I found a comment about a fan towards Block B

actually im fu**king hate those reaction about this drama......
it even trending at twitter,allkpop,daum,naver and bestiz.....
today i read some tumblr and bla bla bla......
i even get shock when zico shaved his head.....hoho...
and i even hating when 18 years old boy kpop idol that should be addressed his name made a tweet about degrading block b....GTFO!! he even labelled them to worth 7000 won artist...
well if you read all comment about this controversy...you know who it is...
it is very childish regarding im born in a same year with him and i can think more mature than him...
but he deleted and forgived...so i forgive him...
and get of it.....
i just read some comments that anti fans just bashing zico's mom in her own cyworld...lol
there are just degrading their dignity as a human....zico's mom had nothing to do will all the drama....
and more retarded people saying that block b gonna feel what their idol feels (not to mention but u know this) when their had mega issue at the year of 2009....not to mention
lol if u are not bbcs...you just have no idea what happened to all the block b members predebut stories.....
as i know zico had a heart surgery,very serious asthma and hernia when he was a 2 years old baby and he never whining about it...huhu...if u dont know just google it...
it can add to the knowledge of absent minded people who bashing him that how serious that disease it can be....
and zico continues to pursue his dream eventhough his risking his own life.....as a rapper that need a very high stamina and lung capacity and he just overcome his difficulties...
some idol get sick of a little bit...but all the fans got so douchbag and pamper them to much but it natural for them to become bias...
as you all haters did know....zico also in very bad condition right now...he have cough and vocal chord nodules....
but he never complain about it and just give the best shot at the live perf.....(just watch recent music bank perf)
and for ukwon...u do not know that his father is passed away already...and his big brother break his all sweats to make sure his dongsaengs getting success by paying all the dance and music education...
and for jaehyo...for all you do not know that he is a trainee for beast....
and he even recommended junhyung to audition for cube....and top of that he recommended lee joon for jtune.....but he suffered a knee injury when practice and had undergo surgery for that....
he had to wait a very long time to debut as an artist....he also a former trainee of LOENT,DSP,JTUNE and Cube ent.....
as for bibum...he is actually trained together to become infinite member...i guess so??
and im piss off when other fandom want to in and made a wound between two fandom...hottest and BBC become more serious.....
and to the haters that send a hateful comments that telling them to die or disband....
it useless as u guys dont get any benefits even a tiny grain from bashing them.....
and to the 3 idols that tweet or critism block b even without mention their name....
thank you very much bcoz you all have started a fanwar and ruining your own hoobae career...
i hope that guys will regret it.....
u have a right to talk but you can have a private talk with them..
not show to the public and become a good example of korean netizen.....
you all just spark the controversies even worse bcoz of your million followers....
all the followers will see the comment and they automatically support you without knowing to the real story.....
at the end it just u that actually lose respects from your own fan.....
all human is making a mistakes and they all learning from it....
actually the fandom itself not really agree what the guys comment bcoz they are also making a big mistakes from their past......

and top of that block b fan is not decreasing but increasing greatly... their daum cafe is actually increasing +1000 per day....
this show how loyal their fans it is...
but i can agree that their anti has become greatly increasing but as you all know the kpop drama...everybody gugugaga it in one minute and become chaos but after a few month...it become a dust that dissapear by wind.....
i guarrantee that....
just look at gd and daesung cases....all the people make a s**t about them when the story comes out but after a month...people forget it....
so why you the people that bashing block b just forget it already because there are already apologised...
you are not making their feel bad but also to their families,friends and related.....
not only as a group but as an individual.....
before i end it...i want to apologize if im offended your feeling but i just expressing my thought...
right now i gonna be a block b bias because all the people is fu**king retarded and overeact about it....
and top of that...im officially become hater to the allkpop for giving a wrong information about block b.....
im not hating the people but im apologize if people offended by my thought.....
and im also express my sympathy towards miss a that actually their mv is came out at the same time with the controversy is out......all the attention goes to the controversy...LOL
i hope big bang new mv that will come out can attract other people attention from this controve


