ㅤ ㅤ ❛  Yong Dain is Jang Woojae's first love


Yong Dain emerges as a captivating ballad singer, her melodic voice weaving tales of love and heartbreak that resonate deeply with listeners. After a hundred times got rejected with recording agency, the young woman finally debuted. With her recent debut song, she has captured the hearts of many, drawing them into the emotional depths of her music. Behind her soulful performances lies a story.

1. Akmu - How Can I Love the Heartbreak When You Are the One I Love
2. IU - Through the Night
3. Nell - Time Walking on Memory
4. Baek Yerin - Maybe It's Not Our Fault
5. Heize - Don't Know You
6. Adele - Someone Like You
7. John Legend - All Of Me
8. Lord Huron - The Night We Met
9. A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera - Say Something
10. Taylor Swift - Back to December


Love is a timeless melody


FULL NAME Yong Dain (용다인)

❛ Tofu; given by Hanbin because her white skin



BIRTHPLACE Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
HOMETOWN Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea





❛ Korean; as she spends her whole life in that country


HEIGHT 161 cm

WEIGHT 48 kg

APPEARANCE She possesses expressive almod-shaped eyes that sparkle with curiosity and enthusiasm. Her eyes hold a depth that reflects both resilience and vulnerability.

Dain's smile is infectious, radiating warmth and sincerity. Her smile becomes a source of strength for those around her.

Her hair, styled in a way that complements her dynamic personality, frames her face gracefully. She chooses vibrant color, makes her hair becomes a symbol of her individuality and creativity.

STYLE Dain often chooses flowing, ethereal gowns in soft pastel or jewel tones. The gowns accentuate her poise and grace as she performs heartfelt ballads. Intricate lace, subtle beading, and flowing silhouettes add a touch of romance to her on-stage presence.

Yong Dain's stage outfit

In her day-to-day life, Dain's style is effortlessly cool. She embraces streetwear, comfortable yet stylish. Oversized hoodies, ripped jeans, and statement sneakers are staples in her casual wardrobe. Accessorizing with unique jewelry adds a touch of sophistication to her laid-back looks.

Yong Dain's personal closet

FACECLAIM Twice's Dahyun

BACK UP FC Kang Hyewon




TRAITS INFP - Gryffindor
(+) Resilient, compassionate, determined, optimistic
(=) Introverted, creative
(-) Stubborn, impulsive, hot-tempered, self critical


PERSONALITY Yong Dain, a cheerful and innocent young girl, radiates resilience even in the face of life's formidable challenges. Battling a tumor, she declares with unwavering determination that her fear lies not in sickness but in the prospect of losing the ability to sing, the one true passion that fuels her every waking moment. This genuine love for music, coupled with a radiant optimism, paints her as a beacon of hope for those around her.

Her compassion knows no bounds. Having experienced the profound loneliness of losing her parents at a tender age, Dain holds tight to her attachments with friends. She extends warmth to others, offering support with a caring heart. In her pursuit of dreams, she exhibits an indomitable spirit, showcasing a level of determination that surpasses the boundaries of her own struggles.

Yet, Dain's bright exterior conceals complexities. A stubborn streak, bordering an obstinacy, mars her otherwise sunny disposition. Her impulsive nature, driven by a fervent emotional core, occasionally leads her down uncharted paths, both in her personal relationships and her creative ventures. The same fierce temper that propels her forward can, at times, ignite conflicts and pose challenges in the delicate balance of her friendships.

Internally, Dain grapples with self-criticism, a silent struggle that contrast sharply with her outward optimism. The very resilience that defines her also fuels a critical self-reflection, where doubts about her musical prowess and the ability to overcome her health adversities take residence in her mind.

In moments of solitude, Dain's introverted side emerges. She relishes the quiet, using it as a space for self-discovery and reflection. This introversion, however, does not dampen her vibrant creativity. Rooted in her soul, creativity becomes the driving force behind her musical pursuits.


BACKGROUND Born to Yong Hyunjin and Jang Hyein, her early years were tinged with tragedy, Hyein's untimely death during childbirth, and Hyunjin's passing when Dain was merely a year old. The familial discord escalated as Dain's grandmother, Kim Jiyoung, vehemently opposed her parents' union, leaving Dain with a lingering sense of familial disapproval.

She was moved from different foster homes until she arrived at an orphanage at age five. As a child, she was quiet and did not have friends because she felt lonely without family. Amidst the discord, Dain finally found solace in the embrace of the orphanage, where the seeds of friendship were sown with Hanbin, her very first friend. Their bond became a source of warmth in the midst of a lonely existence, and even as the years passed, Hanbin remained a steadfast pillar of support in Dain's life.

