fox's bead| Su Jongmi | Gumiho

Full Name: Su Jongmi
Age: 34
Birthdate: 04|18|1989
Orientation: Demiual

Race: Gumiho - She possessed an otherworldly beauty that captivated those who crossed her path. Her long flowing hair jad lustrous sheen, reminiscent of a moonlit night, and it cascaded down her back in waves. The color of her hair shifted between shades of ebony and silver, reflecting her mystical nature.

Jongmi's eyes were the most enchanting feature. They glowed with an ethereal light, mirroring the wisdom.

Her skin, smooth and pale, seemed to radiate a subtle, otherworldly glow. Her appearance also featured a set of delicate fox ears atop her head. These ears twitched with an instinctive alertness.

Occupation: Teacher

Main Face claim: Jessica Jung
Back up Face claim: SNSD's Taeyeon
who are you?
who are you?
who are you?
Personality Traits:
— positive: Kind-hearted, caring, determined, plucky, loving, protective, optimistic, courageous

— neutral: Stubborn, tomboyish, unconventional, impulsive, independent thinker, curious, inquisitive

— negative: Hotheaded, improper behavior, busybody, impatient, reckless, overly trusting

Su Jongmi, possessed a kind and caring heart that extended even to those deemed unworthy by society. Her compassion knew no bounds and tears would well up in her eyes at the sight of others in pain or trouble. Despite her appearance suggesting fragility, she harbored a strong spirit and an unyielding determination, refusing to back down when faced with adversity. Her love for those close to her transformed her into a fiercely protective individual, willing to endure hardship and sacrifice for their well-being.

Jongmi's optimism radiated like a beacon, driving her to intervene in the lives of those facing trouble, firmly believing in the transformative power of kindness. Her courage, often mistaken for recklessness, propelled her into challenging situations where she boldly stood up for herself and others. Independent thinking and an insatiable curiosity marked her as an unconventional force, challenging norms and seeking truth in a world filled with mysteries.

Yet, beneath her admirable qualities, Jongmi grappled with challenges. Impatience gnawed at her, making delays and obstacles difficult to bear. Recklessness, stemming from her eagerness to help, occasionally clouded her judgment, leading her into perilous situations. Overly trusting, she saw the good in people even when caution was warranted, sometimes falling victim to deception. Short-tempered and occasionally inconsistent in her commitments.

- Jongmi has a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature.
- Jongmi is drawn to traditional arts and crafts, finding joy in activities that connect her to the rich cultural heritage of 꿀화.
- Traditional music and dance hold a special place in Jongmi's heart.
- Jongmi thrives on adventure and excitement.

- Jongmi despises injustice and unfairness.
- As someone who appreciates nature, Jongmi has a deep aversion to any form of cruelty towards animals.
- Due to her trusting nature, Jongmi dislikes dishonesty and deception.
- She dislikes closed-minded individuals who refuse to consider alternative perspectives or embrace the richness of diversity.
- The feeling of helplessness, whether in her own life or witnessing it in others, frustrates Jongmi.
- Jongmi's love for nature makes her sensitive to any form of environmental harm or disrespect.
- While Jongmi herself may be a bit unconventional, she dislikes outright rudeness.
- Jongmi places great importance on her relationships, and betrayal of trust within friendships is something she finds particularly difficult to forgive.

- watching traditional art stages
- listening to music

— She can play hyang
— Jongmi cries when she is angry
— When she is scared, she starts to make dolphin sounds and kick anything at sight
— She is dreadful when it comes to cooking

Fashion Style: 
In the past, she often adorned herself in elegant traditional garments that merged seamlessly with the natural beauty of ancient 꿀화. Flowing robes in vibrant hues adorned with intricate patterns symbolizing her connection to the world.

In the bustling streets of the modern world, Su Jongmi's fashion style stood out as a vibrant fusion of tradition and contemporary flair. With a bohemian spirit that echoed her free-spirited nature, Jongmi's wardrobe embraced loose-fitting skirts, embroidered tops, and layered accessories that allowed for both comfort and movement. Each piece seemed to tell a story, a tale woven from the threads of her unique identity.

The art of shape-shifting stood as a hallmark of her kind. Jongmi could seamlessly transform her appearance, often taking on the guise of a bewitching woman.

Her physical prowess surpassed that of ordinary humans, with enhanced strength and agility at her command. In moments of confrontation, Jongmi's formidable abilities made her a force to be reckoned with, weaving a dance of defensive maneuvers and offensive strikes that left onlookers in awe.

Yet, it was the mystical charm inherent in her gumiho heritage that truly set Jongmi apart. A subtle allure emanated from her, captivating those who crossed her path. This charm held the power to influence emotions, calm tensions, or draw individuals under its enchanting spell.

Jongmi's gumiho lineage granted her the ability to manipulate perceptions and create illusions. She could weave a tapestry of false realities, concealing her true identity, distracting adversaries, or navigating the intricate threads of mysticism that wove through her world.

Her heightened senses extended beyond the ordinary, allowing her to perceive hidden dangers, hear distant whispers, and see clearly in the dimmest of light. In the moonlit nights, Jongmi's senses were attuned to the symphony of the mystical realm.
fox bead life
fox bead life
fox bead life
—Life in ancient 꿀화

Lifestyle: Working class - teacher, Single


In the quiet corners of a modest home, young Su Jongmi's formative years were shaped by the whispered cautions of her mother. The weight of those words echoed in her mind as her mother, with a solemn gaze, urged her to "never trust your day" and to guard the family's secrets, even if her father begged for them. The teachings went beyond mere familial advice; they became the foundation of Jongmi's worldview.

