TVn Kpop Star Hunt

It was the chance that I tried to grab. It was an opportunity I lost to. It wasn't because I didn't pass my audition tape, but because I wasn't good enough to make it to the top 100 of our country. I'm just not good enough. As my former voice teacher said, no matter how much compliment you receive, you should still think about who is saying those compliments and how that person say it. A lot of people can say you're good, but those people can just be commoners who enjoy music. If one person who is professional in music or has studied music, then that person's opinion matter.


I just watched the final episode. The last two contestants was a 15-year old female representative from Thailand, Sorn, and the 23-year old male representative from our country, Philippines, Rince. I really wanted to be there, even when I saw who was our country's representative. There were only supposed to be two representatives per country, but ours had three. The two others are twins, which also happened to study at the high school of my college. T.T JEALOUS? ABSOLUTELY. I even have this friend who said that she had been with those twins at teh Philippine Academy of Music, I think and lost to those twins in a contest. That  friend of mine is actually one of the best singers in our glee club.


Anyway, I told myself before that if I don't make it to the top 100, it means I'm not as a great singer. Maybe singing will just be my pastime and my singing 'career', you know, performing in small events and such, may end when I graduate because I really think that this 'singing' won't bring me anywhere. Even if i want to be a Kpop star or a real singer, I know I can see.


I'll just either work on television as a producer(executive, associate or assistant), director(technical, associate, assistant or executive) or scriptwriter, or on events, managing concerts (I'll try to bring U-Kiss, Kim Hyunjoong, Beast, Girls Generation or Super Junior here~ XD).


Just another dramatic post brought by my failure. T.T


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hae_ki #1
yeah~ you were probably to do those better things.. like bring super junior to the philippines. you might even know more people in those line of work or be The Boss someday
rlabingmylife #2
don't give up! ^* i didn't managed to join TvN Kpop star hunt b'coz of my busy schedule and i was concentrating for my graduation so yeah xD i'm taking up IT in college but i put on my other choices, Filmmaking, Music Production and Communication Arts xD so yeah, i'm making my ways to reach my fave idols xD
Bring SNSD here then secretly bring home Donghae for me, unnie! :))
hangooksonya #4
aw -__-
dont give up hope!!
I have an audition coming up too...
for SM, uber excited!
wish me luck!!
UKISS! JYJ! =)) but that's alright. =)
TVN star hunt was a chance that I failed to grab. I didn't get the chance to pass an audition video. But I believe that it wasn't my time yet. Maybe it isn't yours yet too. Just maybe practice more and hone your talent better so you can tell people that even if you didn't pass, you could say that you have done everything to be who you are and you are very proud of whom you have become. Keep the faith in yourself. That's one thing I learned from my experiences.
I know it's good to do something you love for work like singing but it's also good to just do something you love and not getting paid to do it. Just the thought of making other people happy you know? You may not end up as a Kpop star but you might end up in another type of job that you'll learn to love so just stay positive.

I wanted to be an author badly but my mom made me took nursing. Sure, I graduated and got my nursing license but hey, I'm happily a medical transcriptionist right now (the pay is not that high but at least higher a bit than nursing and I heard there'll be a salary increase this July~XD) and happily continuing writing fanfics with my free time. I've given up my dream to be an author who sells lotsa books (and hey, I know I lack talent as well) but I'm happy ^^