Sorry >< Don't hate me!!!!

Sorry guys but I still wont update the storys so very often because I have to pack my stuff...

Yes I'm gonna move so that will take the most of my time and I still have some final exams left okay i have 3 more left out of 4...

Next one is in 2 weeks... ._. I have to read the whole freaking biology book so I will make that stupid exam!! ><

Then there is math and english left...

Math - I have to train like an idiot... Math is my worst subject ><

English - I'm gonna nail it it's my best subject!!! :DDD


I hope you understand now why I take so long to update... But once I'm done with all that I'm gonna try to write more TRY!!!

I'm gonna start in a new school in august too sooo then I have to study harder than what I'm doing now ><'

Lol okaay I think that was all ^^

I'll try to update as often I can but it's gonna be hard >< I love all my subbies that's still with me and I hope you wont leave me.. PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME T-T I LOVE YOU ALL!!!


Well... BYYYYYEEEE!!!!

Jowzzey :33


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