‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ — THE MIGHT ≛ Boki





haengbok was born to two loving parents that adored their little girl. But their happy life didn’t take long to turn for the worst because haengbok’s mom was diagnosed with a brain tumor that was rapidly growing. It was a problem that she had before but it wasn’t life-threatening until when haengbok was about one years old. Her mom‘s Health rapidly declined and by the time haengbok was three her mom passed away. It was really hard for Father to be a single father all of a sudden especially with a young daughter but he tried his best to make up for the loss of his wife.

By the time she was six it was discovered that haengbok had a benign brain tumor just like her mom. Her father was heartbroken and terrified that he would lose the only other person in his life so he thought it was best for her to get it surgically removed at the age of ten. Since she had to get her head shaved for the surgery her dad also did to make her feel better about it. The whole time both haengbok and her father kept a positive mindset and the surgery ended up being a success. She was tumor free and happy to live her life normally.

After the surgery and having to be bald for a while watching her hair grow back she struggled with feeling pretty. she was a big fan of anpanman and realizing that they looked similar made her happy. she became obsessed with the little character, even missing being bald since they were no longer matching.

all throughout her life haengbok struggled to make friends since she was always in and out of the hospital. most of the time she was homeschooled, especially since she dad was very protective over her. her health was never at 100%, a petite and fragile girl that needed a lot of protecting. she would get lost in the world of comic books, anime, and manga to escape from real life. wishing she was one of the superheros she read about.

when haengbok was 15, she went on her first vacation with her dad. they went to jeju to the beach like in the postcards. but suddenly haengbok started having a seizure and was quickly taken to the hospital. another tumor was found in her brain. it didn't take long for the tumor to be classified as fast growing. when she was 16 she underwent surgery to remove her tumors but there was one they couldn't operate on since it was too close to her optic nerve and could affect her vision. instead she went under various treatments to slow it down, becoming anpanman's twin once again, but it didn't do much to help.

in late 2019, haengbok was told by doctors that she had 3 years to live. it was the hardest thing shes ever had to go through but she no longer wanted to live carefully. instead she ran away from home and left a note for her dad

dear appa,
you're probably waking up to this and surprised that i'm not home, but i can't live my life like this anymore. i want to be happy so i'm going to find my happiness. try not to worry about me too much, i promise i'll take care of my health. when i come back we will eat a lot of delicious food together without me getting nauseous! i'll be back soon, just trust me, ok?
love you <3
- haengie

and with that, haengbok joined the might. that was the last time she saw her father.


Personality traits — chaotic good, 7w6
 ✧ positive, outgoing, caring, nonjudgmental
 ✧ carefree, creative, curious
 ✧ impulsive, scatter-brained, passive, stubborn.

Personality expanded

outgoing: haengbok has no shyness whatsoever. she is extra loud and extra energetic and extra everything. she has no problem talking to anyone and talks quite a lot since shes excited to make friends. sometimes it can seem annoying since she's at a 10 all the time. she's very playful and likes to cling.

positive: haengbok tries to stay on the positive side of things. even if she gets down she tries to remind herself that it'll all be okay. that's why people call her vitamin because even when the mood is down, she wants to bring it up to avoid negative thinking. she's done that all her life so shes good at it. you know she's down when she becomes pessimistic because its so rare.

caring: she treasures her friends and she wants to make sure they're ok, everytime they're sad or upset or need something she tries to get it. though for some reason she never seems to get it right because she's so clumsy and just extra. anyone can bet money that she'll trip on her way back with food because she usually does. she really does mean well though ends up causing more of a mess than intended.

nonjudgmental: she is the total opposite of judgy. she doesn't think she's in the place to jduge others because she too went htrough a lot and isn't perfect. she really doesn't think anyone should judge others and doesn't like negative people that look down on others. she can tell the difference between criticism and just being a hater. if anyone is a hater she will defend against them.

carefree: she likes to do march to her own drum beat. she doesn't care about others judging her, she does whatever makes her happy. the way she dresses, what she says, she can't be stopped. she wants to experience life and is open to trying different things and meeting new people because of it. she likes to explore even when she's not supposed to. she's accepting to everyone and can sympathize with others easily. since she was so sheltered before she is very curious of the world.