However, the symphony of Dain's existence took an unexpected turn when her grandmother, Kim Jiyoung, came to take her away when she was ten. Despite her disapproval of Dain's parents' marriage, Jiyoung's still think of Dain as her grand daughter. Though even if the two lived together and Jiyoung fulfill Dain's need, Jiyoung ignored Dain most of the time and forbid her from singing. That was because her singing remind her of Dain's father whom she thought 'stealing' her lovely daughter. It was because Yong Hyunjin back then was only a poor musician that she opposed the idea of her daughter marrying Hyunjin. The sudden shift from the familiarity of the orphanage to the austere environment of her grandmother's home left an idelible mark on Dain, introducing her to a life where the melodies of her past were replaced by the dissonance of familial tension.

The arrival of Woojae in Dain's life brought a fleeting respite from this discord. Their love, marked by shared dreams and unspoken understanding, seemed to offer a sanctuary from the familial disapproval that had haunted Dain's earlier years. Yet, in the midst of that, Dain faced an even more formidable challenge, a tumor in . It wasn't an omnious one nor a cancer. But the diagnosis brought forth a choice: undergo surgery with the risk of losing her voice or confront the possibility of a life without music. Fate intervened again, her painfully ended relationship and Woojae's departure for Seoul marked the beginning of another tumultuous chapter.

It was during this tumultuous period that Meng Jia, a seasoned professional in the music industry, entered Dain's life. Jia, drawn to Dain's raw talent and emotional depth, recognized the potential for greatness despite the health challenges. Their paths converged at a crucial juncture when Dain, grappling with the decision to undergo surgery, hesitated at the crossroads of her passion and her well-being.

Meng Jia, witnessing the strength and resilience within Dain, saw not just an artist but a soul whose music held the power to transcend adversity. Despite the uncertainties surrounding Dain's health, Jia became a beacon of support, encouraging Dain to embrace her artistic journey, tumor, and all. Their collaboration became a testament to the healing power of music and the unwavering spirit of an artist determined to share her voice with the world.

As Dain tentatively agreed to join the record company, she carried the weight of her health struggles and the looming surgery. The decision makred a courageous step forward, an acknowledgment of the transformative potential in her music even in the face of adversity. With Meng Jia by her side, navigating the complexities of the music industry became a shared journey, as Dain not only confronted her physical challenges but also embarked on a path of self-discovery and resilience.

It was during this phase that Meng Jia, now not just a manager but a trusted friend and mentor, shared the news of Unmyeong's documentary project (Meng Jia was an alumna from Unmyeong's college). The premise resonated deeply with Dain, serving as a beacon of hope and an opportunity to explore the enduring theme of her first love. Intrigued by the prospect of reconnecting with her own past, Dain, with Jia's encouragement, decided to join the documentary project.


In every note, I pour a piece of my soul 



❛ Her favorite color is white

❛ Her favorite drink is chocolate milk. But basically she likes all sort of milk

❛ Dain likes chocolate. She said she can't live without chocolate
❛ Dain has an affinity for cherry blossoms. Their fleeting beauty resonates with her, symbolizing the transient nature of life and love.
❛ Dain finds solace in classic literature, particularly novels that explore the complexities of human emotions. She enjoys delving into timeless stories of love and self-discovery.
❛ Besides her involvement in the world of ballad pop, Dain is drawn to the soulful tunes of accoustic guitar. She finds inspiration in the simplicity and authenticity of melodies.
❛ Autumn holds a special place in Dain's heart. The crisp air and the falling leaves evoke a sense of nostalgia, mirroring the themes often explored in her music.
❛ Dain has a weakness for home made desserts, particularly indulging in warm apple pie with a scoop of chocolate ice cream. The combination of sweet and comforting flavors brings her a sense of joy.
❛ Dain enjoys watching romantic dramas that explore the intricacies of relationships. The emotional depth and compelling storytelling resonate with her own  experiences.



❛ She hates being alone in dark places
❛ Dain has an aversion to spicy foods. The intense flavors overwhelm her taste buds, and she often finds herself reaching for a glass of water to cool the heat.
❛ Dain dislikes gloomy, rainy days. The somber atmosphere triggers memories that she'd rather keep at bay, making her mood more susceptible to melancholy.
❛ Dain is particularly bothered by people who interrupt others while they are speaking. She values open communication and finds interruptions disrupt the flow of meaningul conversations.
❛ Dain isn't a fan of extreme sports or activities that involve a high level of risk. The unpredictability unsettle her, and she prefers engaging in more serene and contemplative pursuits.
❛ Dain dislikes people who chew loudly or make distracting noises while eating. It disrupts her enjoyment of meals and can be a source of mild irritation.



❛ Singing

❛ Writing song



❛ Dain has the habit of touching her nose whenever she's confused



❛ Dain is scared of animals (cats, dogs, etc)

❛ Dain knows how to play piano

❛ She cannot watch horror movies
❛ Dain sleeps like a dead person
❛ When she's stressed, she's smiles (in order to release the stress)
❛ Her eyesight is bad. She wears contact lenses
❛ When she can't sleep, she starts watching tv
❛ She saved Woojae's number (the old one, he changed his number after move to Seoul) as 'Melody Maker'


It was only when Dain was ten years old that Jiyoung, burdened by regret, decided to take her granddaughter in. The coldness that enveloped their relationship stemmed from Jiyoung's lingering bitterness and unresolved feelings towards Dain's father. The weight of blaming the musician for taking her daughter away further distanced Jiyoung from embracing Dain wholeheartedly.

