Clumsy Me


i just hurt myself. lol. its not really bad actually. but, i just dont understand why am i so clumsy.. gahahha..

so this afternoon i was sending off my friend from my balcony. when i want to go to the balcony, i was hit the door and my shinbone got brushed. i was not realised it until i feel something when im back to my laptop. i feel like there's something on my leg and when i touch it, it's actually blood. and when i saw it, its bleeding.. OTL

i dont feel any pain that time but well, i can gradually feel the pain. and now, its better.

so.. its not the first time i got this. i am very clumsy. i even stumble when i walk. my friends keep asking me why am i so clumsy. ahahha.. i just cant anwer that coz i dont know. XDD i am like this since kid so, i was just.... born clumsy? lol




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