Update on my returning progress ???



No, I didn't just drop off after saying I'm back LOL

After leaving for so long, I usually like to go back to whatever ongoing stories and edit them. It helps with cleaning up grammar, replacing unfitting words or phrases with better ones, and rereading the plot so I know what's the next step. Currently editing Inevitably In Love and omg it's taking waaaaay longer than I thought. So I decided to take a little break and go write the next chapter of OPERATION: US. I remembered writing half of it like 2 years ago? BUT. That chapter is being stored in my laptop... The laptop that my younger brother took with him on his vacation... So yeah... No OPERATION til July... Sorry ;------;

And then I thought HMMMMMM maybe I should go write the next chapter of Partner From Hell. I also wrote some on it before I went on hiatus for the millionth time. Well, GUESS WHAT. THAT'S RIGHT. That chapter is ALSO IN THAT LAPTOP ;----; 

Anyways, that's what been happening... I MIGHT drop a new story just because I don't wanna update one story at a time. Who knows. That just mean more work in the future, but that's what makes this so fun for me haha

But yeah. Just dropping by real quick~ To my InInLo readers, see y'all lovelies VERY soon~



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