When the Planets Come Together App

~~ Basics ~~~

Name : TheBestOfKpop

Profile Link :http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/115589 

What would you like me to call you? : anything at all =)


~~~ Character ~~~

Name: Ayumi Asura

Nickname: Yum (pronounced Yoom)

Age: 17

D/o/b: February 14 1995

Apperance; http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/113557/11/ulzzangs-models-ulzzang  She has blonde slightly wavy hair.

Name of model/ullzang/actress (who ever you have used) : Yeon Ji Hee

Blood Type: O

Home town: Tokyo, Japan

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 British

Prince or Princess: Princess

Which Planet: Mars

Personality: She is a fighter. She has mastered karate and kendo already and is working on many other techniques. She has always been an independent, strong girl and has dedicated most of her fighting skills to justice. She fights the bullies at school when they try to take someone's lunch money, she fights the erts at school when they lift up girl's skirts, ect. However, her love for fighting sometimes gets the best of her. She often jumps to conclusions and punches people without first asking for an explanation. She is also very independent. Even the thought of relying on others drives her out of her mind. Due to this, she prefers solitude most of the time. She is brilliant, though not quite top of her class, and is often envied for her abilities and brains. She hates the attention. She often shoves people away and avoids eye contact making her known to be a cold person which isn't entirely true though it seems to be on the outside. Only her friends can really get through to her and see the girl underneath: a hot-tempered, fiery young woman that always has an opinion to voice and energy to do something crazy. She acts purely off instinct most of the time and, though most of the time it's right, she sometimes makes mistakes that can be damaging to both Ayumi and whomever she judged incorrectly.

Likes: Martial Arts, fighting, justice, solitude, war movies, horror movies, rap music, school, working hard

Dislikes: romance, doing nothing, bullies, erts, skirts, slow music, novels, fangirls

Hobbies:karate and any form of martial arts, fighting, kendo, wrestling, eating

Habits: Judging situations based only on what she knows and not waiting to hear the whole story.

Clicking her tounge when she's annoyed.

Giving the death stare to couples that show PDA (public displays of affection).

Trivia: Secretly, Ayumi wonders what it would be like having a boyfriend and decides it wouldn't be that bad, but she refuses to show weakness by giving in to boys.

Ayumi has a tatoo on her back of a pair of swords crossed.


~~~ Relationships ~~~

Status: single

Who has a crush on you : Kyuhyun (super junior)

Best friend: Prince of Jupiter

Friends (max of 3): Princess of the Moon, any other oc who are just and/or like to fight

Family Members - Prince of Mars, Dad- cold and often tells Ayumi to just go away because he's always working as the main salesman for a large electronics company. She rarely ever gets the chance to talk to him and barely feels like she knows him at all. Mom- left them when Ayumi was 2

Password: starfishies


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