What is a better name for the fanfic?

Hello there!

I am currently also writing a Chunjoe fanfic, as some as you know (I still cannot believe that I am seriously writing a fanfic...) and I am hesitating about the story name. Normally I have it all planned before I post it, but this time, I was just eager to post it and thought of a name. 
     Those who have seen it already, will know that it is about a decision Byunghun make, and therefore it is called
Blinded vision (Yes, it is referring to Byunghun, or maybe... :p) But actually, I was already hesitating about it, since it is the theme song of the series that attracted me, and the song is called 'drama serial'. I like the name Like a drama series too, and that is my dilemma right now :p
     So please help me and choose one the two options! :D If you want to know more about the story, you can click here.

Thank you!!


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I prefer the first one :D