So frustrating...

Oh yeah, time for me to speak out some frustration...

I am in a group with two other girls and we have to make a question list for others to fill in.
Everything was going well.. But I was not content with some questions so I said to them that maybe we should change them a bit.
They said it was fine like this and well, I really do not want to argue, but when a friend of mine made it I found a fault.
So I told them, and they said that it is just my friend, their friends just blindlessly filled it in without any complains.. How dare they say that about my friend... Grr... When their friends just did not bother to mention it..
I am quite stubborn when it comes to this, so even now I still am not satisfied with it, so here I am, frustrated, while they just continue to say everything is good like it is.
The WORST thing is, they did not even read my reason for changing..
I hate group projects, because here I every five weeks the groups are changed again, and most of the time I do not even know those people that well since this is my first year and all... The previous time I was with someone I knew, but she did not even bother to help me with the project.. I am someone who goes for the highest scores, while they just go for a passing score. It pisses me off...
Aish, just had to write this down, because it was bugging me so much..

*takes a deep breath* *breaths out* Smile :)


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Group projects ...Can't you ask to work alone?
Just keep doing what you do, as long as you work diligently, it will show in your scores :)
omg i HATE group projects too D: before it used to be because I'm really bad at making conversation and i'm kinda awkward with people i don't know well, but now my new teacher always lets us pick our own groups and i'm the one stuck doing all the work and buying everything we need! -.-; I know my friends would help, but i don't trust them enough to let them do it all cause i try to go for the highest scores too...
ooohhh school, you're so stressful sometimes... -.-
looool take a deep breath and smile is a good idea, i think i'll do that too~^^