The phrase "grow up and don't ruin your health like mom" hung in the air, a poignant reminder of her mother's sacrifices. Jongmi internalized the lesson, learning early on that she couldn't rely on men, and the notion of independence became ingrained in her psyche. Her mother's influence scupted an unyielding, independent nature that would guide Jongmi through the complexities of life.

Addressing herself by name rather than using "I", Jongmi's language reflected a distinctive pattern. "Want" and "don't want" punctuated her sentences, a manifestation of the choices she felt compelled to make in the face of her mother's teachings.

Her mother's revelations about generations plagued by ill-fated relationships cast a shadow over Jongmi's family history. She became the torchbearer of a lineage burdened by the legacy of choosing the wrong men, destined to give birth to only one healthy baby girl in each generation.

Tragedy struck when Jongmi's mother succumbed to an unknown illness, leaving her daughter to shoulder the responsibilities of the household. With her father's irresponsibility to manage and a newfound duty to uphold, Jongmi navigated the intricate dance of adulthood at an age where childhood dreams still lingered.

Despite the weight on her shoulders, Jongmi emerged as a beacon of strength. Assuming the role of both caretaker at home and educator in the community, she channeled her nurturing instincts into a teaching style marked by patience, understanding, and a genuine passion for imparting knowledge. In the tapestry of her life, woven with the threads of adversity and resilience, Su Jongmi emerged as a woman shaped by her younger days, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.
—Life in modern-day 꿀화

Job: Stay-at-home mom
Lifestyle: High class - wealthy, graduated from education program
Married with one daughter


In the heart of Jongmi's tumultuous journey, she emerged into the world under the shadow of her mother's passing, a bittersweet beginning to a life marked by adversity. Her childhood unfolded in the solitary company of her father, whose life choices would cast a lingering darkness over Jongmi's formative years.

The turning point arrived like an ominous storm on the horizon when, at the tender age of 17, on the brink of high school, Jongmi's world crumbled. Her father's gambling habits, a perennial nemesis, had plunged them into insurmountable debt. The eviction notice became a harbinger of despair, and in the cruelest twist, her father abandoned her, leaving Jongmi to grapple with the harsh reality of homelessness.

With nowhere to turn, fate led Jongmi to a local park, a refuge for the destitute and the broken-spirited. There, amidst the cold reality of her predicament, she encountered a mysterious young man, seeking sanctuary in the branches of a tree, evading the wrath of an angry dog. A chance meeting that would alter the course of her destiny.

The man, burdened by his own troubles, revealed a shared sense of displacement. He spoke of a home abandoned couple years ago, a place he doubted would welcome him back. Yet, in an unexpected twist, he extended an invitation to Jongmi, inviting her into the fractured world he called home.

Jongmi, grappling with the harshness of her own circumstances, listened to the man's tale of estrangement from his family. Despite her insistence that he still had a home to return to, the man proposed an alliance. The journey to his home revealed a wealthy family, compassionate and empathetic. Touched by Jongmi's plight, they graciously extended an invitation for her to stay, even covering the costs of her education.

The generosity of the man's family seemed boundless. Jongmi, initially hesitant, offered her services in gratitude, willing to work as a maid or cook. However, the family refused her offer, suggesting a different path - mariage to their son once she completed her education. Jongmi, caught in the delicate dance of obligation and desperation, reluctantly agreed, seeing little choice in the matter.

As the years unfolded, Jongmi graduated, entering a union that promised financial security but little else. The man, now her husband, proved to be a flawed companion, irresponsible, childish, and impulsive. The wealth surrounding them could not mask the void in Jongmi's heart, filled only by the fleeting moments of joy provided by their daughter.

Inheriting the family's wealth, Jongmi lived a life without material shortcomings, yet the wealth failed to fill the emotional chasm in her heart. Trapped in an unhappy marriage, she bore the weight of a life she hadn't chosen, tethered to a man who neglected her and their daughter. Despite the opulence, Jongmi couldn't escape the feeling of being cursed, destined to spend her days in a gilded cage of unfulfilled dreams.
Strength isn't just about enduring
Strength isn't just about enduring
Strength isn't just about enduring

— Im Danyi
Friend | 30 | Moonrabbit

Danyi's friendly and energetic nature draws Jongmi out of the shadows, providing a contrast to the hardships she has faced. The moonrabbit's politeness and selflessness resonate with Jongmi's own nurturing instincts, creating a bond built on mutual understanding and shared values.

In the bustling world of 꿀화, Danyi's responsible and hardworking traits complement Jongmi's own resilience. As they navigate the challenges of their respective occupations, Jongmi finds solace in Danyi's presence, a reminder that even in the face of adversity, there are moments of joy and companionship.

Despite Danyi's gullible and non-confrontational tendencies, Jongmi appreciates the moonrabbit's honest and affectionate nature. Together, they create a safe space where openness and vulnerability are celebrated, cultivating a bond that transcends the superficial. Jongmi, who has faced the harsh realities of life, becomes a pillar of strength for Danyi, offering guidance and companionship in times of need.

[FC Name: SNSD's Tiffany]
but about finding beauty in the unraveling
but about finding beauty in the unraveling
but about finding beauty in the unraveling
— Mood board Ancient Day 꿀화

— Mood board Modern Day 꿀화

welcome to 꿀화
welcome to 꿀화
welcome to 꿀화
Password: Azure

Scene Requests:
- To unlock the full potential of her gumiho powers, Jongmi must undergo a series of elemental trials. Each trial takes her to different landscapes, from serene waterfalls to treacherous mountain peaks, where she must harness the elements to prove her worth. The trials become a transformative journey, not only enhancing her powers but also forging her character.
- Jongmi discovers a mystical grove where ancient spirits reside. Here, she engages in conversations with spirits who share their tales of love, betrayal, and sacrifice. The Whispering Grove becomes a place of profound wisdom.


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