After Dark Application

Character Info ~

Full name: Miki Sae

Nickname: Mik (pronounced Meek)

Age: 18

D.O.B: (DD/MM/YYYY) July 18, 1993

Blood type: O

Enthnicty: 1/2 Japanese, 1/2 Korean

Place of birth: Fukuoka, Japan


175 cm and 49 kg

Her hair is a wavy brown that she sometimes gets to curl. She is known for her flawless skin and aeygo especially when puffing out her cheeks. Her eyes are brown and her teeth are pearly whit and straight on the top with only minor crookedness on the bottom, but it never shows when she smiles. Her family still makes fun of her for it, though.

Ulzzang/model name:  Kim Shin Yeong


Fashion Style: She likes to be casual and comfy meaning she's often seen in a baggy seatshirt and jeans, but when she preforms, her wish to look great and have everyone fall for her gets the best of her meaning tight clothes that flatter her figure that are occassionally revealing and a good deal of make-up. However, when simply on camera she relaxes and wears what she's more comfortable in and lays off the make-up. Her hair is often up in a ponytail or pushed back and wavy.

Personality: Miki's main concern throughout her life has been pleasing others. She is always worried if people like her, if they think she's pretty, and if they want to spend time with her. Due to this, she is constantly changing her personality to match the type of person whoever she's talking to wants her to be. Only her best friend, Kiyomi, and her boyfriend, Jiyong, along with her parents and twin brother know the real her. She is crazy and always wants to add her opinions to every conversation. She often speaks without thinking, but tries her hardest to control herself (which often doesn't end up working) and she loves comfort above anything. She is energetic and often ends up running around the house for no reason. Miki is also very competative in just about everything. She is trying to bring this side of her out more when around others as it is the true her and slowly but steadily, her real self if beginning to emerge even when trying to please others.  She is shy and quiet around new people and it takes a while for her to adjust to them because she doesn't want to make a bad impression. Miki smiles constantly, even when there's something bugging her, and tends to shut others out of her personal problems. This often creates distrust between her and people she is close to causing her to not have many really good friends. Also, keeping her emotions locked away inside her often lasts for only so long ultimately resulting in an extended length of depression that last around a month until someone finally gets her to tell them what's bothering her. Ever since her mothers death she has been even more reserved than normal, always putting on a happy face, and the people close to her are often worried about her. She tries her hardest at school though isn't the brightest student and often gets average or below average scores. She is a vegetarian but still eats poultry and fish because red meat disgusts her for some unknown reason.

Language(s): Japanese (fluent), Korean (fluent), English (basic), Mandarin (semi-fluent)

Likes: spicy food, purple, family, being alone with Jiyong Kiyomi and/or Taemin, being independent, keeping a diary, poetry, aeygo, puppies, kittens, soft pillows, clams

Dislikes: noisey parties, nosey people, heavy metal (music style), sandpaper, red meat, sharing personal stories

Hobbies: dancing, singing, tennis, collecting soft and fuzzy pillows, reading and writing poetry, reading fanfics, acting


Background Info ~

Parents: Mom has passed away when Miki was 7 but was a fun mother and Miki has fond memories of her form when she was little.

Dad is almost never around because he is always at work (CEO of a large pharmaceutical company), but he allows Miki and Taemin to do almost anything they want and supplies them with plenty of money.

Siblings: Lee Taemin is her twin brother (older by 2 minutes) who she gets along with wonderfully and spends lots of time dancing with. They have a great relationship and are always there for each other. Taemin can't wait till Miki debuts with SM and claims it will be the best moment of his life.

Trainee background: Her best friend Kiyomi and she sent in a video of a cover dance and a song in which Miki sang and Kiyomi rapped. Taemin also pulled a few strings and recommended the two of them strongly. Miki and Kiyomi trained together for many years and had a reasonably good time together dancing and covering songs. Taemin also dropped by often and checked up on the girls always happy to see his "dongsaeng".

Trainee years: 3


Stage Info ~

Stage name: Mini

Group Persona: Passionate Dancer

Position: Lead dancer, lead vocals

Main dancer, lead vocals

Fanclub name: Bubbles because of Miki's tendency to puff out her cheeks when she's embarassed, frustrated, and nervous.

Fanclub color: Purple


Relationship Info ~

Partner: Kwong Jiyong (G-dragon)

His personality: He is bubbly and always full of energy. He cares greatly about Miki and always asks if something is bothering her. He wants nothing but the best for her and, despite his busy schedule, he always tries to make time to she her. He is almost always showing a huge smile but he is not afraid to tell Miki when something is troubling him and she is always ready to listen. He has a hard, busy life but he never lets it get to him always staying as happy and peppy as ever. He loves to kiss Miki especially in public to "show her off" and his favorite thing to do is hold Miki in his arms.

How did you met: They met after about two years of Miki's training. YG Entertainment had asked SM for a favor and requested a cute girl with extreme dancing skills, minor voice skills, and acting experience for a video for G-dragon's new solo album. Miki was picked and after spending a few weeks filming and dancing, G-dragon asked her to be his girlfriend on the last day of filiming.

Ex Partner: Kim Jonghyun

How you Met: Through Taemin and his debut with SHINee. No one remembers exactly how but somewhere down the road he asked Miki out and they dated for a good two years.

How you broke up: There was a mutual agreement that it wasn't working out due to Jonghyun's busy schedule and the fact that you still lived in Japan while he was in Korea. Nothing has become awkward between the two and they are still friends.

Friends: Jonghyun, Key, Minho, Onew, Akiko Chang (a friend from Japan who she still calls and keeps in contact with even after she moves to Korea. She is friendly, but often exaggerates things and overdramatizes just about every move she makes.) Kyuhyun (from Super Junior)

Best Friend: Kiyomi Ono. They met in Japan during elementary school and were friends forever. Their common love of dance pulled them together greatly and they were accepted into SM as trainees together.

Rival(s): Just about anyone that people love. She is still kind to them and often sees them as a role model but in her head, Miki drives herself to be liked by more people than them. Also, Key is one of her biggest rivals. His popularity, outgoingness, and ability to be himself leave her envying him which leads to constantly trying to surpass him.


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