This Seems Stupid

Would it be like an awesome way if I some how created a story where the character is some what like me, and goes through changes like me except for the plot line is completely different. In this one the main character who's name would possibly be Cho Hee. Her story will be way different from mine, but her personality will represent me. So will it be cool if I created this or should I not do it because it's personal?

  • Just so you know I did say that I'll make the plot line different.


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ChoNanami #1
I write my stories based on me as well. It just depens on you rather you want to tell it or not. If you think they shouldn't know then don't. :D But yeah, go for it. ^^
1ll1ll9oo #2
Lol ALL of my apply fic apps are based off of me, and I get complimented a lot, since they like "my character" ;D

So, yeah!
Go for it ^^
But don't write that it was based off of you until the end, see what kind of reactions you'll get ;D
I write a lot of things based off my personal ALTER ego~ go for it. It's like me, but not me. You can make yourself what you want, but still have those identifiable qualities.