Ah |  46 |  bedridden

Dad: Kim Soon-Chun |  47 |  gets shuffled around between unpleasant and low pay jobs such as garbage collection, washing sidewalks, ect.
siblings: none
cousins: none that matter

bad boy: (the prankster who flirts with you. underline your first choice & bold your second.)
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon
B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top - Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun
personality: Yongguk is a bad-, kinda like the charmer. He LOVES breaking the rules and pissing the teacher off on purpose. He likes to sit on his desk instead of in his seat and this is the third time he's going through junior year. In other words, he's a complete idiot who likes to be a rebel.

Around Young, he mellows out. He shows a small soft spot that she has only ever seen when the two are alone. Despite his stupid appearance, he is actually quite smart, he just doesn't apply himself to the work and instead gets into trouble with the school and even the law. Young is the only one who has been able to draw this side out of him, but it's not a life changing alter. He's still the same old rebellious bad-, just with a bit of intellect and kindness behind his facade.

Jongup can be portrayed in the same way.
relationship: Somehow, without even trying, Young has found a way to make Yongguk feel at home and safe. He reveals his duel-nature by letting though a bit of compassion and intelligence by holding decent conversations often times about problems at home. In each other, they have almost found a friend that they can trust to keep any secret. In school, however, Young is lucky if he acknowledges her existence. Every now and then he'll make a crack at her grades or her goody two shoes manner, but for the most part, he ignores her.

Jongup can be shown the same way for this too =)
birthday: Yongguk: 93/21/03

Jongup: 93/06/02

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other: Nope.
comments: Again..... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE update agian soon....... I'm already hooked to this fanfic and I can't wait for it to start!!! =D
suggestions: immediately reveal my character as a chosen student Not that I can think of......... hmmmmmmmm.... nope... sorry =(


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