“stop, throw away my worries, Mr. Rover” 🤛🏻


Yes you are all surprised that I updated "Dr. Byun's Prescription". I didn't forget about it, I have just been lagging on the update. Update about my life:

1. last time you've heard of me, my MacBook died. And so I had to buy a new one, and thank god all of my files were saved! I had to transfer everything into my new MacBook, so bless Apple so much. I am getting back into editing now, so watch out for some editing updates 

2. I graduated from Nursing School!! But sadly, I am not done yet lmao I still need to take my boards to officially be licensed! I've been out of school for only 2-3 weeks and have been busy with work (that's because I have so much debt to pay off lol)

3. yes to CBX like get that bread ??? SM so much that company has been since forever like how do you not pay your own artists? I hope CBX gets hella money and I do hope other artists come forward about their pay (especially NCT since I feel like they're always busy)

4. Yes I will continue to update but again, my schedule is , so don't expect it to be regularly updated. I write for fun not for pressure! 


Talk to me! Comment below about what has been happening in your life and I of course will try to respond back as always when I get on!

Stay safe and take care!! 🫶🏻🤍





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I’m so glad anytime you come back 💕 wishing you the best of everything on your boards! And look forward to reading more from you - I’m not on as often as I was so it’s really nice to see familiar authors and stories
You have so much going on! Yay!! For Apple helping you out and even bigger YAY!! on the degree!!
Let's hope CBX & EXO all tell SM to shove it's slave contract up the behind 😁

Take care as well!!