You Know You're A Kpop Fan When....

LOL...i must admit...i think all of these have happened to me, or I've experienced them all xD

My poor friends who get caught up in my fangirling................



ANNNDDDD THEN...when one of them talks about how kpop is so "weird" and "pointless"....................oh, and "you're not even korean"...HELL NO...

 the random moments when someone starts calling my baises/groups gay.......or, some messed up comment on their appearence, or preforming skills.............

.......this just got personal........

finally, you end up thinking...

when i have a friend who, after listening to a song is like "hmmm, not bad"....



my friend:

that was my random post on fangirling....that had no direction whatsoever :P

Question: How do you guys react when you meet people that think kpop is "stupid" or anything of that sort? Honestly, I try to explain and end up getting mad sometimes...but really, I just kinda ignore it and beat the person up in my head :P


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i couldnt include this in the last comment b/c of word limit but. OMG LOVED UR POST!!!! =DDD THE PICTURE WAS HILARIOUS!! the post soo reminds me of me.. how i react when one of my friends show interest... OMG IM LIKE FREAKING HUGGING THEM! lmao. and love the byg part =D
And if someone says it's stupid, I talk to them about for a while, maybe have a debate. Then I usually stay quite and beat them up in my head lol.
Same as you pretty much. I gave up showing anything face to face to my friends unless they show an interest. I sometimes post a video on facebook and I'll tell anything if they ask me. Sometimes my friends want to know what/why I like them and I show them. If I find someone who likes Kpop at all, I pretty much go crazy and make them my friend right away haha.
Oh I get so annoyed when someone says that because I am a major fangirl!
I get upset but I just tell them that they are entitled to their opinion... And actually, recently I've noticed that people who have said that in the past have ended up either A) asking me about it and wanting to watch an mv so see "Why I think it's so great" or B) Looking it up on youtube themselves. And both have proven to make Kpop fans out of people :D I actually left my laptop in my classroom to run down to hall to grab a paper that I had printed off, and I came back to find a classmate watching the mv I had left up. He watched the end of UKiss's Forbidden Love and half of BAP's Warrior! He was really curious after that and was asking a lot of questions about the mvs and the songs I had in my itunes library... I'm 99.99% sure he went home that night and looked a few of them up on youtube ^_^ So I guess I'm trying to say is yes haters are going to hate but some will come around and curiosity will have them wanting to listen to it ^_^
OMG hara and seungyeon so cute :L
And MINHYUK adorable.
I know all of these.....
Brian joo!!! I is beautiful and you is pitiful!
Haha so true. I feel ya about the friends calling our bias or group gay.