sobsob a cute jacket i got today. c':

So today I went to this place.

It was like an Indonesian-Chinese yet sold some Japanese food and Korean drinks... let's just say it was an Asian place. LOL

Anyways me and my friends (TAEMILYYYY.<3333) decide to go into a coat store that looked like it had ugly coats.

But when we got in, we actually saw really cute jackets. c: 

And they were so freakin cheap you wouldn't even believe it.

(They don't even tax you sobsob)

And Everything was at least $20 and below I belive but yeah anyways there was a few cute coats. C: 

And me and my friends got matching jackets

they were so cute and they were only $10. I'm going to start crying.

Because not only was it beautiful... but the price was beautiful. :'D 

LOL Anyways. Enough talking. Here's a picture .c:

I got yellow, and my other friend got grey hurhur.

it's even reversable! You know what that means? INSIDE POCKETS WOOO LOL.

you can also tighten it at the bottom and theres a little zipper so you can seperate the jackets i guess LOL.

LOL, anyways yeah. Sorry guys I just got so excited hurhur. c:


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aww i can't see the pictures.. :(
why don't i see duh picture LOL.
The pictures are forbidden for me. Sad day.
But it's ok...since we have the same jacket and all XD
Lol. Where is this place? I'm thinking of buying something for a friend. c: