White Maiden Application


AFF Name : TheBestOfKpop

Profile link :http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/115589 



Name : Akiko Kwon

Nickname(s) : Kiki

Age : 17

D.O.B : 14/02/95

Birthplace : Seoul, Korea

Gender : Female

Ethnicity : 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese

Likes (5-10) : jokes, traveling, selcas, eating, fluffy pillows, kittens/puppies, helping people, laughing, crowded parties, neon green

Dislikes (5-10) : staying still, silence, rain, sad songs, gray, school, relaxing, grumpy people, bullies

Hobbies (3-6) : Telling stupid jokes. Running. Collecting fuzzy and fluffy pillows. Volunteering at animal shelters and homeless shelters. Taking selcas.

Habits (3-6) : Not keeping still. Puffing out her cheeks for no reason whatsoever. Biting her bottom lip when she's nervous, embarassed, or scared. Dancing even when there's no music. Running in crowded areas.

Trivia (min 2) : She is terrified of clowns. She loves thunder, but hates the rain so she wishes they could be seperate.



Personality : Akiko's favorite thing to do is laugh and she smiles 24/7. She can always be seen bouncing around and giggling at even the slightest joke, no matter who idiotic or bad it is. Her teeth are almost always showing whether she's laughing, talking, or smiling (which are her three favorite things to do) so she's lucky her teeth are pearly white. Akiko is often labeled as empty-headed because of her scatter-brained portrayal, and they are right. She never did well in school and tends to do some pretty brainless things, but she is a kind person. She always helps people in need (or at least tries to help them. Sometimes it ends up worse for them though because of her thoughtlessness). Her giddy persona urks the silent, serious type, but most people enjoy watching her run around.

She can't stop moving and is often accussed of having ADHD (but she doesn't). If she's sitting down, he feet are swinging or she's dancing in her seat, or sometimes she bounces up and down. She loves running up and down hallways even when there's no reason to and being on the move is the most exciting thing for her, especially when going to a foreign country. Akiko loves taking selcas (it's just about the only time she's totally still) especially with her friends and older brother,  Seunghyun.

Preffered magic :  wind magic

Speciality : she can control the wind sending powerful gusts at her enemies, creating hurricanes, and flying (more like floating on the wind but it's basically the same), creating "cuts" in the air around an enemy (makes the wind go in two different directions on either side of a specific line if you touch where the two winds meet, you're cut by the sharpness)

Backup magic & speciality : Air magic (healing magic) support magic and healing (like Wendy but not a dragon slayer)

Inherits the magic / found it / gifted : gifted....... She was born with magic despite being the only one in the family with magic



Ulzzang name : Kim Min Seo 

Links (3-5) : 1 2 3  4

Backup ulzzang : Song Ah Ri 

Links (2-3) :   1   2  3

Casual Links (3) :  1   2  3  4   (usually with sneakers or boots)

Formal Links (3) :  1  2  3  (usually with boots or flats... rarely high heels)

Home Links (3) :  1  2  3

Training Links (3) :  1 (sorry I couldn't find many links but she basically wears the same things as the casual when training)



Parents : Mom-  deceased- Was a friendly, but very quiet woman who loved her family dearly.

Dad-  40- He is a very happy man who loved to move around as much as Akiko does before his wife died. He tends to be peppy and very strong when it comes to his emotions. Akiko has only ever seen him cry one: when her mother passed away.

Siblings ,IDOLS only (max 2) : older brother- Seunghyun Kwon (T.O.P.)- He has always been there for Akiko and loves spending time with her. They used travel together often (but she still visits him often despite them not traveling together anymroe) and they can tell each other anything.

Background : Akiko was born in Seoul, but she didn't really live there. Her family had a passion for constantly moving around, renting apartments as they went. Having two kids didn't change that. Akiko and her brother were brought up on five different continents in who-knows-how-many countries. They were exposed to all sorts of cultures, languages, and traditions enabling them to be well aware of the diversity of the world. The constant traveling also made it hard on the kids. They never really had any lasting friendships so they hung on to each other and their schooling was basically non-existant. Seunghyun taught himself through books, but Akiko never attempted to learn. To her, it was not only boring, but pointless. She wanted to grow up traveling the world like her parents. And she did.

After her mother died, Akiko's father settled down in Seoul, his birthplace. Akiko was allowed to continue to travel the world on her own. After a while of traveling alone, she found Taemin. Neither of them remembers exactly how it happended, but they became fast friends. He offered to travel with her and she immediately accepted. Later, they picked up Jiyong and the three became inseperable. Once their father had stopped traveling, so did Seunghyn. He decided to get a proper education and, thanks to his hard work throughout his life, he was able to skip ahead to only one grade level below the one he would've been in.

Best Friends (idols only) : Taemin- 18- has nature magic (can make things grow and control trees, roots, ect.)

Their personality : Taemin is laid back and likes to go with the flow. He is willing to follow Akiko where she goes and has become a companion to her on almost all of her adventures. He tries his hardest to keep up with her, but often fails getting left in the dust.

Rival (idols only) : Jessica (SNSD)

Why? : She relies too much on her looks and tends to be lazy. This bugs Akiko out of her mind. Akiko's energy and constant peppiness bug Jessica beyond belief as well. They're just opposite peronalities that don't mix well.



Name : Jiyong (GD)

Age : 19

Personality : He always has tons of energy so he has no problem keeping up with Akiko. He's often just as peppy as Akiko, but he is also very intellegent so he helps Akiko with situations that need some brains. However, he can sometimes fall into a dark mood and then even Akiko with her warm smile can't get through to him.

Magic (if have) : card magic (he can tell the future with cards)

Same guild? : yes

Backup Interest : Kevin (U-kiss)



Password : PIXIEDUST

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