creative: haengbok often thinks out the box. most people actually don't know what's going on in her head and no one can ever predict it either. you can either think she's a genius or she's partially insane because her ideas are so outlandish most of the time yet they somehow work usually, unless it doesn't then it fails terribly. it's either a really good idea or a really bad idea. being alone gave her a lot of time to think about crazy things. she is too clueless to be considered observant but she does enjoy tryinng to figure out clues and hidden meanings.

impulsive: haengbok lives life in the moment all the time. she does things based on how she feels and always wants to have a good time. it's not bad per say but she would randomly do things just because she has one life to live and honestly doesn't know when it'll end. even when things are serious she wants to try and make it fun.

scatter-brained: talking to haengbok might be a headache for some. she jumps from topic to topic without much structure sometimes and has so much energy that she keeps talking. she's constantly getting side tracked. she gets excited easily and curious easily. when talking to her she might ask many questions because she wants to know more. its easy to tell when she's not feeling well because she's more quiet.

passive: haengbok isn't passive in the way that she agrees with everyone because she lvoes a good debate and wouldn't mind agreeing to disagree. but she's the total opposite of a perfectionist. she thinks having fun and having passion is more important than stressing yourself out. life is too short for stress. so she doesn't linger on issues or take anything very seriously.

stubborn: since she doesn't know when she'll die and wants to live a fulfilling life and it is hard to change her mind. if she wants to do something she does it. its always harmless and within reason so she usually doesn't see the problem. she will always follow her passions and might be hardheaded or be difficult but her intentions are always good.


 ✧ cuddling
 ✧ animals
 ✧ sweets
 ✧ Watching kdramas especially cutesy romantic ones
 ✧ superhero movies
 ✧ mangas
 ✧ being a superhero
 ✧ flowers

 ✧ jumpscares
 ✧ Dark chocolate
 ✧ heights
 ✧ Violence
 ✧ seeing people sad or struggling
 ✧ the smell of cigarettes
 ✧ hospitals
 ✧ shots

 ✧ taking pictures of everything because she's constantly amazed
 ✧ holding hands and hugging her friends
 ✧ puffing out her cheeks when she's upset
 ✧ being dramatic, push her a little and she’ll probably fall over
 ✧ laughing a lot
 ✧ eating a lot

 ✧ reading
 ✧ shopping and buying random things with her salary
 ✧ traveling
 ✧ buying gifts for others
 ✧ sending letters to her dad

 ✧ she always has her anpanman backpack
 ✧ she wants to travel a lot
 ✧ since she feels better and some food dont make her nauseous anymore she eats a lot
 ✧ christmas because she’s always wanted to do a secret santa with her friends when she makes some
 ✧ she never drank before
 ✧ she never had her first kiss or a boyfriend
 ✧ her name means happiness

 ✧ you guys, can we get spicy chicken after we save the world
 ✧ do you think there will ever be a crime in busan? i heard they have beautiful beaches
 ✧ lets kick some villain !

power explanation 

meaning of name: everyone called her that at the facilities so she just decided it would be her name.

— to be happy and free

—to live her dream as a superhero

power: unbreakable skin

— INDESTRUCTIBLE and bulletproof skin, she can't feel punches or anything and survies high falls, burns, acid, explosions, etc
— combat, she's been learning how to fight and disarm opponents

— she can still drown, suffocate, etc
— Enough blunt force could harm internal organs while leaving the skin unharmed 

side effect(s)
— on the plus side, since getting the shot she's felt better than ever. she has more energy and has none of the symptoms she used to have like nausea or dizziness from chemotherapy
— since she can no longer be injected by needles or undergo any treatment, her tumor is growing more rapidly than before (she doesn't know it yet)

secret keeper(s)
— n/a



♡ one sided crush

haengbok has a big fat crush on 777, or as she calls him teddy bear oppa because despite his looks he's a big softie and gives good hugs. he's been her trainer since she joined and she had heart eyes from the beginning. she gets super blushy around him usually, fangirling to the other trainees about how cute he looks. he's the first person that she opened up to, due to that and their age he sees her as a daughter that he wants to protect. she doesn't expect him to love her back or anything. she's hoenstly just happy that she's even able to feel such emotions for the first time.