Despite Jiyoung's reluctance, Dain found herself into an environment where familial tension loomed heavily. The austere atmosphere of Jiyoung's home replaced the warmth Dain had known in the orphanage. The prohibition on singing, a passion that defined Dain's essence, became a poignant reminder of the emotional distance between grandmother and granddaughter.

However, beneath the layers of coldness and restraint, there existed a subtle undercurrent of care. Jiyoung, though unable to express her feelings openly, harbored a complex mixture of emotions towards Dain.

As time unfolded, moments of tenderness emerged, revealing Jiyoung's underlying care for her granddaughter. The difficulty lay in Jiyoung's inability to bridge the emotional gap and fully convey her affections. Dain, despite the challenges, clung to the hope that beneath Jiyoung's stren exterior, there existed a genuine connection waiting to be nurtured.


Their paths converged in the embrance of an orphanage when they were both just five years old. In the midst of a challenging environment, Hanbin's genuine kindness became a source of solace for Dain. Their connection blossomed swiftly, evolving into a bond as close as siblings. Hanbin's unwavering support and caring nature created a haven for Dain, offering a stark contrast to the familial discord she had experienced.

Hanbin's love for astronomy, particularly his fascination with the moon, added a poetic layer to their friendship. The celestial bodies became a shared fascination, with the moon serving as a symbol of solace and connection for Hanbin, reminiscent of his mother. In their shared moments of stargazing and music exploration, they exchanged not only knowledge but also dreams and aspirations.

As Hanbin taught Dain about the wonders of the universe, she reciprocated by sharing the magic of music with him. It was in these exchanges that Hanbin, recognizing Dain's talent and passion, encouraged her to pursue her dream of becoming a singer. His unwavering belief in her abilities became a driving force for Dain, sparking the ember of her musical journey.

Even as the years unfolded, their friendship remained a steadfast anchor in each other's lives. The bond between Dain and Hanbin transcended time, evolving into a connection that weathered the storms of life. Through ups and downs, triumphs, and tribulations, Hanbin remained a constant presence, a friend who had not only introduced Dain to the wonders of the universe but had also ignited the flame of her musical aspirations.


As they work together on the documentary, Dain discovers Unmyeong's softer side, hidden beneath her determined exterior. Unmyeong's dedication to the project and her relentless pursuit of creative excellence inspire Dain to push beyond her own limits and explore the depths of her emotions. Though their personalities may differ, Dain finds common ground with Unmyeong's underlying romanticism and her desire to capture the essence of love through her film.


Unlike Unmyeong's assertive and driven demeanor, Maeum prefers to operate from the sidelines, observing the world with a keen eye. Dain initially finds it challenging to connect with Maeum due to her quiet demeanor, but as they work together on the documentary, a bond forms between them.

Maeum's skills as a cinematographer and scriptwriter become evident as the project unfolds, and Dain begins to appreciate the quiet determination that Maeum brings to their creative endeavors. Despite Maeum's few words, Dain realizes that she has her own way of expressing care and commitment, often through her actions and the meticulous attention she pays to her work.


Despite Jiwon's popularity as RIZING's bassist and his laid-back, easygoing demeanor, Dain begins to see a deeper, more passionate side of him. Dain finds herself intrigued by the contrast between Jiwon's public image and the genuine love he holds for the cinematic world.

As they collaborate on the documentary project, Dain and Jiwon's relationship evolves beyond initial impressions. Jiwon's kind nature and the way he effortlessly interacts with others create a comfortable dynamic within the crew. Dain comes to appreciate not only Jiwon's commitment to filmmaking but also the unique perspective and insights he brings to the project.


Jia's sweetness and kindness extended beyond the realms of work, creating a dynamic where she became more than just a manager to Dain. The protectiveness inherent in Jia's role was tempered with genuine affection, mirroring the intricate roles of a mother, sister, and friend. In moments of vulnerability and triumph alike, Jia stood as a steadfast pillar of support for Dain.

Despite the seriousness of her managerial responsibilities, Jia's occasional bouts of childishness added a layer of lightheartedness to their relationship. This duality, where Jia seamlessly transitioned between a caring mentor and a spirited companion, created a unique dynamic that enriched their connection.

In the realm of work, Jia's managerial prowess shone brightly. Her support and protective instincts were evident not only in navigating the complexities of the music industry but also in fostering an environment where Dain could thrive as an artist. Jia's commitment to Dain's well-being went beyond professional duties, reflecting a genuine concern for her personal and emotional welfare.

The caring nature of their relationship became particularly pronounced in moments of challenge. Jia's over-protectiveness, rooted in a deep sense of care, created a sanctuary for Dain amidst the pressures of the industry. The lines between manager and confidante blurred as Jia became a trusted ally in Dain's journey, offering not just guidance but also a listening ear and a comforting presence.

