Helpin out a friend! Apply - now! ;)

Hey! Kate here, obviously...haha :)

Anyway, a lovely friend of mine has a new fanfic out - personally I love the idea...but that is just me. She didn't ask for help, but I decided to help anyway because she expressed concerns over the amount of people applying for her story. Like me, I love a lot of appliers so I have a variety to choose between.

She does need more boy applications since there are only 2, but she did say whatever she gets is what she will work with whether there is one boy in the idol group or not.

Erms...Oh! Guardian is the name of the idol group. From what I know, she wants Guardian to be famous - like worldwide famous and having them living the famous dream that teens, kids, etc usually dream of but (yes, there are always buts) the members each have conflits with each other and her character even has problems with the CEO (did I say that they are signed to SME? If not, I did now). So life for them isn't perfect though they seem to be.

On the contrast there is Ace of Spades..she calls them AOS, but I call them Spades (keke, I helped her with the name Guardian v. Spades for the story). Anyway, Spades is the group that is unsigned but believes in themselves and they pretty much live in harmony even though they are having troubles getting their life isn't perfect either...

She is going to post a first chapter, or a teaser, featuring her character sometime, that should be fun ^^ I have yet to apply, but you can bet on your life that I'm going to apply haha :)

So, I encourage you to apply too. She does have some good ideas for the story, so I'm excited to see how it lays out~

Guardian v. Spades <- click there! ^_^


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julie, be nice!! i think its awesome that she wants to help us out!!!
arigatou kate~!!!!
(deal with it julie xD)
D: you're so mean XDD I didn't tell you to do this...