☆ father
kim haenam : it's been hard being a single father to a sick daughter. all of haenam's money went towards haengbok's health and she couldn't ask for a better dad. he was understanding, gentle yet very over protective. he spent weeks looking for haengbok after she just left and could barely sleep. since she said she was off finding her happiness he didn't call the cops but still now he just wants her to come back home. he at least hopes she's enjoying herself for real. 

☆ older brother
seon yooshik (the real) : though not her actual older brother, he acts a lot like one. he finds her adorable and just wants to squish her face everytime. together the two are usually goofing off or doing something dumb and sneaky against chiwon's wishes. she actually calls him saengie just to because he constantly complains about her liking chiwon better and even calling him oppa.

"I can be teddy bear oppa too~" yooshik holds his arms out but instead of giving him a hug haengbok runs away giggling.


Name  kim haengbok [권해진]


 ✧ vitamin ︲ they called her that at the facilities because while everyone was tired from practicing she still had a positive attitude
 ✧ cuddle bunny ︲ because she's cuddly even though you have to remind her not to squeeze too hard sometimes
 ✧ haengie ︲ only her dad calls her that since she was little.
Birthdate  june 6, 2002

birth place  incheon, south korea

home town  incheon, south korea


Gender  female

ORIENTATION  heteroual

 ✧ korean ︲ her first language ︲ native.
 ✧ japanese ︲ she started learning because she had nothing better to do. but she only knows some basic phrases. ︲ basic.



power (70%)


speed (35%)


technique (15%)


intelligence (8%)


cooperativeness (80%)

colour palette.





[!] visuals

face claim: fromis_9 jiheon
backup: weeekly's jihan

height: 165cm
weight: 43kg

since getting the shot her hairs grown back. she was so excited that she dyed it pink. she is naturally slim and doesn't gain weight easily. but she has chubby cheeks and a cute eyesmile.
everyday style
haengbok really likes to explore with her sense of fashion. She literally just buys whatever she thinks is pretty and mismatches it and sometimes it doesn’t even match when she wears it but she likes each piece individually so it makes her happy to wear all those pieces together. Half the time she’s just one colorful mess. she can't do makeup well but has been trying to learn.
training style
— just like her regular style her training style includes neon shorts with an oversized shirt usually. anything loose that she can find.

— this is her costume (minus the poke ball)

[!] the end

password: january 2020
— here

— here



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hello, and thank you so much for applying! first of all, haengbok's parents definitely had faith that their daughter would be a child person, and they were right! i truly choked when i saw that her intelligence was at 8%. she's worse than the real!! her costume is adorable, and i can't wait to see if it's more on the extra side or pretty normal once all characters are in.

i felt so sad reading haengbok's background, with her mother's passing, her getting the same brain tumor, being given three years of life left, and then having to leave her dad just to be able to experience more life. ugh, the might isn't perfect, but at least, it'll help her (for now!)

you know what i love about haengbok's personality? she's going to either gain friends because they'll find her endearing OR she's going to annoy the hell out of someone. and that's going to be so much fun to write the difference between the two.

oh, a unique gift she has! i like it! yeah, they're definitely gonna use her as a human shield. i did want to ask you, since her tumor is growing and she has no symptoms, is there a certain time frame you'd like for her? the doctors already gave her three years, so since it's growing without treatment, is it making the time shorter? or have the powers from the might put it off a little longer?

i love one-sided crushes! i mean, i'm sorry to haengbok that she doesn't have a real romance. but it's such a real thing to write. honestly, everything about boki feels pretty real, despite the story concept.

that being said, she's accepted! thank you so much again for sending her my way! she has been featured in the new teaser, alongside her polar opposite! i hope you enjoy it ♡