My inner Will Smith. xD No.

OH HAIIL NAW. Guuuurl, he is mine! You just a piece of irkin' shet.

Yeaahh, thas right! YOU DO NAWT GO UP TO A MAN, FLIRT, AND IRK HIM, OKAAAY? First of all THIS, is why I don't trust you. You my fraaaand and all BUT EX-CUSE-ME. You would use my dirty little secret against me. I know you like em too, but truth is....






Keep scrolling.







I talked to him personally about you and he said "I don't really like her she's just irking." That moment my heart bloomed a flower and I smiled. DON'T GET ME WRONG, but uh.. You still my fraaand, but its just YOU GET IRKING.

Thanks for your time. LOL When my anger is high I explode and my inner "Will Smith" comes out.



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LMFAO "keep scrolling"! Luv u dongseng! NH