LIFESTYLE Her daily routine is a mix of artistic endeavors and self-care rituals. Mornings often begin with vocal exercises and warm-ups to maintain her voice's strength and flexibility. Dain dedicates time to writing lyrics and composic music, channeling her emotions and experiences into her art. At least, if she's unable to sing in the future, her songs still be heard through other people's voice. Collaborating with songwriters and producers, she strives to create pieces that resonate with listeners on a deep, emotional level.

Amidst the demands of her music career, Dain prioritizes her well-being. Regular medical check-ups and therapeutic exercises are integral components of her routine, helping manage the impact of the tumor on her ability to sing. Physical and vocal therapy sessions are woven into her schedule to address the challenges posed by her health condition.

Her afternoons often involve studio sessions, where she pours her heart into recording and refining her songs. As the day progresses, Dain engages in promotional activities, interviews, and meetings with her manager, Meng Jia. Jia's supportive and over-protective nature plays a crucial role in ensuring that Dain's well-being is prioritized amidst the demands of the industry.

Evenings provide a space for reflection and relaxation. Dain embraces moments of solitude, finding solace in the melodies she creates and the memories she seeks to uncover.

Beyond the professional aspects of her life, Dain cherishes moments with her close friend, Hanbin. Their friendship remains a source of joy and support, grounding Dain in the genuine connections that define her life. The dynamics with her grandmother, Jiyoung, though complex, continue to evolve, offering glimpses of understanding and connection amid past strife.




She extend a warm smile, "Hello there, I'm Yong Dain"

With a confident yet understated smile, Woojae extends a hand and introduce himself, "Hey, I'm Jang Woojae. Pleasure to meet you."



— With a thoughtful gleam in her eyes, Dain began recounting the serendipitous discovery of the documentary. "It's quite an intriguing tale, really. My manager, Meng Jia, stumbled upon the project during a casual conversation with one of her junior. As she unfolded the narrative this documentary's ambitious venture, I found myself captivated by the concept."

A subtle smirk plays on his lips as Woojae delve into the origins of his involvement in this documentary. "Funny story, really. Gu Jiwon and his band stumbled upon my exploits in the music events scene here." The casual confidence in his voice intertwines with a genuine appreciation for the twist of fate that brought them together.



— Leaning forward with a sense of purpose, Dain shared the heartfelt reasons behind her decision to participate in the documentary. "This project resonates with me on a deeply personal level. My life is woven with threads of love, heartbreak, and the pursuit of dreams. The documentary goes beyond the surface, delving into the timeless concepts of love and self-discovery. It's not just about capturing individual experiences but unraveling the universal journey we all share. Through this documentary, I hope to explore the intricacies of my own past, retrace the steps of my first loves, and perhaps find a sense of closure and understanding in the process."

Leaning back with a contemplative gaze, Woojae unravels the motivation behind his participation in the documentary. "You know, the music events scene is my canvas, and I've painted countless stories on that stage. But this... this is different. It's a chance to delve into the intricacies of love, to unravel the tales of my first love that linger in the heart. There's a certain magic in capturing the essence of those moments, and I couldn't resist being a part of it." The passion in his voice underscores the genuine curiosity that led him to join this venture, a desire to contribute his expertise to a narrative that transcends the beats and melodies of the events he's accustomed to.





— In the soft glow of the documentary set, Dain offered a warm smile to the camera, introducing herself with a genuine sense of connection. "Hello, everyone. I'm Yong Dain, a storyteller through the medium of music."

A confident smile graces his features as Woojae address the camera, "Hey there, I'm Jang Woojae."



As Dain settled into the interview chair, memories of the past flooded her mind, and a tender smile graced her lips. "Ah, the story of how Woojae and I met is a chapter etched in the halls of my college days. He was my senior, and our paths converged in the most unexpected way – through music. Fate, it seemed, had a hand in orchestrating our meeting. The band Woojae played in needed a temporary vocalist, and I, with my aspirations of becoming a singer, stepped into that role. Little did I know, beyond the notes and melodies, a beautiful connection was blossoming. Woojae, initially my protector on the stage, soon became the guardian of my heart. Our love story unfolded amidst the harmonies of college life, painting a canvas of shared passions, mutual admiration, and a promise that would echo through the years."

A nostalgic grin plays on his lips as Woojae recount the serendipitous meeting with Dain. "Well, our paths crossed back in college. I was leading a band, and we needed a temporary vocalist. Dain, stepped into the audition room, and the rest is history. I playfully gave her a hard time, but her spirit and talent left me awestruck. From there, our journey began." The recollection carries a melody of its own, a harmony that set the stage for the chapters that unfolded in his life.



With a gaze reflecting a mixture of longing and determination, Dain began to share the reasons behind her desire to reunite with Woojae. "Meeting Woojae again isn't just a personal quest. Our love story, once a symphony of joy, faced an unexpected discord, leaving me with a song unsung and emotions unshared. The diagnosis of a tumor in my throat became the turning point, altering not only my life but also the dynamics of our relationship. I pushed him away in my moment of despair, only to realize the gravity of my actions when it was too late. This documentary, serves as a poignant canvas for revisiting the chapters of our past. I yearn to uncover the echoes of our love, understand the pain he might have endured, and perhaps find a sense of closure that has eluded me for so long."

A contemplative expression crosses his face as Woojae articulate the reasons behind his desire to reconnect with Dain. "You see, Dain and I shared a chapter in our lives, a melody that, despite the dissonance, left an indelible mark. I've always wondered how her story unfolded after we went our separate ways. This documentary presented an opportunity to explore the echoes of our past, to see how the chords of her life have harmonized since then. There's a certain curiosity, a genuine interest in understanding the symphony of her experiences, and perhaps, to see if the melodies we once composed still resonate in the present." The sincerity in his words unveils a deeper layer, an acknowledgment that some connections, no matter how brief, continue to shape the composition of his life.


—  As Dain reflected on the intricacies of love, a nostalgic smile played on her lips. "The realization of my love for Woojae unfolded like a gentle melody. In the midst of college chaos, I found solace in his presence. The turning point came when the tendrils of a tumor entwined my voice. Woojae's unwavering support during those challenging times painted our love story with hues of empathy and understanding. It was in those moments of vulnerability, as he stood by me through the lows, that I recognized the depth of my feelings. I understood that, amidst the harmonies of life, my heart had found its melody in Woojae."

A thoughtful smile graces his face as Woojae delve into the realization of his feelings for Dain. "Love has this subtle way of weaving its way into your heart, doesn't it? For me, it was in the quiet moments, amidst the chaos of college and the melodies of our shared passion for music. It wasn't a sudden revelation, more like a gradual crescendo that built with every shared laugh, every supportive word, and every note we composed together. I suppose it dawned on me when her presence became as essential as the air I breathed, and the prospect of a life without her seemed unimaginable." The sentiment, painted in the hues of introspection, echoes the quiet yet profound journey of discovering love in the simple, unspoken moments.



— A moment of contemplation lingered in the air as Dain delicately responded to the question. "In the aftermath of Woojae's departure, my heart, though scarred, continued its journey. I navigated the complex melodies of love and loss, and yes, there were fleeting moments when I thought I might have found solace in the company of another. Yet, the echoes of Woojae's love remained a haunting refrain, casting a shadow over any attempts at a new chapter. Love, like a delicate melody, has its own rhythm, and I've come to realize that the resonance of my heart still carries the imprint of our past."

A reflective gaze lingers as Woojae respond to the probing question about love since parting ways with Dain. "Love, it's a complex melody, isn't it? Since Dain and I went our separate ways, there have been notes in my life, some softer, others more resonant. Yet, none quite replicated the symphony we once shared. Each person brought a different tune, a unique cadence, but the echoes of that first love linger in the background, shaping the way I approach the harmonies of my heart." The admission carries a hint of nostalgia, a recognition that while love may take on various forms, the melody of their past remains an integral part of his personal composition.



A wistful smile graced her lips as Dain pondered the question, the weight of memories and emotions palpable. "The allure of a second chance, a chance to rewrite the verses of our love story, is undeniably tempting. If given the opportunity to revisit the crossroads where our paths diverged, I would tread cautiously, carrying the lessons learned from the symphony of our past. Woojae holds a special place in my heart, and the prospect of rekindling our connection is a melody that resonates deeply within me. However, life, much like a complex composition, unfolds in unpredictable ways. The journey we shared, the highs, the lows, and the bittersweet notes in between, have shaped who I am today. So, while the allure of rewriting our love story is undeniable, I also recognize the beauty in the unpredictable cadence of life. I'll just let fate take us wherever they want."

A contemplative expression crosses his face as Woojae entertain the hypothetical scenario presented in the question. "Life has this way of unfolding in unpredictable rhythms, doesn't it? If I were to rewind the symphony of our past and start anew, I believe every note, every chord, played a crucial role in shaping who we are today. While the temptation of rewriting history is intriguing, I think I'd rather cherish the melody we created, even if it had its dissonant moments. Each note, each experience, contributed to the composition of our individual journeys. So, if given another chance, I'd appreciate the echoes of our shared melody, for it's a part of the musical tapestry that is our lives." The response, laced with a blend of reflection and acceptance, encapsulates the understanding that even the bittersweet notes have their place in the grand symphony of life.



As the interviewer posed the question, Dain sat poised in the chair, her fingers gently tracing the edge of the armrest. There was a momentary pause, a subtle inhalation, before she began to speak, "You know, the entire filming process was like revisiting the chapters of my life," she said, her eyes wandering to an unseen horizon, lost in memories. There was a soft smile on her lips, a mixture of nostalgia and introspection. Her hands, gestured gracefully, emphasizing the emotional peaks and valleys of the journey.

