Hi all!

Just wanted to post this to let everyone know that I am indeed not on hiatus despite not having published anything in *checks notes* almost a month now. In the past two weeks, I sorta hit a slump, but I think I got over it; I have imposed a 100word/day rule just so that I can make incremental progress towards any of the three stories I have going on. As of now, I've been working on the newest chapter for 'The Decree of the Divine'; just as a little teaser, this chapter is going to be as important to the story as Chapter 19: Diaster was. There's a little bit more action in this one than I'm familiar with, so the chapter might not be coming out this week despite my plans to do so.

Also, I'm like 2k-4k words deep into the next updates for 'The Pet of Kim Taeyeon' and 'Soiling Mr. Innocent'.

As always, thanks for being patient with me! ^_^


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You cannot rush quality. 🙂