the charmer | Min Mi-Sook The Sisterhood Application

Sorry if my character's too depressing or extreme in some areas, but feel free to change anything you need to =D

personal info
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username: TheBestOfKpop
profile link: 
real name: Michelle

basic information
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name: Min Mi-Sook (if it's alright with you I'd prefer the name to be Min Hitomi, but it's Japanese so only use it if you want to! =D)
nickname(s):  If Mi-Sook......Sookie, Michi (Meechee)................ if Hitomi's okay then Him (Heem)
birthday: 95/02/14
birthplace: Seoul
blood type: B

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height: 175 cm
weight: 48 kg
ulzzang/model name: Lee Dasom (she has more of a bad- look, if you want a more playful look, my backup ulzzang fits that better)
ulzzang/model pictures 1   2   3   4   5   6
backup ulzzang/model name: Jang Hae Byeol
backup ulzzang/model pictures 1   2   3   4  5
style: comfort is important to Misook, but not as important as rule breaking and attention. When in school, she dresses inappropriately meaning revealing clothes, loads of make up, the shortest shorts possible, and extremely tight clothing (all unbelievably expensive and high-end). However, when she's at home or with her friends, she loves to dress casually in baggy sweatshirts, jeans, and converse (all designer, of course). She loves dying her hair weird colors for example bright red streaks or bleach blonde. She is also known for randomly cutting her hair when she's had a style for too long. It gets too boring for her after a while.
anything else: she has a tattoo of a bird in flight on her lower right back and the words "Have the courage to live."

about me
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personality: She is adventurous and always up for something crazy. The stranger, crazier, and more adventurous something is, the better. And if the rules are broken while doing it, it couldn't be more perfect. She loves breaking the rules so much it's almost an addiction. Going a single day without speaking out (usually inappropriately) during class or sneaking out at midnight means death. At least, it does in Misook's mind. Being a "good girl" and doing "the right thing" is another way of saying "a boring, -up -kisser" to her. Rules exist to be broken and the meaning of life is to have fun. Fun means not only breaking rules, but also being unpredictable and wild. Bungee jumping, skydiving, driving (even before she was legal) recklessly, getting high, drinking, clubbing, ect. are the best ways to spend her time. Her attitude often gets her in trouble (which she usually doesn't mind) and she always has a witty come-back. There are way too many distractions for her so her grades are, to say the least, awful, but she doesn't mind: only goody two shoes get good grades. Getting sent to the principal every day doesn't help in that area either. However, Misook's biggest secret is her kindness. Her biggest fear is hurting the people she's close to with her recklessness. Her friends in the sisterhood, her brother, and her new love are always weighing on her whenever she makes a crazy decision. She fears that they may be injured physically or mentally due to her, and she swears she would kill herself if that happened. She wouldn't be able to live with herself if she hurt someone she cared about.

She is also a seductive flirt. She unintentionally (and intentionally) has stolen countless other girls' boyfriends. Her mischievous and rebellious persona attracts the guys like flies to a lamp. Especially the bad boys. However, she often rejects them due to their age or clinginess, but she absolutely adores the endless attention.

Misook spends almost all of her free time partying, whether she was invited or not. If she overhears that there's going to be a party, she shows up and finds a way in by either seducing the person meant to check invitations or by finding a back entrance. Partying is her life and she's known as the life of the party: dancing all out on the dance floor, participating in drinking contests, striping, and plenty more. She'll try anything and everything whether you ask her to or not.

background: Rich parents, giant mansions, servants catering to her every wish, and getting just about everything she ever wants eventually got to her. Misook is used to getting everything and taking it all for granted. But when you've had everything for your entire life, things get boring. To Misook, this is unacceptable. To entertain herself in this world of boredom, she does wild, outrageous, spontaneous things. Another motive for her mini rebellion is attention. With two parents who work full time and are always busy with important guests and photo shoots, Misook has never had the full attention of anyone except her servants (who she takes for granted). By becoming the rebel she is, she forces everyone to acknowledge her as center stage. In other words, she's an attention . Dating older guys is just another way of getting attention plus the fact that their ability to do almost anything they want (being legal adults) attracts her. She has dated countless guys who have almost all been older than her. They've usually been bad-asses and she often meets them at parties that she crashes.

