oh cliché 5;

part one ; part two ; part three ; part four


Plots, settings, themes, and other notable things seen in writing are all becoming overused and, to be frank, I can't help but point out that things like that are getting a tad old.


Starting with people who copy off of other people(s)'s work. Originality is hard to come by but everyone was given a brain so use it for Pete's sake. Even if you write the most cliche plot alive, at least you're writing something of your own and aren't stealing it from someone else. No fan fiction stories are really copyrighted. It's something fan fiction writers use (and I would know since I was copied off of) so that other people know that they pretty much claimed what they're written as theirs and theirs alone.

Copying off someone's work is almost like cheating to me. You really aren't doing anything but copying and pasting the words in front of you and taking credit for someone else's hard work. Now, there're also those writers who copy off others that get creative and instead of taking things word for word, they change names and places. Well, big whoop. You're still copying off of someone dumb . People actually notice when you try and pull like that.

About four things I was absolutely positive. First, Matthew was a werewolf.

Wait ... that person didn't really write it! Well no duh. If you switch out a few words here and there, it just makes things even more obvious that you're copying off them so save yourself the trouble of getting into trouble and don't do it! Even though this is a fan fiction website, real companies that publish real books (ones that don't like some of the floating around here ...) see that people copy off them. I understand that coming up with an idea that nobody has taken already is hard. Nowadays, plots look more and more alike. I mean, c'mon, after Twilight vampire books were flying off the shelves. All of them were pretty much the same too (in relation to the plot).


Secondly, haters and trolls -- you know who you are. Recently, someone trolled my dongsaeng Rinnie and I will bluntly say that I wanted to go to that es house and hurt her (and maybe a few other things too). I've learned that trolls never troll on people who aren't worth it. They go after those with some sense of popularity and success. As much as they'd like to say, "Oh this person bothered me, so I trolled them." My reply, "..." Seriously, cool it guys. To say that the person you're trolling is the immature one when you instigated the whole thing is mind boggling to me. Moving on so I don't get off topic.

Why must you people hate and troll? It can hurt some people, so don't do it. It can also discourage people, so don't do it. It can piss people off, so don't do it. And more importantly, we can report your dumb to the moderators so that you are removed from this website. Everyone has fans and those who aren't so fond of what you're doing. That is pretty much the fact or life. You will not be liked or disliked by everybody because that's nearly impossible. There's no way that you can know everyone well enough that they can decide to hate you.

I hate when people give constructive criticism and they take it as an insult. That's not trolling, that'd be trying to help you out so that you can improve. Some people are too sensitive (the trolled) and some people are insensitive (the trolls/haters). Readers and writers of fan fictions are like fandoms, they will never all get along much to my dismay.


"English is not my first language."

That phrase is something you see somewhat often now. It's a good thing that people not just in English speaking countries (there're 52 of them I believe) are writing fan fiction. Of course, they probably are anyway -- just in their native language. However, to say that you don't speak English very well actually worries me. If you don't speak it that fluently, get a beta reader or a proof reader. They can help! Instead, most don't get a beta reader and their stories could use some improvement with their mechanics. 

Granted, English is the hardest language to learn being that so many people speak it and there're many variations of it that have developed over time. Even native English speakers need help! Seriously, instead of struggling, find someone to help and you will eventually get better at writing. I'm sure that even I don't speak it that fluently as I claim, since I am no English major -- yet. But if you want to get better at writing, you have to work on it. You can't expect people to know that you want to get better and jump up to help you. Ask, and you might receive.


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where is the like button when you need one?
midoris #2
"real companies that publish real books (ones that don't like some of the floating around here ..."


But seriously. Omg. I especially hate it when it's a great plot but the author has as much sense of grammar as a 3 year old.
So freaking true, girl!
I love you<3