A genuine smile plays on his lips as Woojae reflect on the emotions stirred during the filming of the documentary. "Filming this documentary was like revisiting a cherished chapter of my life. There was a whirlwind of emotions—nostalgia, curiosity, and a tinge of vulnerability. It was like unlocking a time capsule of memories. It's been a journey of rediscovery, not just of Dain's story, but also of the nuances within myself that were shaped by those bygone melodies." The sentiment, conveyed with a warmth that transcends the screen, encapsulates the multifaceted experience of immersing oneself in the exploration of love's enduring echoes.



— The question hung in the air, a poignant reminder of the uncertainties that love often carries. As Dain contemplated the possibility of seeing Woojae again after the documentary, a subtle smile graced her lips, tinged with a hint of both hope and realism. "Life, much like a melody, unfolds in unpredictable ways," she began, her eyes reflecting the intricate emotions within. "The documentary, has been a transformative journey, unraveling the threads of our past love. Whether our paths converge again remains uncertain, but the experience has certainly opened a door to introspection and healing. It's a beautiful thought, the idea of rediscovering connections in the wake of shared memories, but the future, like an unwritten score, holds its own surprises. For now, I embrace the echoes of our love within the frames of this documentary and find solace in the melodies that continue to play within my heart."

A contemplative expression crosses his face as Woojae respond to the question about the future dynamics between Dain and him. "Life is an unpredictable composition, much like a song with twists and turns. While the documentary has brought us back into each other's orbits, the future remains an unwritten score. I've come to appreciate the beauty of embracing the present and letting the melodies of life unfold naturally. So, whether our paths intertwine again or take divergent routes, I'm grateful for the moments we've shared during this journey. The music of our lives may find harmony in unexpected ways, but that's the beauty of the ever-evolving symphony." The answer, tinged with a touch of uncertainty and acceptance, captures the essence of embracing the unpredictability inherent in the ebb and flow of life's melodies.



A quiet sincerity settled over the interview room as the question about Woojae lingered in the air. Dain took a moment, a gentle breath in, before speaking from the depths of her heart. "To Woojae," She began, her gaze fixed on an imaginary horizon where memories intertwined with the present. "If these words could reach you, I would want you to know that the echoes of our love, the highs, the lows, and the tender moments, have left an indelible mark on my heart. Life has taken us on separate journeys, but your presence resonates in the melodies of my past. The documentary became a canvas for revisiting those chapters, and I hope, in its frames, you find the sincerity of my emotions. May life bring you joy, may your heart find its melody, and may our stories, intertwined yet divergent, continue to weave their way through the symphony of time." The words hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of a love that once bloomed, and the bittersweet beauty of paths that may never converge again.

In a moment of sincerity, Woojae address the camera with a heartfelt message to Dain. "Dain, if these lenses could capture the echoes of my heart, I'd want you to know that our shared melodies linger in the tapestry of my memories. Our journey was a blend of harmonies and dissonance, and each note we composed together remains etched in the chords of my past. Thank you for being a part of my musical narrative, for the laughter, the tears, and the moments that defined us. Whether our paths continue to dance in tandem or take separate rhythms, I wish you a symphony of happiness, Dain. Thank you." The words, spoken with a mix of gratitude and fondness, encapsulate the depth of the connection forged through the shared chapters of their lives.

OUR STORY In the vibrant corridors of their college years, Woojae and Dain's love story unfolded like a melody, each note resonating with the sweet harmony of admiration and affection. Woojae, a senior with a passion for music, played in a band that sought a vocalist to replace the injured original singer. Dain, with her remarkable voice and determination to be a singer, stepped into the role, unknowingly setting the stage for a love story that would shape their lives.

As the band's new vocalist, Dain quickly became the object of Woojae's protective instincts. His admiration for her talent grew into a deep appreciation for her resilience and passion. In those early days, Woojae found himself drawn to her not just as a musician, but as a person, captivated by her strength and determination.

The neon lights of the after-party danced in the night, casting a vibrant glow on the faces of jubilant students celebrating their successful performance. Amidst the cheers and laughter, Woojae, his eyes reflecting a mischievous glint, approached Dain with a proposition that would unravel the first notes of their private melody.

"Hey, let's leave this party and go someplace... Let's disappear, just the two of us," Woojae's words, wrapped in spontaneity, hung in the air, creating a palpable tension between them. Dain, torn between the allure of the party and the mystery Woojae hinted at, felt the rhythm of her heartbeat quicken. With a nod and a reluctant smile, she yielded to the impulsive invitation.

They slipped away from the lively crowd, escaping into the cool night air. The city's heartbeat provided a subtle backdrop to their clandestine adventure. In the quiet sanctuary they discovered, away from the pulsating beats of the after-party, Woojae and Dain found a space to be themselves.

As the night unfolded, conversations flowed like a gentle stream, each word revealing layers of their souls. Woojae, usually clad in his tsundere armor, gradually unveiled the vulnerability beneath. Dain, in turn, shared the echoes of her past, the pain embedded in her songs, and the dreams she held dear.

