What inspired me to write a medical fanfic

Writing fanfiction is a way for people to express their creativity and explore their favorite characters and fictional universes. As someone who loves writing and is a fan of certain genres, I discovered a type of writing that blends my interest in medicine with my love for storytelling. I want to talk about why I wrote a fanfiction story about medics and how this type of story has captured my interest. During this journey, I'll mention two important Asianfanfics writers, MissMinew and JungMiChan, and also talk about the Korean medical show Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim. I will also talk about Sir Mark Anthony Santos, who is a professor at the University of the Philippines School of Library and Information Studies. He has an interesting story because he is both a librarian and a nurse.

Discovering Authors on Asianfanfics:

Asianfanfics is a well-liked website where people can share and read fanfiction stories. It has created a lively community of writers and readers. This is where I found talented writers such as MissMinew and JungMiChan. They greatly inspired me to start writing medical fanfiction. They wrote interesting stories that combined medicine with different fandoms. These stories were both fun to read and informative. I got interested in combining my passion for medical knowledge with fictional worlds after reading their works.

The Allure of Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim:

One of the key influences on my interest in medic fanfiction was the Korean medical drama series Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim is a TV show that many people find appealing. The Korean medical drama series Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim greatly influenced my interest in medical fanfiction. This interesting show portrayed the complex lives of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers. The show explored the challenges, successes, and development of the characters while also providing knowledge about the healthcare industry. Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim had interesting and intricate plots, likable characters, and captivating medical scenarios. The show depicted the difficulties that medical professionals encounter, as well as the emotions and relationships that are fundamental to the field of medicine. The series inspired me a lot as I wrote about the connection between medicine and storytelling.

The Story of Sir Mark Anthony Santos:

Back when I was a graduating student who has a subject called Professional Review, one of the professors of UPSLIS (UP School of Library and Information Studies), who did a review with us, shared a story that inspired me more to be a librarian in the medical field. Sir Mark merged his degree of Nursing and Librarianship together and practiced Clinical Librarianship at Neurocritical Care Unit in St. Luke's Medical Center in Quezon City, Philippines. He related his story on how he worked alongside doctors, going on rounds with them and just basically being like a doctor himself. His story inspired me to find a work as a medical librarian and work at the hospital for a change of environment. 

Another reason for me wanting to become a medical librarian is that someone very special to me is aiming to be a doctor and for that, I want to work alongside him (kinda like the KDrama Mischievous Kiss isn't it?) as well as reading novels set in the medical field. My desire to help people is even more surging, especially that a hospital is a place where people from different walks of life are seeking help.

To end this blog, writing a medical fanfic has allowed me to explore the intricate world of medicine while indulging in the joys of storytelling. The influence of talented Asianfanfics authors JungMiChan and MissMinew, coupled with the compelling narrative of Romantic Doctor, Teacher Kim, fueled my imagination and propelled me into this captivating genre. Moreover, the inspiring story of Sir Mark Santos showcased the potential collaboration between different professions within the healthcare field.

Through medical fanfiction, I aim to shed light on the complexities, challenges, and triumphs of medical professionals, the unsung heroes of society. The frontliners of the society who fought during the COVID-19 pandemic, most of which lost their battle. Saluting all those in the healthcare and medical fields, including my relatives who are healthcare and medical professionals! You are the most incredible people of society! 


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