SS4 Black Ocean

It's just sad that Zhou Mi received a black ocean during his solo. This man doesn't deserve this. I think it's rude of them. It makes me sad that they have an SS4 and treats him that way, while here, in the Philippines, we openly accept him and Henry. They don't deserve this. I want to say Singapore doesn't deserve it for what they did to him, but I'd come off rude, plus I've stated this. It's just sad. T.T


Philippines probably holds a special spot for HenMi's heart. Henry called us the 'laudest' country he has heard during SS3 Manila. I think when he said that, I think he was referring to when he was performing. We all love you, Mochi. Then Zhou Mi's first solo performance in SS2 Manila. I don't know how true was that. I wasn't also there, unluckily. At SS3, I really really really really wanted to see him and perform live, but due to effin' passport problems (because our country doesn't needs visa for you to enter), he didn't come. I hate this.


SS4 is so expensive~ I read somewhere that it costs Singapore 2 million Singaporean dollars for two days. One day is a million, which is more than 33 million pesos here in our country, or an estimate of 800,000 US Dollars. T.T


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hae_ki #1
i just wish i could go to at least one of those concerts...
Actually I go for the SG SS4 also.. Is abit weird when u say black ocean..
There got blue and white light when they perform even ZhouMi..
Wats a black ocean??!!
hangooksonya #4
wait what happened?
Seaworld24 #5
ELF should love Super Juniro as 15. Not any less.
People just don't like Sj-M much. If they don't respect Henry and Zhou Mi then they don't respect SuJu.