The intimacy of that stolen moment, the cityscape as their witness, allowed Woojae and Dain to dance through the intricacies of their hearts. Laughter intertwined with vulnerability, forging a connection that surpassed the boundaries of the stage.

The budding romance faced a delicate dance of emotions. Woojae, smitten with Dain, made a promise to always protect her, sensing the fragility beneath her courageous facade. Dain, in turn, reciprocated his feelings, but the fear of potential heartbreak loomed over her. The shadows of insecurity held her back from fully embracing the love that blossomed between them. Eventually, she was able to learn to deal with it and confess to Woojae and pursue a relationship with him.

The four years that followed became a symphony of happiness for Dain. Woojae, ever-supportive boyfriend, stood by her side through the challenges of her dream of becoming a singer. His encouragement and steadfast presence became the bedrock of her journey, offering solace in times of when her songs rejected every time. Their relationship evolved into a sanctuary, a haven of love and understanding that defined the happiest moments in Dain's life.

However, fate cast its somber shadow over their blissful romance. The diagnosis of a tumor in Dain's throat became the pivotal note in their love story, altering the melody of their lives. The weight of the medical challenge transformed Dain, once an optimistic and cheerful soul, into a person grappling with despair and uncertainty.

Woojae, true to his promise, stood beside Dain, ready to face the storm together. Yet, the emotional toll on Dain pushed her into a spiral of despair. She, overwhelmed by the fear of losing her voice and the potential of driving away those she loved, distanced herself from Woojae, inadvertently shutting him out.

In a heart-wrenching decision born out of love and desperation, Woojae chose to end their relationship. The pain of watching Dain suffer in her own bad thought and the realization that his presence seemed to contribute to her anguish compelled him to make the agonizing choice. He left for Seoul, hoping that the distance would offer Dain the space to heal.

It was only in the aftermath of his departure that Dain recognized the gravity of her actions. Regret and longing filled her heart, but Woojae seemed unreachable. In a poignant attempt to convey her feelings, Dain poured her emotions into a song, a heartfelt composition titled 'How Can I Love The Heartbreak When You Are The One I Love.' She moved to Seoul and sent it to a small recording agency, clinging to the hope that the song would reach Woojae and serve as a belated confession of her enduring love.

As for Woojae, initially, the separation weighed heavily on his shoulders, and the city that once held the harmonies of their shared moments became a cacophony of memories. Woojae, veiled his emotional turmoil beneath a stoic facade. He immersed himself in the bustling music events scene, using the rhythm of his work to drown out the echoes of their love.

Yet, beneath the surface, Woojae's heart carried the lingering melodies of their time together. The city lights, once a backdrop to their shared laughter, now served as a bittersweet reminder of what was lost. Nights were spent wandering the familar streets, the solitude echoing the quiet ache he harbored. In his attempts to cope, he poured his emotions into his work, orchestrating events with a passion that bordered on cathartic.



Life's melody may change, but the echoes of our first love remain timeless

FULL NAME Jang Woojae (장우재)

❛ Haraboji (grandpa), a nickname he got during college years since he dyed her hair into gray when he was in the last year of college



BIRTHPLACE Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
HOMETOWN Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea




APPEARANCE Jang Woojae possesses a striking and charismatic appearance. His features exude a blend of confidence and allure, with a well-defined jawline that accentuates his masculine charm. Woojae's eyes, deep and expressive, hold a magnetic gaze that can convey both intensity and warmth. His well-maintained hairstyle, adds a touch of modern sophistication to his overall image.

STYLE Jang Woojae's style is a seamless fusion of urban chic and understated elegance, reflecting both his contemporary sensibilities and innate charisma. He effortlessly navigates between casual and refined looks. Woojae may be seen in well-fitted jeans paired with stylish streetwear, exuding an air of effortless coolness.





PERSONALITY Jang Woojae, a walking paradox of rough edges and hidden warmth, navigates life with a tsundere flair that keeps those around him on their toes. Armed with a penchant for the term 'Babo' (idiot), he masterfully blends gruff and informal tones when dealing with familiar faces, effortlessly switching to polite introductions for newcomers. Foul language becomes his weapon of choice in moments of anger, his short temper and flustering tendencies adding an unpredictable edge to him. Yet, beneath this tough exterior lies a passionate and fiercely loyal soul, bound by an unspoken code of honor.

Woojae, the self-appointed guardian of logic in the chaos of life, can't help but roll his eyes at the whirlwind that accompanies his friends. A man of action, he scolds Dain when things go awry, stubbornly standing by his principles. The complexities of him reveal a kind heart that recoils at the sight of tears, especially if they belong to Dain. Pride becomes both his shield and vulnerability, concealing emotional and physical struggles that he'd rather endure alone to spare others worry.