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i agree with you...
BB maybe have misbehaved during there interview but they have realize that and had apoligize...
ugghh even zico shaved his head TT^TT... my bias~ he sgaved his head~.....
well anyway.. think block b is being punished too far for their wrongdoings...
like MY GOD!!! theyre really regretting and they re really sorry...
i mean Zico doesnt even tweet much anymore.... TT^TT
Omg I love this chick whoever write this, you are truly a fan! This is soooooo true!! I believe that whatever this fan had said is all true! Haters gonna hate but geez bro! They totally don't have to go that far to the point of getting antis or just people signing papers of wanting BLOCK B to disband like seriously!! That's just... INAPPROPRIATE!!!! too far man! I'm not a fan of BLOCK B but I certainly agree with this fan! I SHALL SUPPORT BLOCK B!! =D
THIS! OMG YES! This controversy should be end already! and I tear up a bit when I read your post.. Seriously, I think 2pm should clear this things up.. Its not their mistake but they started it.. and lol about the Miss A XD
and to the author, double thumbs up!
KrisHanna #4
While I'm reading this blog. All I did is nod. :)

100% agree.I just hope this ends soon.
rockmochi #5
Omggee... People need to stop bashing block b.... We are all humans we make mistakes. You haters need to stop bashing the eff outta them cuuz I bet all those haters out there made mistakes about being disrespectful. I just hate how the allkpop's stupid translators mistakes effected block b greatly... That's stupid as hell. I just hope it blows over soon.
I agree 100% with that comment! :D
I just hope this blows over soon T_T
AdriKimchi #7
Thumbs up for this author (y). I agree, we should all learn to forgive and forget. After all, everyone makes mistakes right? (: Block B, HWAITING!!
I absolutely agree with everything you said! I wasn't even such a big fan of Block B before this scandal but now I LOVE ZICO! I also don't like allkpop anymore...I want Block B to be able to perform again at TV :(
beastlover24 #9
I don't see why people are making a big deal about it. I've never seen a small matter turn this big and stupid before. It doesn't make sense at all. I like that you voiced your opinion and be honest. Its something that hasn't been done since the drama started...
I seriously don't see ANY reason for bashing them.
EVERYONE knows that Block B is unique.
And because of allkpops' translators ing mistake Block B has to suffer?
Ok... Antis just needs to stop!!! Man. Everytime I in think about this problem I wanna curse the out of people!!! And I didn't know about all the diseases they had... As a nursing student, I know how much pain they're in. I know how much care they need. Knowing that they already have all these conditions it just makes me hate antis even more! They still do the best they can even though they have all these conditions just for their fans. Any fans that is No longer their fan. They don't deserve to call themself a fan from the beginning! Now that people is getting hurt, are all antis happy now? That didn't change the fact that everything already happened! Why can't they just in forgive people! I am so disappointed... Haters better learn how to forgive. I'm just gonna stop here before I start cursing people out.
Haters really need to leave our boys alone ㅠ.ㅠ I mean seriously even P.O. Baby is sick now I mean everyone makes mistakes but it's stupid how allkpop decided to bring this up almost a month after it happened ㅠ.ㅠ they're so biased like there's not one article about SNSD's raciest song writer but yet they will do everything to demolish Block B ㅠ.ㅠ it just really upsets me and everytime I read about Zico's asthma, heart surgery, and hurnia it makes me wanna cry even more! My sister had hurnia, she was in pain all the time. My moms ex fiancé had open heart sugary that gotta hurt like a b***h and I have friends that have asthma and there not always feeling the greatest ㅠ.ㅠ so I hope all this blows over soon I mean as far as I know from things I've read brand new stardom has Block B on suicide watch...
Awwww......all of these really did surprised me
wait..what happened on 2009??? I'm sorry but i'm really clueless about this:O
The part where Jaehyo actually recommended Junhyung and Leejoon kind of shock me. I've never put interest in Block B so I just found out. And wow... He is such a great man.
Seriously haters shoudl just leave Block B alone. I have some Thai friends and they're like totally cool about wht happen. It's all fine for them 'cos Block B has apologized after all.
Block B should be forgiven and everyone needs to stop being childish about this matter. I feel so bad for them T__T