This is the period of my life where I want to delete all my written works and just quit in everything.


Do you have such feelings too? Comment down below some tips to help me. I'll appreciate reading it. Thank you.


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Yes omg this is my recurring frustration. But what I've always done is just take a break. Stop to read something else or do something else or just— do nothing!

I have wanted to really just disappear from the writing space and drop things I like doing because the voices in my head kept lying to me. Telling my my work means nothing, my work is trash, my work is never enough.

Even if I myself established early on that I'll just laugh and cringe at how silly I used to be if I look back at this point in my life, those voices just overwhelm my present. So what I do is to go away for awhile. Then each time I go back even if it's just a day, I see people's comments and interactions I've had. They all make me feel better, they dispel those voices that tell me my works mean nothing and that its trash and never enough.

But what's the best thing is when I read my own work after time away, I'll either laugh at my silly typos, get inspired that my mistakes are workable, and most importantly, experience why people tell me my work makes them feel better.

In summary, 1) Take a break, take some time off and don't delete or quit something you like or liked doing; 2) Go back after your rest and just work from there.

And if it helps, your work doesn't have to fit a standard of "perfect" that other people and even those weird internet critiques force on any creative. When you make something that is your own, reminds you of you and others of you, that's something even better than perfect (you).

Ugh that sounded cheesy, but the point is, to hell with people or internal voices that critique your work! If it made you happy, if it made someone happy, then that's more than enough!

Chin up, you dropped this 👑
Oh please don’t