likes: attention

bungee jumping


loud parties



sneaking out

cheating (as in during card games, not on her boyfriend though she occasionally does that too)

rules (so she can break them)

her friends in the sisterhood

older guys

dancing seductively

dislikes: playing by the rules


her parents


lovey-dovey moments


goody two shoes


clingy guys

hurting people

younger guys

hobbies: dancing (usually seductively)

bungee jumping



picking up older guys

throwing parties when her parents aren't home

crashing parties

binge drinking

habits: talking during the middle of class

biting her nails

running her fingers through her hair

biting her bottom lip to try and seduce guys
trivia: She is not a .

She has a soft spot for her friends and brother.

She has only dated one younger guy and it lasted only two days.

does your character cuss?: [x] yes [ ] no
how often or when: all the time, when she's happy, sad, frustrated, confused, and anything in between. It's especially fun when she's in the middle of class, in the principal's office, or at a formal event for her parents.

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parents: Mom: Min Chungja | 35 |  famous movie producer

Dad: Min Yong-Chui |  45 |  CEO of a recording company

siblings: Younger brother: Min Jong-Kyu |  12 |  student in middle school who Misook is very close to
cousins: none that matter

teacher: (your yummy homeroom teacher. underline your first choice & bold your second.)
B2ST/Beast - Doojoon | Hyunseung | Junhyung | Yoseob | Gikwang | Dongwoon
B.A.P - Yongguk | Himchan | Daehyun | Youngjae | Jongup | Junhong
Block B - Taeil | Minhyuk | Jaehyo | Yukwon | Kyung | Jiho | Jihoon
Boyfriend - Donghyun | Hyunseong | Jeongmin | Youngmin | Kwangmin | Minwoo
Infinite - Sunggyu | Dongwoo | Woohyun | Hoya | Sungyeol | Myungsoo | Sungjong
Led Apple - Youngjun | Hanbyul | Gunwoo | Hyoseok | Kwangyeon | Kyumin
SHINee - Jinki | Jonghyun | Kibum | Minho | Taemin
Teen Top - Minsoo | Chanhee | Byunghun | Daniel | Changhyun | Jonghyun
personality: Taemin is energetic and fun, but at the same time shy. This is a total switch in taste for Misook, but she can't help but feel attracted to him. He is always polite and proper in school. He only says things he knows are correct and he is a true "teacher" character. Except, he is, in his own small ways, a rule breaker as well. He has a different way of teaching than most teachers: he is energetic and involves the class with hands-on activities and exciting, but clear explanations. Everyone sees him as a great and fun teacher who rebels by using his own (very effective) methods.

Around Misook, he is shy and nervous. He often stutters which, for some strange reason, attracts Misook even more. After a while, he loosens up. He is more casual and familiar outside of the school environment and he is very opinionated.

Youngmin can be portrayed the same as Taemin.

relationship: Taemin tends to express himself best through dancing. He is an incredible dancer (like Misook). They often dance together and Misook can tell his emotions through what type of dance he shows her: ballet when he's sad, pop/hip hop when he's happy, and even seductive dances when he's feeling naughty. Misook often tries to talk to him, but he always seems very nervous and tends not to flirt because he's afraid of getting in trouble, but Misook is determined and doesn't care how far she has to go to get him.

Youngmin expresses himself best through singing. He loves to sing and is extremely talented at it. Misook loves to listen to him sing and tries her hardest to understand the meaning behind what song he chooses to sing: ballads when something is bothering him, pop when he's happy, and slow, seductive songs when he's feeling naughty. Misook often tries to talk to him, but he always seems very nervous and tends not to flirt because he's afraid of getting in trouble, but Misook is determined and doesn't care how far she has to go to get him. 

birthday: Taemin: 89/07/18

Youngmin: 89/04/24

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other: Nada
comments: Update, Update, Update........ PLEASE start revealing soon or get a teaser out, or SOMETHING!!!! AHHH I can't wait till this fanfic starts!!!!
suggestions: Pick my application I think it would be great if she was caught in the act of seducing a teacher, ended up getting Taemin (or Youngmin) fired, feeling awful and considering suicide (?), and doing everything she can to get him his job back


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