[Review] yangleadho - Making Him Smile

Story: Making Him Smile

By: yangleadho


Story Title: 9/10


From the title and without reading the story, I assumed that the storyline will be about how someone makes other one smile. Personally, the title is good because it’s describing the story overall. But sorry to say that the title is not too catchy to the eyes of the readers. Still, I like the title although it’s very standard.


Description/Forewords: 8/10


The description is good. Not too many details on the characters. But actually, I suggest that you put all the characters and the warnings on the Forewords to the Description part since you put a sneak peek of the story afterward. And nice poster.


Storyline: 18/20


Actually, I’m not a fan of / fic. But your fic is well-written. I like on how you made your characters, putting them on both fluffy and angst storyline. But then, I feel that it was a little confusing to introduce all of the MBLAQ characters on one chapter. Even though I’m kinda familiar with MBLAQ, I still feel confused on which one is who… except for Seungho.


Grammar/Spelling: 8/10


I don’t have much comment about this one. I guess.. your English is better than me.


Originality: 7/10


I’m not sure that I’ve never seen the story like this before. But, I guess your story is interesting and exciting to read. I think it’s helping you so far.


Flow: 8/10


The flow is good. You explain everything very clear and didn’t make the fic become boring so far. You connected everything good enough. But then, I feel that you moved a little bit fast starting on certain points. Try to slow down a little bit, or else it would be confusing for the readers.




Your way on how to describe your characters is good. I like on how Seungho was an for the first time and slowly his character developed because of Chansung. But somehow I feel a little bit lacking on Seungho’s character. Probably he’s lacking of awfulness. I guess its fine to let the reader hates Seungho a little bit more.


Want for updates: 7/10


Hum… I don’t know whether I want more updates or not. It’s a great story and well-written, but I’m just not into fic. But I guess you’ve made me curious about what will happen next. Even though, I’m not sure that I want to subscribe because is never becoming my favorite.


Reviewer Comment:

First of all, I must to say sorry since I took a long time to do the review of your fic.

I must admit that your fic is quietly interesting to read even though I’m not a fan of / fic. Your fic is really well-written. And honestly I’m enjoying reading the fic, aside of the fact that you used and the scenes on your fic. I hope you can keep your fic interesting to read.



Total Score : 82/100


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