Star Empire Academy Application

~Welcome to Star Empire Academy~

-All About You-

AFF Username: TheBestOfKpop

AFF Profile Link: 

-Your Creation-

Full Name: Akiko Lee

Nicknames: Kiki

Height and Weight: 175 cm and 49 kg

Ethnicity: 1/2 Japanese 1/2 Korean

Hometown: Tokyo, Japan

Birthday and Age: February 14, 1995      17 years old

What kind of creature are you?: nature fairy. She has had the ability to fly (not on a broomstick but on a cloud she creates with a swipe of her hand) and has had the ability to talk to trees since the time she woke in the forest. She can also make flowers bloom anywhere with a wave of her hand and she can control water (as in moving it with her mind).

Personality: She is outgoing, loud and boisterous. She can never seem to stop talking and she often says things without thinking. This causes long disputes between her and her friends (when she has them) that often lead to full-blown arguments. However, Akiko is actually a kind-hearted person and tries to show it when she can, but often ends up either making the situation awkward or offending the person she was trying to be nice to. She is also known as a total clutz who often falls down stairs, trips over nothing, and loses her way to the bathroom that's right down the hall. People often see her as an air-head especially due to her below average grades and clumsiness. Akiko swears on her life she would do anything for the one she loves, though she is always too nervous to approach her crush seeing as how she always manages to mess things up.

Akiko is also known for her adventurous spirit. She never turns down a dare (which often gets her in trouble) and she often acts without thinking (much like her talking without thinking). Whenever an adventure knocks on her door, she rushes to great it with open arms. To her, there is nothing better than spending a night tracking down an enemy or spying on a rival. She can never resist the call of adventure, especially when it's in the woods where she feels more at home than anywhere else.

Background: One day she woke up in the middle of the woods, a 6 year old girl, with no memories. Nothing. Not her name, not her face, not her family, not what had happened to her. Nothing. After walking a few steps she found a young boy about the same age as her waking up. She asked him what had happened to him, but he had no memories either. Underneath the boy was a slip of paper. It said that his name was Lee Taemin and his twin sister (who they both supposed was the little girl) was named Lee Akiko. The note said that they loved them very much, but were unable to keep them. At the bottom it was signed -Mom and Dad. The twins were more than a little confused, but decided that worrying about it was a waste of time. They played for a long time, gathering wild berries, climbing trees, running through the forests. Until, they stumbled upon a man. He was old and looked as if he was a traveler with a walking stick and pack on his back. He asked the kids where their parents were and what they were doing this deep in the woods and they told him their story (however short it was). He had a sad look on his face and told the children to follow him. They obliged and soon came to a small house in the woods. He took them in and, from then on, cared for them. He became almost like a grandpa to them and they lived happily. But the man was old and eventually died. Then, Akiko and her brother happened upon applications to go to a school called Star Empire Academy.

Likes: talking, chocolate, flying, dancing, nature, smiling, pearly white teeth, sleeping, vacations from school, friends, loud music

Dislikes: people who interupt, boredom, silence, bland food, vegetables, stuck up people, relaxing, scented candles, school (only because she gets bad grades)

Hobbies: spying on people, dancing, going on adventures, sneaking up on people and scaring them, talking, tripping (an unintentional hobby)

Habits: Not making a sound when she walks even when she's not paying attention to it.

Talking way too much even in class when the teacher is in the middle of a lesson

Tripping over her own feet and losing her way no matter where she's going.

Laughing at jokes no matter how stupid they are.

Biting her nails when she's bored.

Falling asleep whenever she feels tierd.

Talents: Being able to follow anyone anywhere without being seen.

Being able to lie easily.

Trivia: She has a tatoo on her back of an eagle in flight that was there when she woke up in the woods when she was 6.

Her biggest fear is growing older because she's afraid she won't be able to do all the crazy things she does now.

She has no memories beyond the age of 6 meaning she doesn't actually know when her birthday is.

She secretly prays for the old man's peaceful rest every night.

-Show Me Yo Face-

Ulzzang Links:  (there are a bunch of pics on this page) (Akiko's hair is blonde like in the 7th picture down)

Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo

Back-up Ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong


Family: brother- Lee Taemin       17 years old          They get along wonderfully beside a few disagreements here and there and they've been playmates and best friends since as long as they can remember

Friends: Youngmin and Kwangmin, Donghae and Kyuhyun, Amber, Sunny (they're all people she followed and revealed herself to or was caught by and they visit her in the woods every now and then)

Rivals: none at the moment, but who knows how many once she reaches the academy. She hates people who belittle nature and/or insult people based on how they look.

Any ex's?: L. Joe

Mentor: Kim Kevin

Love Interest: G-dragon

How did you meet?: One summer day, Akiko decided to follow a young man traveling though the woods, but his she tripped (which almost never happens whe she's following someone) and revealed herself. She fell down a minor cliff too giving her a few bad cuts. The young man (G-dragon) was kind hearted and helped her up, bandaged her injuries with some gauze from his back, and offered to her home. They talked all the way there and he was stunned when he saw the little house. He left only after hours of talking and promised to visit again. He did.... constantly. Eventually he up enough courage to ask her out and they've been together ever since.

What type of relationship do you lovebirds have?: They have always been so close that the two are never awkward around each other and can tell each other literally everything. He finds Akiko's cluminess and talkativeness cute and shares her passion for adventure. They get along wonderfully despite a few arguments, but what couple doesn't fight every now and then?


Why do you want to get into Star Empire Academy?: Life is boring and me, I can't stand boredom for two seconds. This school is a new adventure and believe me, I need one. Look what I'm turning into!!! I've barely run a mile today! And I havn't followed any travelers through the forest all week! Sure it's only Monday, but still! That's two whole days of no stalking! What have I turned into! Anyway, I promise I'll try my hardest which my brother always says doesn't mean much, but oh well. I know I'll be a great addition to the academy and probably liven things up a lot! Oh PLEASE let me come! I'm SOOOOOO bored! Ya, I know it says above that I really don't like school but anywhere is better than here especially a school that offers adventure! And, just between you and me, I got dared to join this school. I can't back down now! I'd be ashamed of myself unable to look in the mirror for the rest of eternity! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anything I missed?: Nope.

My beloved password:     


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