writing vs. selling

i felt like i do not have the right to sell my ebooks.


Because I am not a professional writer and I just write for fun.

so no pressure.

yet, i felt the need to make a pdf.

selling it is actually just a compensation and also a motivation to finish the craft.

It is not money making.

This is not a defense for those who turned writing into a source of fund.

I actually salute those who produce books.

i'm still editing mine.

the effort to do it is really not easy.

I was even questioned by my co-worker.

Why do I sell it for a very low price where the craft is so difficult to make?

I did not answer.

But at the back of my mind - I know the worth, i know my worth.

so as of the moment, let's just be convenient.

enjoy writing.

enjoy reading.

take care.

God bless you.


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Hi. I understand you. Selling books is not about money making. It's a way to motivate you to finish your stories and create more. It is also one way to hone your skills. The more you write, the better writer you'll be. So take your time. Writing and editing is a process. A rigorous process. Don't turn the thing that you love into something you hate. Good luck to your writing and cheers to all the stories/books you're going to make! 😊