When Dain mentions jealousy, Woojae, ever the enigma, denies it with a bewildered charm. His confession style leans towards passivity, and while he holds onto a playful demeanor, he can't escape the blushes and stammers that accompany Dain's touch or smiles. A terrible liar, he fumbles through falsehoods.

BACKGROUND Jang Woojae's journey began with an uncertain melody, his father disappearing into the shadows while his mother succumbed to the relentless grip of illness when he was just a tender 9-year-old soul. Fortune smiled upon him as a guardian angel emerged in the form of his father's friend, a figure who embraced him with an abundance of love, adopting him into a haven where care knew no bounds.

Fast forward to his senior year in college, and Woojae found himself standing at the crossroads of fate. Leading a band, he decided to open auditions for a temporary vocalist, unwittingly setting the stage for a serendipitious encounter with destiny. When Dain, stepped into the audition room, Woojae, with his characteristic playfulness, greeted her with a seemingly harsh remark. Litte did he know that this encounter would be a prelude to a promise made in the quiet chambers of his heart.

As he tested the waters with Dain, witnessing her unwavering determination and resilience, Woojae's world shifted. Awe-struck by her spirit, he vowed to himself, amidst the chords of fate, that he would be the steadfast protector of this musical muse. The echoes of his past hardships now harmonized with the promise to shield Dain with every fiber of his being.

Woojae's serendipitous entry into the documentary project unfolded like the opening chords of a harmonious melody. Unbeknownst to him, his presence in the project was discovered through the intertwining threads of fate. Gu Jiwon and his band, stumbled upon Woojae's track record in the music events industry.

Word of his adept event planning skills, especially for promoting a new-comer like RIZING, honed through years of experience in the bustling music scene, reached Guwon's ears. Intrigued by the prospect of having someone with Woojae's expertise on board, he and his bandmate orchestrated a meeting to discuss the possibility of their band joining an event. A meeting for band promotion turned into a surprise twist when Guwon realized Woojae is Dain's first love.


LIFESTYLE Woojae post-college journey unfolded like a melodic progression, each note resonating with purpose and rhythm. Having joined a company specializing in music events, he found his niche in the vibrant world of event marketing.

After moved to the bustling city of Seoul and with his past experiences echoing in his ears, he joined another company, orchestrated marketing strategies that brought concerts to life.

In the current cadence of his life, Woojae's days began with the sunrise, a cue to dive into the bustling cityscape. Mornings were dedicated to meticulous planning, analyzing data, and brainstorming innovative ideas to elevate the company's events. The afternoons saw him immersed in the whirlwind of meetings, collaborating with artists, sponsors, and fellow enthusiasts to craft unforgettable musical experiences.

As the sun dipped below the city skyline, Woojae's evenings became a harmonious blend of networking events, where the pulse of the music industry beat strongest. Whether attending company gatherings or scouting potential talents for upcoming concerts, his nights were an exploration of Seoul's vibrant music scene.

Yet, amid the glitz, Woojae's daily routine remained grounded. He'd steal quiet moments to revisit the memories of his past. Late nights were often spent immersed in the city's diverse soundscape, drawing inspiration in his small apartment alone for future events.


❛ His favorite food is sundubu jjigae and budae jjigae
❛ Hanbin used to a lot that he likes Dain just because Dain resemble his favorite food (dubu or tofu)
❛ He doesn't like fried things
❛ His favorite color is grey
❛ His favorite movies are: Eternal Sunshine, Midnight in Paris
❛ His hobbies are playing piano, listening to music, watching movies, taking pictures, traveling, eating outside, collecting shoes
❛ Woojae's favorite sports are basketball and football
❛ Woojae has a pet Siamese cat named Nora
❛ Woojae is allergic to dog's hair
❛ He was the pianist in his band
❛ He becomes happy when he plays music
❛ He becomes mad when things don’t go as he wants
❛ He becomes relax when he takes a walk alone or go somewhere alone
❛ Woojae is ambidextrous
❛ If he had super powers, he would teleport to the Grand Canyon, because he loves the feeling of being surrounded by nature
❛ Woojae says he can’t do aegyo but did it to Dain
❛ Though he look like a man who already dating someone at 13 and changing girfriends since then, Dain was his first kiss
❛ He likes to cook
❛ Woojae saved Dain's number as 'Songbird'


guguvixx. sansan. 8/10.

COMMENTS i hope this couple not as mess as i think B")
Dain's tumor isn't too severe initially, but if left untreated, it could interfere with her ability to produce voice. Therefore, the doctor suggests undergoing surgery to remove the tumor. While there is a chance of success, it doesn't rule out the possibility that, if it fails, she may lose her voice permanently. Additionally, the company she signed with is a small one that prioritizes the health of its artists over profits. They assure Dain that her well-being is their priority. However, recognizing the nature of the business, Dain once confided in Jia, stating that if she were to lose her voice someday, she would continue writing songs for the company.


❛ Dain confronts the challenge of her health during a solo performance
❛ Dain discovers a new song throughout the documentary
❛ Woojae goes out of his way to support Dain during a challenging time



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